Comenius Fairytales

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Contents Estonia...4 Jalgpalli seiklused...4 Adventures of the football...6 Uskuja, Lootusrikas ja Armastav...8 Believer, Hopeful and Loving...14 Germany...21 Der kleine Prinz Phillip...21 Little Prince Philipp...22 Mascha und der Bär...23 Mascha And The Bear...24 Hungary...26 Tündérmese...26 Fairydom...27 Artemisz...28 Recipe for Love...32 Italy... 37 Eric e Jane...37 Eric and Jane...39 LO STRANO CASO DI PRIMAVERA...41 The strange case of spring...43 Lithuania...46 Miško paukšte...46 Mysterious birdie...47 Troliai...48 Trolls...50 Poland...52 KOPCIUSZEK DAWNIEJ I DZIŚ...52 Cinderella past and now...56 Smok...63 Dragon...65 Romania...68 Destine Colorate...68 Colorful destinies...70 Bine sau rău?...73 Right or wrong?...76 Slovakia...80 INÁ DIMENZIA...80 THE OTHER DIMENSION...84 COKOLÁDA NAD ZDRAVÍCKOVOM...88


Estonia Jalgpalli seiklused S eitsme maa ja mere taga, suure mäe otsas oli imeilus loss. Lossis, nagu tavaliselt, elasid inimesed, kellest osa olid tähtsamad, osa vähemtähtsad, aga vajalikud olid need inimesed kõik selle lossi jaoks. Lossis oli suur saal, milles ühes kapis klaasi taga seisis üks Pall, kelle suurimaks sooviks oli, et temaga veel vähemalt ühe korra mängitakse. Palli päevad möödusid klaasi taga lebades, mõtiskledes ja nukrutsedes. Päevast päeva mõtles ta sellest, kuidas temaga kunagi mängiti. Need mälestused olid nii selgesti meeles, nagu oleks kõik alles eile juhtunud. Nii Pall mõtleski, kuidas ta saaks klaasi tagant välja uuesti väljakule veerema. Hästi harva juhtus, et Palli omanik käis teda katsumas. Pall oleks tahtnud väga maha lipsata ning veereda üle suurte põrandate välja murule ja sealt edasi ja edasi. Siiski ei söendanud Pall omaniku juurest ära minna, mingi austus oli tal peremehe suhtes. Kord proovis Pall maha hüpata ja juba oli ta veerenud päris pika maa mööda maja, kuid talle jõuti järele ja lukustati uuesti klaasi taha. Ühel päeval aga, kui valge põllega inimene käis seda kappi, kus Pall sees oli, koristamas, jättis ta selle ukse õige pisut lahti. Kui Pall seda märkas, sai ta aru, et see on tema ainuke võimalus igavast klaasitagusest elust minema saada. Pealegi ei olnud see ju omanik, kes ukse lahti jättis, seega ei veere ta minema omaniku juurest. Pall kasutas enda ainukest võimalust minema saamiseks. Hopsti oli ta põrandal, mõne veeremisega juba välisterrassil ja sealt aias. Juba vuhises tuul Pallist mööda, kui ta lossimäest alla veeres. Pall veeres ja veeres. Ta ei suutnud silmata, mis temast mööda vihisevad. Lõpuks, ühe suure kivi juures, jäi pall seisma. Ta vaatas tagasi ja nägi kaugel eemal mäe otsas lossi tibatillukest täppi. Järsku niheles keegi Palli külje all. Pall pööras end ringi ja nägi enda ees suurt sammaldunud kivilahmakat, kes mühatas: Kes sa, väike valge muna, oled, et minule, suurele Kivimürakale, kõdi teed? Miks sa minu külje all pusid? Pall ehmatas seda madalat kivihäält kuuldes, kuid vastas siiski: Ma olen täiesti tavaline pall, keda hüütakse Palliks. Ma elasin lossis seal mäe otsas. Pall rääkis Kivimürakale oma loo, kuidas ta lossis elas ja miks ta sealt ära veerenud oli. Kivimürakas oli pikalt vait nagu kivikuju. Siis aga ütles: Kallis poiss, see on sinust tark tegu, et ära tulid. Kui oled paigal, siis ei juhtugi muud, kui sulle kasvab sammal selga ja ongi kogu lugu. Veerevale kivile sammal selga ei kava. Sedasi ütles juba minu vanaisa. Pall tänas viisakalt Kivimürakat ja veeres edasi. Pall oli veerenud õige mitu aega. Õnneks polnud Pallil kõhu pärast vaja muretseda. Pallid ju ei söö. Oli möödunud juba mitu ööd ja päeva, vast ehk ka kuid ja nädalaid. Võib-olla isegi aastaid. Pall ei olnud enam nii valge, kui kapis olles, kuid terve ja reibas oli ta endiselt. Ta oli näinud palju maid ja palju meresid, palju mägesid ja palju orge. Pall oli kogunud palju tarkust ja tema silmaring oli laienenud. Estonia page 4 / 109

Päike paistis ja linnud laulsid. Ka palli tuju oli rõõmus ja ta veeres päris kiiresti edasi. Ühel hetkel aga peatus ta rohumaa ääres. See oli tegelikult pallile väga tuttav, selline piirjoontega ja kummassegi äärde olid üles sätitud suured postid, millele oli võrk peale laotatud. Loomulikult oli see armastatud jalgpalliväljak. See koht, kus olid Palli kõige ilusamad hetked möödunud. Väljakul mängis palju inimesi, neil oli käsil põnev heitlus. Pall sättis end väljaku äärde mängu jälgima. Eemal pinkidel vedeles paks Kõuts, kes ka aeg-ajalt mängu kommenteeris: Oh, nad ei saa ju, kui nad jalgu ei liiguta ja Tundub, et täna ei ole nende päev. Palli segas õige pisut Kõutsi kommenteerimine, aga ta otsustas kassiga veidi jalgpallist rääkida. Pall rääkis ka oma kogemusest palliväljakul. Samal hetkel lendas üle nende teine pall, otse väljakult metsa. Kõuts lausus: Magavale kassile hiir suhu ei jookse. Mine, Pall, ja näita, mida sa oskad. Mine, mine. Ära karda. Pall mõtles hetke ja hüppas hoogsalt väljakule. Mäng läks edasi, nagu poleks vahepeal midagi juhtunudki. Ja siis see tuli. Magus ja hoogne hoop ja lend väravasse võis alata, veidi vingerdamist ja hurraaaa VÄRAV! Kapten tuli, võttis Palli sülle, teda anti käest kätte. Kõik patsutasid teda sõbralikult. Kapten ütles aga valju häälega: Selle palli me jätame võidumängudeks. Kohtleme teda sõbralikult ja ärme laseme tal palju puhata, muidu unustab mängu ära. Kõik naersid ja olid väga rõõmsad. Pall aga mõtles tagasi oma minevikule, kohtumisele Kivimürakaga ja Kõutsiga. Nad oleksid nagu tema saatust ette teadnud. Kes püüab kõigest väest, saab üle igast mäest. Ja jõuab unistustele lähemale, mõtles Pall. Mart Niidas 17 aastane Muinasjutt oli esitatud lasteaias 17. jaanuar 2015 Kalda 11, Kärdla 92413 Estonia page 5 / 109

Melissa Miil Adventures of the football. F ar far away, on top of a big mountain, there was a beautiful castle. In the castle, as is usual, there lived people. Some of them were more important, some less than others, but they were all needful for the castle. There was a big hall in the castle. In the big hall there was a cupboard with a Ball in it. The Ball's biggest wish was that someone would play with him one last time. Most of the Ball s days passed by pondering, feeling sad and lying behind the glass. Day by day he was thinking about how he used to be played with. He remembered it as clearly as if it had happened yesterday. So the Ball was thinking, how he could get out of the cupboard to roll over the field again. The Ball's owner happened to come seldom to feel him. The Ball would have wanted to slip away, roll over the large floors to the lawn and onward and onward. However, the Ball didn't dare to leave, because he still respected his owner. Once, the Ball tried to jump off, but he was caught and locked behind the glass again. One day a person with a white apron came to clean the cupboard and left the door open a little bit. The Ball noticed it and understood that it was his only chance to get away from this boring life. Besides, it wasn't his owner, who had left the door open so he would not escape from him. The Ball used his only chance to get away. Hop and the Ball was on the floor, with some roll on the outdoor terrace and from there in the garden. He could feel the wind swishing by, when he was rolling down the castle hill. The Ball rolled and rolled on. He couldn't even notice all these things that were swishing by. At last he stopped by a big rock. He looked back and could barely see a tiny dot of the castle on top of a faraway mountain. Estonia page 6 / 109

Suddenly the Ball felt that somebody was fidgeting by his side. He turned around and could see a huge mossy rock in front of him, who rumbled, Who are you, a little white egg to tickle me, the big Mighty Rock? Why are you fussing by my side? The Ball was frightened by the Rock's low rumbling voice, but answered still, I am an ordinary ball, who is called the Ball. I lived in the castle on top of that mountain. The Ball told the Mighty Rock his story how he lived in the castle and why he rolled away. The Mighty Rock was as quiet as a stone statue for a long time. Then he said, Dear boy, it was a very smart decision to leave. When you stand in the same place all the time then moss will grow on your back and that is the only thing that would happen to you. Moss won't grow on a rolling stone. That is what mymgrandpa said. The Ball thanked the Mighty Rock politely and rolled on. The Ball had rolled for quite some time already. Luckily the Ball did not have to worry about being hungry. Balls do not eat. Several days and nights had already passed, maybe even weeks and months. Maybe even years. He was not as white as he used to be in the cupboard, but he was still healthy and spry. He had seen many countries and seas, a lot of mountains and valleys. He had gained a lot of wisdom and widened his horizon. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. The Ball was also happy and was rolling on pretty fast. Suddenly he stopped near the grass field. It was actually quite familiar to the Ball. It had white borders and there were big posts with a net on them at both ends of the field. Of course it was his beloved football field. It was the place, where the most wonderful moments of the Ball had passed. A lot of people played in the field and they were in the middle of the match. The Ball sat at the edge of the field and watched the match intensively. A bit further, on the benches, there was a fat Tomcat who commented on the game from time to time, Oh, they cannot do it if they do not move their feet and It seems that it is not their day today. The Ball was somehow disturbed by the Tomcat's comments, but he decided to try and talk to him about football a little. Amongst other things the Ball talked about his experience in the football field. As he was speaking another ball flew right over them from the field into the forest. The Tomcat said, The sleeping cat catches no mouse. Go, Ball, and show them what you've got. Go, go. Don't be afraid. The Ball pondered a little and dashed into the field. The game continued as if nothing had happened. And then it happened; a sweet and strong hit and the flight into the gate could begin. A little bit of wriggling and hurraaaaay- a GOAL! The captain came, picked the Ball up, and he was handed from hand to hand. Everybody patted him friendly. Meanwhile, the captain said in a loud voice, We will leave this ball for our winning matches. We will treat him friendly and let him not rest too much, otherwise he will forget the game. Everybody laughed and was very happy. But the Ball was thinking about his past, the meeting with a Mighty Rock and Tomcat. It was as if they had known his future. Who tries hard can pass every obstacle. And gets closer to his dreams, thought the Ball. Mart Niidas grade 12 The fairytale was read out in the kindergarten on 17 January 2015, Kalda St.11, Kärdla 92413 Estonia page 7 / 109

Uskuja, Lootusrikas ja Armastav Ü hes väikeses külas seitsme maa ja mere taga elas kord noor puuraidur Jakob koos oma naise Lindaga. Noored olid äsja abiellunud ja kuna kumbki neist polnud just jõukast perekonnast pärit, elasid nad väga lihtsalt. Väike tareke, põllulapp ja majariistad ning kirves puude raiumiseks oli kõik, mis neil oli. Varahommikust saadik töötas Jakob metsas, et elatist teenida, Linda pidas väikese majapidamise üksinda säravas korras ning talitas nende ainsat lehma. Aga nad olid õnnelikud, õnnelikumad kui keegi teine selles külas, sest nad olid noored, terved ja armunud ning läksid lootusrikkalt vastu igale päevale, oodates vaid parimat. Kui puuraiduri naine paar kuud peale pulmi lapseootele jäi, ei suutnud nad midagi kaunimat ette kujutadagi. Puuraidur valmistas ilusa hälli, millele ta õhtuti kaunistusi peale nikerdas. Naine kudus ja õmbles iga päev, kogudes suurde riidekirstu üha rohkem pisikesi sokke, sipupükse ja mähkmeid. Kuud läksid ja Linda kõht aina paisus. Kui aeg täis sai, sünnitas ta nende mõlema suureks üllatuseks kolmikud! Esimesel ööl, kui kolm poissi kurnatud Linda kaisus magasid, kopsis Jakob oma pisikeses töökojas hälle kokku. Ühel päeval, kui lapsed olid kolmepäevased ja ema nendega üksi kodus oli, koputas õhtupoolikul keegi tare uksele. Kui Linda ukse avas, nägi ta oma üllatuseks täiesti võõrast vana naist. Tundmatu oli väga väikest kasvu, viletsalt riietatud ja tugevalt küürus. Andestust, hea emand... leidub teil ehk tassitäis vett teekäijale? küsis ta tasasel, kuid kindlal häälel ning vaatas Lindale sügavalt silma. Võõra pilk hämmastas naist. See oli sügav, soe ja tark ning tema silmades kumas mingi seletamatu kirkus. Jah, muidugi! viipas Linda eidekesele, et too sisse astuks. Ulatanud teekäijale kruusitäie vett, pakkus perenaine talle ka tükki leiba värske võiga. Eideke võttis pakutu tänulikult vastu ja sõi vaikselt leivatükki, samal ajal oma teraste silmadega noorpaari lihtsat elamist vaadeldes. Andestust Ma näen, et teil on kolm vastsündinut majas ja ruumi vähe, aga kas võiksite mulle üheks ööks peavarju anda? Võin põrandal magada, kuid ma ei tunne siin külas kedagi ja tänase päevaga ma järgmisesse külla ei jõua. Tasuks pole mul ka midagi anda, kuid arvan, et teate, kes tasub neile, kes teevad heategusid puhtast südamest. Heasüdamlik Linda oli kohe nõus, kuigi pidi hetk hiljem südamevärinaga mõtlema sellele, et neil pole eidekesele tõesti muud magamisaset pakkuda kui põrand. Kogu aja kuni Jakobi kojujõudmiseni jälgis eideke vaikselt, kuidas Linda kolmikutega tegeles. Kui ükski neist nutma hakkas, oli Linda kohe kohal, et lohutada, äiutada, unelaulu laulda. Kõik lapsed olid kogu aeg puhtad ja söödetud, kuigi ema ise oli sünnitusest veel silmnähtavalt väsinud. Seal, kus võimalik, aitas ka külaline majapidamistöödega kaasa, mis oli Lindale ilmselgeks kergenduseks. Kui puuraidur ise koju jõudis, mõistis ta olukorda naise paluvast pilgust. Ta oli juba tuttav oma abikaasa hella südamega, pealegi oli ta ise samamoodi aus ja armastav inimene. Sel ööl magas eideke Linda kõrval voodis, kuna peremees leppis põrandale laotatud tekiga. Järgmisel hommikul, kui Jakob oli juba varakult metsa läinud ja kaks naist koos hommikust söönud, tõusis eideke laua tagant, vaatas pikalt ja hoolivalt magavaid poisse ja lausus: Aitäh, hea perenaine. Mul on nüüd aeg minna. Siin majas oli mul hea aeg ja ma näen, et siin on palju armastust. Et sa hea inimene oled, kes näeb ja mõistab, mis on oluline, võin ma sulle öelda üht-teist su tuleviku kohta. Sa ei näe seda veel, kuid nende kolme lapsega saab sinul ja su mehel palju muret olema. Kuid ära karda! Ükski mure pole liiast sellele, kes teab seda, mida tead sina. Neist lastest saab teil ka palju rõõmu olema. Ja ühel päeval varjutab rõõm kogu mure. Hoidke kinni armastusest ja tõest. Estonia page 8 / 109

Ärge kartke. Ning kauni, kogu nägu valgustava naeratuse saatel astus eideke uksest välja. Linda imestas ja pani võõra sõnad oma südamesse tallele. Kui poisid kasvasid, hakkasid mured, millele vana naine vihjanud oli, nähtavale tulema. Kõigepealt panid Linda ja Jakob tähele, et üks lastest ei reageerinud ühelegi helile. Peagi sai selgeks, et üks ta vendadest ei näinud isegi ta nina ees lehvitatavat kätt. Kui vennakesed käima õppisid, tuli välja, et ühe poja kõver jalg, mis vanematele juba beebieas muret tegi, ei lase tal korralikult kõndida. Arst, kes sai kohale tulla alles mitme kuu pärast, arvas, et poiss jääbki lonkama. Kogu külarahvas oli jahmunud. Pime, kurt ja lombakas ühes peres! ahhetasid külanaised. Kuidas Linda ja Jakob sellega küll hakkama saavad? Ega neil kerge polnud. Pikka aega olid nad segaduses ning ehmunud. Lõpuks aga otsustasid nad leppida sellega, et kõige põhjusi ei saagi teada ning ütlesid üksteisele: Ega me neid ju selle pärast vähem ei armasta! Pealgi pole keegi öelnud, et laste kasvatamine peab kerge olema. Vennad kasvasid õnnelikeks poisteks. Kõik panid tähele, et kehalistest puudustest hoolimata olid kõigil suurepärased iseloomud ning enim silmatorkavate omaduste järgi hakati pimedat venda kutsuma Uskujaks, kurti Lootusrikkaks ja lonkurit Armastavaks. Üksteisega said nad hästi läbi, leppides kiiresti peale tülisid ja aidates teineteist kõiges. Lootusrikkaga suhtlemiseks leiutati kiiresti kätemärkide ja viibete süsteem, nii et kui teised kaks õppisid rääkima, õppis kogu pere ühtlasi ka Lootusrikkaga suhtlema. Uskuja õppis kiiresti mõistma maailma enda ümber sõrmede ja kõrvade abil. Armastav aga oli oma vendadele silmadeks ja kõrvadeks kõikjal, kus nende enda oskustest väheks jäi. Aastad möödusid. Kui kolmikud olid 16-aastased, tabas nende koduküla viljaikaldus. Peale rasket talve saabus järjekordne kuum ja kuiv suvi, mille tõttu viljapead üsna kängu jäid. Ainus põld kogu külas, mis hästi vilja kandis, oli puuraidur Jakobi põllulapp metsaservas. Lõikuse ajal imestas kogu küla ning iga päev tegi keegi Jakobiga juttu, et teada saada, mis on ta hea viljasaagi saladus. Puuraidur aga vandus, et ei teinud midagi teistmoodi kui eelmistel aastatel. Ausad inimesed uskusid teda ja imestasid omaette. Need aga, kes pidasid kõiki teisi sama ebaausateks, kui nad ise olid, olid surmkindlad, et vaesel metsamehel on mingi suur saladus, mida too teistega jagada ei raatsi, ning kandsid südames tema peale vimma. Kui kasin lõikus oli kokku pandud ja terve küla tegi süngelt ettevalmistusi järjekordseks näljatalveks, ütles Uskuja ühel päeval: Kuulge, vennad! Meie põld oli ainuke, mis sel aastal hästi vilja kandis. Ometi on muld kogu külas sarnane, vett ei saanud siin kuidagi rohkem olla, kuivõrd me künka otsas asume ja külvasime kevadel isaga koos ka nii nagu alati. Kui me teaks, mis pani meie põllu vilja kandma, võiksime järgmisel aastal ehk tervele külale parema viljasaagi kinkida! Läheme õige ja otsime üles mõne põllutarga, kes meile ütleks, mida tuleb teha, et põllud järgmisel aastal kindlasti vilja kannaks! Muidugi! vastas Armastav. Süda murduks, kui peaks veel kolmandagi talve nägema kõiki naabreid niimoodi vaevlemas. Lootusrikas aga viiples: Kui me saladuse teada saame, ei pea ema enam ühtki aganaleivapätsi küpsetama, väikesed tüdrukud naabertalus ei muutu kevadeks kõhnaks ega kahvatuks ja nende vanaema võib kokkuhoitud viljaraha eest osta endale suurendusklaasi, millega ta Piiblit lugeda näeks! Läheme kohe! Aga kuhu me üldse minema peaksime? Siin jäid vennad nõutuks. Armastav liipas ruttu isa juurde, kes tule ees lusikat voolis, ning küsis: Isa, kes teab põllupidamisest rohkem kui keegi teine kogu maal? - Kuninga peaaednik ja põldude ülevaataja, kes elab suures kuningalinnas, vastas Jakob. Mis sul sest? - Me läheme tema juurde ja küsime, mis Estonia page 9 / 109

pani meie põllu vilja kandma. Nii saame järgmisel aastal kogu küla aidata ja keegi ei pea enam näljas olema! teatas Armastav otsustavalt. Milline mure vajus nüüd ema-isa südameile! Nad teadsid, et kui poisid midagi nõuks võtavad, siis selle juurde nad ka jäävad. Ümber veenmine oli võimatu. Peale pikka südamevalu ja mitut vaidlust otsustasid vanemad lõpuks oma lapsi usaldada ja lubada neil kuninga peaaednikku otsima minna. Vennad olid ülirõõmsad, pakkisid igaüks oma kompsu hädavajalikuga ja otsustasid juba järgmisel hommikul minema hakata. Järgmisel päeval asusidki kolmikud juba varahommikul oktoobrikuises vihmasajus teele. Nende ainuke juhtnöör oli külast välja viiv suur maantee, mida mööda minnes pidi isa mälestuste kohaselt viimaks kuningalinna välja jõudma. Uskuja hoidis kinni Lootusrikka õlast, kes talle teed näitas, ning Armastav liipas karguga nende taga. Niimoodi tasapisi edenedes jõudsid nad õhtuks suurte teede ristumiskohta, väikesesse, kuid elavasse kaubalinna. Nad otsustasid öömajale jääda kõrtsi, mis asus täpselt linna keskel kuningalinna viiva maantee ääres. Õhtusöögi ajal istus nende lauda üks neist noorem kõhn ja kahvatu poiss, kes selleks esmalt arglikult luba palus. Otsekui häbenedes näris ta oma kuiva leivakääru ja piilus kolme venda, kes omavahel rõõmsalt jutlesid-viiplesid. Armastav oli see, kes lõpuks tema poole pöördus ja küsis: Tervist, mis su nimi on? Poiss vaatas närviliselt enda ümber ja sosistas: Tasane. - Meie siin oleme Armastav, Uskuja ja Lootusrikas, viipas Armastav kordamööda endale ja vendadele. Me läheme kuningalinna ja ööbime selles kõrtsis, jätkas Uskuja. Kas sina ka? Tasane lõi pilgu maha ja raputas pead. Jah ja ei, sosistas ta. Ma lähen kuningalinna, viin sinna kirju. Aga ma ei ööbi selles kõrtsis, sest mul pole millegagi maksta. Teeröövlid võtsid üleeile kogu mu raha, lausus ta nii vaikselt, et ka kuuljatel vendadel oli raskusi temast aru saamisega. Kui poiss oli lõpetanud, ütles Uskuja: Aga kindlasti võime me ka sinu eest maksta, kas pole nii, vennad? Tee on meil niikuinii sama, nii et miks mitte kokku hoida? Ega meiegi rikkad pole, aga küllap see, kes meid on sünnist saadik hoidnud ja kes meid teekonnal nii kaugele on toonud, meid nüüdki aitab ja hoiab. Pärast pisikest kõhklusehetke olid teised vennad temaga rõõmuga nõus. Järgmisel päeval teed käies rääkis Armastav uuele kaaslasele Tasasele nende teekonna põhjusest ja eesmärgist. Kuuldes, et vennad otsivad kuninga peaaednikku ning on veidi mureski, sest ei tea, kuidas nii suures linnas nii tähtsa inimese jutule pääseda, hüüatas ta rõõmust. Tema juurde lähen ju minagi! Ta on mu ristiisa ja teiste kirjade seas on mul ka talle kodukülast saadetis, seletas poisike õhinal. Vennad puhkesid suurest kergendusest ja rõõmust naerma. Ja mõelda vaid, et me võisime veel veidike kahelda, kas Tasase kaasavõtmine seda väärt on ohkas Armastav. Rõõmsalt jutustades jõudsid nad õhtul järgmisesse linna, mis oli juba tunduvalt suurem. Öömajale jäämiseks leidsid nad väikese, eelmisele sarnase kõrtsi. Õhtusööki süües kordus sama, mis eelmiselgi õhtul, kuid seekord liitus nendega pikkade heledate juustega väikest kasvu tüdruk, kes kandis seljas suurt korvi. Olekult oli ta vähemalt sama arglik kui Tasane eelmisel õhtul, söögipoolist aga ei paistnud tal midagi olevat. Jällegi oli Armastav see, kes lõpuks juttu alustas ning tüdrukult küsis, kes ta on ja kuhu läheb. Minu nimi on Häbelik, sosistas tüdrukuke. Ma lähen kuningalinna, et viia oma pere lammaste villast tehtud lõnga oma tädile, kes on suures linnas kangur. Kas sa süüa soovid? küsis Uskuja sõbralikult. Häbelik noogutas. Paksu võikihiga leivakääru süües julges temagi lõpuks avaldada, et tuli kõrtsi vaid sooja saama ning ei või ööseks jääda, kuna tal pole üldsegi raha. Vennad Estonia page 10 / 109

vaatasid üksteisele otsa ja mõistsid teineteist sõnadetagi. Niimoodi on üsna kindel, et meil ei jätku rahast ka tagasitulekuks. Aga kõik võib ju imehästi minna, ja kui meid siiani nii imeliselt hoitud on, kas ei peaks me siis edaspidigi lootma? rääkis Lootusrikas oma märgikeeles. Vennad mõtlesid veidi ja noogutasid siis. Lapsed, kes viiplemisest midagi aru ei saanud, vaatasid kolmikutele kordamööda segaduses otsa. Kui tahad, võid edasi tulla koos meiega, Häbelik, sõnas Uskuja. Me kõik läheme niikuinii kuningalinna ja me võime maksta ka sinu öömaja eest. Ilmad on juba liiga külmad, et väljas magada, pealegi võib sellise suure maantee ääres juhtuda mida tahes. Häbelik naeratas ujedalt ja noogutas. Aitäh! sõnas ta tasakesi ja sõi tänulikult oma leivakääru. Järgmisel päeval teed käies hüüatas Tasane järsku üht teeristi ära tundes: Näete! Me jõuame juba täna hilisõhtul kuningalinna, ma tunnen seda kohta! Julgustatuna astus seltskond aina edasi ja just enne päikeseloojangut jõudsidki nad kuningalinna. Nad olid viimased, kes enne väravate sulgemist sisse pääsesid. Nüüd aga tuli otsida öömaja. Nad astusid sisse esimesse kõrtsi, mille teelt leidsid, ning küsisid magamiskoha hinda. Uskuja, kelle käes oli rahakott, luges mündid neid sõrmitsedes üle ja muutus süngeks. Ei piisa, viiele kindlasti mitte, lausus ta tõsiselt. Siis aga hakkas väike Häbelik erutunult rääkima: Aga mu tädi ju elab siin linnas! Kindlasti annab ta öömaja meile kõigile. Ruumi on küll vähem kui kõrtsis, aga raha ei taha ta selle eest kindlasti mitte! Rõõmuga võtsid vennad tüdruku pakkumise vastu ning järgnesid talle, kui ta kitsaste tänavate rägastikus teed hakkas otsima. Lootus ei vea alt! viipas Lootusrikas vendadele. Juba päris pimedas jõudsid nad Häbeliku tädi juurde, kes kolmikuid südamest tänas õetütre oma hoole alla võtmise ning tema raske lõngakorvi kandmise eest. Lahkelt pakkus ta teelistele kõiki tekke ja madratseid, mida oma kodust leidis ning tegi neile nii mugavad asemed, kui pisikeses majas kõvade põrandate peal vähegi võimalik. Järgmisel hommikul peale Häbeliku tädi poolt pakutud hommikusööki asusid Uskuja, Lootusrikas, Armastav ja Tasane teele kuningalossi poole, kus Tasane teadis peaaedniku leiduvat. Lossiväravate ees nägid nad maas istuvat vana naist, kes meeleheitliku pilguga väravateni viivat teed jälgis ning teeliste ilmudes erutunult püsti hüppas ja neile vastu komberdama hakkas. Head noorhärrad! hüüdis ta juba kaugelt. Halastage vaese lesknaise peale! Võtke mind endaga lossi kaasa, öelge, et olen koos teiega! Vahepeal naiseni jõudnud Armastav küsis imestunult: Milles asi? Miks ei või te üksi lossi minna? Vana naine ohkas ja hakkas seletama: Vaadake, valvurid ei taha lossi lasta kedagi, kel pole kas saatekirja või vähemalt kindla ametimehe nime, kelle juurde minna tahetakse. Mul on vaja rääkida kellegagi, kes võiks mulle lubada pisukese aialapikese kuninga kartulipõllu nurgast. Mu aiamaa oli mu ainuke elatisallikas, kuni ühel päeval tulid kuberneri mehed ja selle koos suure lahmaka ümbritseva maaga kuninga kartulipõlluks eraldasid. Proovisin käia kuberneri jutul, kuid ta on tige ja südametu mees. Olen kuulnud, et see, kes tegelikult kuninga aedade ja põldude eest vastutab, on hea mees, kuid ma ei tea isegi ta ametinimetust, nimest rääkimata! Tasase nägu lõi särama: Aga just selle mehe juurde me kõik lähemegi! See, keda otsite, on Magnus Randolf Pirnipuu, kuninga peaaednik ja põldude ülevaataja, seletas ta õhinal. Eideke vaatas imestunult ka kolmikute otsa. Nii see on, noogutas Armastav. Tulge lihtsalt koos meiega! Naine näis ehmununa, kuigi just seda oli ta hetk tagasi ise palunud. Aga kui valvur mind ära tunneb, võib ta teidki minema ajada. Olete ikka kindlad, et tahate mind kaasa võtta? küsis ta ebalevalt. Aga ta ei saa ju, kui te teate, kelle juurde minna tahate! Muidugi võite koos meiega tulla! hüüdis Armastav, pilguga vendadelt kinnitust otsides. Uskuja ja Lootusrikas noogutasid aeglaselt, südamevärinast hoolimata. Kui nad nüüd lossist tagasi saadetaks, oleks kogu reis luhta läinud ja nad ei saakski oma naabreid aidata. Aga nad ei saanud kuidagi ka seda vanakest väravate taha jätta. Noormehed Estonia page 11 / 109

võtsid südame rindu ja koputasid valvurimaja uksele. Väravavalvur kuulas nende juttu, vaatas hoolikalt Tasase kirja ning uuris pikalt vanaeidekest, kes tema pilgu all silmnähtavalt värises. Viimaks ulatas ta härra Pirnipuule adresseeritud kirja Tasasele tagasi, kortsutas kulmu ja andis teistele valvuritele käsu värava avamiseks. Teelised ei osanud suurest tänulikkusest midagi ette võtta ja läksid väravatest läbi nii kiiresti kui suutsid, rõõmsameelne Tasane kõige ees, Lootusrikas ja talle nõjatuv Uskuja tema järel ning karguga Armastav ning lesknaine longates kõige viimasena. Viimaks peaaedniku majakeseni jõudes oli Tasane esimene, kes sisse läks. Teised ootasid ukse taga lossiaeda imetledes, kuni poiss lõpuks rõõmsalt tagasi tuli. Minge teie enne, lausus Armastav eidekesele, kes soovitust pikema puiklemiseta kuulda võttis. Kui naine aedniku majja oli läinud ja Tasane kusagil aias ringi uitas, ütles lonkur vendadele: Me alustasime seda teekonda hoolimise pärast. Kui me nüüd ei hooliks neist, kes on siin meie ees, oleks see ju õigupoolest võlts. - Olen nõus, ütles Uskuja. Lootusrikas lihtsalt noogutas ja naeratas säravate silmadega, kui oli mõlema venna käemärke lugenud. Lõpuks väljus ka eideke rõõmsalt aedniku juurest, näidates kotitäit seemneid ja aiatööriistu, mille ta aednikult veel peale aialapi lubamise kingiks oli saanud. Tema edust rõõmustatuna läksid vennad härra Pirnipuu väikese ajamaja uksest sisse, et rääkida ka oma lugu. Majakeses võttis neid vastu suurt kasvu hallipäine sõbraliku pilguga mees, kes pakkus neile istet ja istus ka ise lihtsale toolile, et nende lugu ära kuulata. Kui vennad kolme peale oma tuleku põhjuse lahti said seletatud, muheles ta ning lausus: Tegelikult kuulsin ma teie lugu juba Tasaselt. Aga ma tahtsin ka teid ennast näha ja kuulda teie versiooni asjast. Nüüd olen ma täiesti kindel, et olete head inimesed, kes on väärt oma nimesid. Ja teie põld? Aednik hakkas sõbralikult naerma. Just nimelt teie uskumise, armastamise ja lootmise pärast kandis teie põld hästi vilja. Miski ei pane taimi, loomi ega inimesi paremini kasvama kui armastus. Ükski tera ei anna rohkem saaki kui see, mis on külvatud uskudes. Ning ükski põld ei ole viljakam kui see, mida pidevalt kastetakse kindla lootusega, et see hakkab vilja kandma. See ongi teie põllu saladus. Vennad istusid pahviks lööduna ning maigutasid vaid suud. Aga kuidas me selle naabritele selgeks teeme? Ja kuidas me paneme need, kes meie peale kadedad on, seda uskuma, et ka nemad hea saagi võiksid saada? Härra Pirnipuu naeratas laialt. Te, poisid, olete tõepoolest oma nimesid väärt. Et teie põllu saladust seletada, tulen ma ise teie külla ja selgitan asja teistele talunikele. Tagasi saate sõita minu ametitõllas, kuninga kulul. Kas saaksin veel midagi teie heaks teha? Armastav niheles veidi ning sõnas: Tegelikult jah muidugi oleme me juba sellegi eest tohutult tänulikud ja ei oska kuidagi teid piisavalt tänada, aga siiski kas oleks võimalik ka Tasane, Häbelik ja lesknaine koju viia? Pirnipuu hakkas südamlikult naerma. Muidugi, muidugi Ma pole näinud veel ühtki inimest, kes oma nime niivõrd vääriks kui teie kolm! Ja nii sõitiski kogu seltskond kuninga peaaedniku tõllas tagasi. Teekond, mis jalgsi võttis aega kolm päeva, sai kuningliku talli nobedate hobuste abil läbi juba sama päeva õhtuks. Kui kõik ülejäänud olid õnnelikult oma kodudesse saanud, jõudis tõld kolmikute kodukülla. Jakobi ja Linda suureks üllatuseks ööbis tähtis mees nende tagasihoidlikus kodus ja järgmisel päeval kutsuti kogu küla kokku nende õuele. Seal seletas härra Pirnipuu kõigile, kuidas puuraiduri viljaka põllu taga pole mingit muud saladust kui ta poegade usk, lootus ja armastus, mille nad teradega koos maha külvasid. Ja samamoodi külvavad nad usku, lootust ja armastust inimeste südametesse, seda Estonia page 12 / 109

olen ma ise näinud, lausus ta poistele viibates. Kuigi vigaste kehadega, on need poisid ühed targematest ja tugevamatest inimestest, keda olen kohanud. Võtke neilt õppust! lõpetas ta oma kõne. Mõned kibestunumad naabrid, kes kogu südamest tahtsid uskuda, et kõige selle taga on mõni räpane saladus, läksid puuraiduri õuelt ära vihaga, uskumata ühtki sõna, mida rääkis kuninga aednik, ning kandes südames veel suuremat vimma kolmikute ning nende vanemate vastu. Nende põllud ei hakanudki vilja kandma ning paari aasta pärast kolisid nad kuningalinna, et seal kauplemisega õnne proovida. Aga õnne ega küllust ei leidnud nad sealtki. Need aga, kes Pirnipuu sõnu tõsiselt võtsid ja ka enda põlde usus, lootuses ja armastuses hooldama hakkasid, said juba järgmisel sügisel tunduvalt parema saagi. Veel tähtsam oli see, et naabritevahelised suhted muutusid aja jooksul silmnähtavalt paremaks. Kogu küla elas paremat elu, juhindudes neist kolmest tegevusest, mida olid neile õpetanud Jakobi ja Linda vigased lapsed. Kolmikud Uskuja, Lootusrikas ja Armastav aga kasvasid tarkadeks, hoolivateks ja õnnelikeks meesteks, õppides nii vigadest kui õnnestumistest, lõid pered ning elasid sellessamas külas oma elupäevade lõpuni, õpetades oma lastele kõiki elutarkusi, mida ise õppinud olid. Linda aga mõtles pea iga päev tänutundega tundmatule, kummalise kirkusega täidetud vanale naisele, kes julgustas teda oma poegi armastusega üles kasvatama ning kelle ettekuulutus suurest rõõmust läks täpipealt täide. Adele Vaks 18 aastane Muinasjutt oli esitatud lasteaias 14. märts 2014 Kalda 11, 92413 Kärdla Estonia page 13 / 109

Taavi Toss Believer, Hopeful and Loving O nce upon a time in a country far far away there lived a young woodcutter named Jakob with his wife Linda. They had just married and since neither one of them was from a wealthy family, they led a very simple life. A small hut and a field, housewares and an axe for cutting trees was all they had. Jakob worked in the woods from dusk till dawn to earn a living, Linda kept their small home in perfect order all by herself and tended their only cow. But they were happy, happier than anyone else in that village because they were young, healthy and in love and welcomed every day in hope, expecting only the best. When the woodcutter's wife became pregnant a couple of months after the wedding, they couldn't imagine anything more beautiful. The woodcutter made a lovely cradle and spent evenings decorating it with woodcarvings. His wife knitted and sewed every day, gathering more and more tiny socks, rompers and diapers into a big chest. Months went by and Linda's belly kept swelling. When the time came, she gave birth to... triplets! They were both greatly surprised. On the first night, when the three boys were sleeping next to Linda, Jakob made cradles in his teeny workshop. Estonia page 14 / 109

One day when the children were three days old and their mother was alone with them, somebody knocked on their hut's door. When Linda opened the door, she saw a completely strange old woman, much to her surprise. The stranger was very short, shabbily dressed and severely hunched. Forgive me, gracious lady... do you have a cup of water for a wayfarer? she asked in a low, but certain voice and looked deeply in Linda s eyes. The stranger's look astonished her. It was deep, warm and wise and there was an inexplicable lucidity glowing in her eyes. Yes, of course! Linda beckoned the old lady to come in. After giving the traveller a cup of water, she offered her a slice of bread with fresh butter as well. The lady took it gratefully and silently ate her bread while looking at the young couple's simple dwelling with her attentive eyes. Pardon me... I see you have three newborn babies in the house and no room to spare, but... could you give me shelter for just one night? I can sleep on the floor - I don't know anyone in this village and I won't reach the next one today. I have nothing to pay you with, but I think you know who pays for those who do good deeds from a pure heart. Good-hearted Linda agreed at once, although just a moment later she thought with a quivering heart that they really had no other space to offer her than floor. While they were waiting for Jakob, the old lady silently watched Linda taking care of the triplets. When any of them started to cry, Linda was there right away to comfort or rock them or sing a lullaby. All three children were clean and fed all the time, although Linda herself was still visibly tired form the delivery. The guest helped with the housework where she could, which was an obvious relief to Linda. When the woodcutter came home, he understood the situation from the pleading look of his wife. He knew his spouse's tender heart, besides, he was an honest and loving person, too. That night, the old lady slept in the bed next to Linda, while the master was content with a blanket spread on the floor. The next morning, when Jakob had left for work early in the morning and the two women had had breakfast together, the old lady stood up from, took a long, caring look at the sleeping boys and said, Thank you, kind mistress. It's time to go now. I had a good time in this house and I see there's a lot of love here. As you are a good person who sees and understands what's important, I can tell you something about your future. You can't see it yet, but you and your husband will have a great trouble with those three kids. No worry is too much for the one who knows what you know. You will also have lots of joy from these kids. And one day, the joy will eclipse all the trouble. Hold on to love and truth. Don't be afraid. And with a beautiful smile that lit up her whole face, she stepped out of the house. Linda wondered about the stranger's words and put them aside in her heart. When the boys grew, the troubles that the old lady had hinted at started to become obvious. At first Jakob and Linda noticed that one of the children didn't react to any sounds at all. Soon it was clear that one of their sons couldn't see even a hand waved right before his eyes. When the brothers learned to walk, it turned out that the crooked leg that had worried his parents already at the infant age wouldn't let one of the sons walk properly. The doctor, who could come months later, said that the boy will always be limping. The whole village was startled. Blind, deaf and lame in one family! the women of the village gasped. How on Earth will Linda and Jakob manage with that? It wasn't easy for them. For a long time they were confused and frightened. Finally they realised that it's impossible to know the reason for everything and said to one another: We will love them no less because of that! Besides, no one has ever said that raising children has to be easy. Estonia page 15 / 109

The brothers grew up to be happy boys. Everyone noticed that regardless of their bodily impairments they had wonderful personalities. They were soon called after their most characteristic traits the blind brother was called Believer, the deaf one Hopeful and the lame one Loving. They got along well with each other, quickly making up after quarrels and helping one another in everything. A system of gestures and signs was quickly developed to interact with Hopeful, so that when the other two learned to speak, the whole family also learned to communicate with Hopeful. Believer quickly learned to understand the world around him with fingers and ears. Loving served as his brothers' eyes and ears wherever their own skills were not enough. Years passed by. When the triplets were 16 years old, their village was struck by a crop failure. After a hard winter another hot and dry summer came and ears of corn stayed small. The only field in the whole village that yielded was the woodcutter Jakob's little field by the edge of the forest. At harvest time the whole village wondered and every day someone asked Jakob about the secret of his good crop. But the woodcutter swore he didn't do anything differently than all the years before. Honest people believed him and wondered by themselves. But those who thought all others were as dishonest as themselves were absolutely sure that the poor woodcutter had a great secret that he's too stingy to share and held a grudge against him in their hearts. When the scarce crop had beed harvested and the village was gloomily preparing for another winter of hunger, Believer said one day, Hey, brothers! Our field was the only one to yield this year. But the soil is the same throughout the village, we couldn't possibly have more water since we're on the top of a hill and we sowed just like we always have with our father. If we knew what made our field fruitful, we could perhaps give the whole village a better crop next year! Let's go and find some field-wise person to tell us what we should do to make the fields fertile next year! Sure! Loving answered. It would be heart-breaking to see all our neighbours suffering like that for another winter. And Hopeful gestured, If we find out the secret, our Mom doesn't have to bake another loaf of chaff bread, little girls in the neighbouring farm won't turn lean and pale during winter and their grandmother can buy a magnifying glass for reading the Bible with the money saved! Let's go at once! But where should we go, anyway? The brothers were perplexed. Loving quickly limped to their father who was carving a spoon by the fire and asked, Dad, who knows more about farming than anyone else in the country? - The chief gardener and overseer of fields of the king, who lives in the royal city, Jakob answered. What about him? - We will go to him and ask what made our field bear fruit. Then we can help the whole village next year and nobody has to starve again! Loving declared with certainty. What a great worry now fell on the hearts of the triplets' parents! They knew that when their boys decide something, they will stick to it. Was impossible to change their minds. After a long heartache and several arguments the parents finally decided to trust their children, to let them go and search for the king's chief gardener. The brothers were overjoyed, each of them packed their bag with some necessities and they decided to start their journey the next morning. The triplets started their trip early in the morning on October rainfall. Their only guide was the big road leading out of the village that should have led to the royal city according to their father's memories. Believer was leaning on the shoulder of Hopeful who showed him the way and Loving limped behind them with a crutch. Slowly progressing Estonia page 16 / 109

they reached a great crossroads by the evening a small, but busy market town. They decided to stay the night in an inn by the road right in the middle of the town. A skinny and pale boy who seemed younger than them joined the triplets at the dinner table, shyly asking permission for that first. He chewed on his dry piece of bread like he was ashamed and glanced at the three brothers joyously talking and gesturing to each other. Loving was the one who finally turned to him and asked, Hello, what's your name? The boy looked around nervously and whispered, Timid. - We are Loving, Believer and Hopeful, Loving gestured at himself and his brothers. We're going to the royal city and staying the night here in this inn. Are you doing the same? Timid looked down and shook his head. Yes and no, he whispered. I'm going to the royal city to take some letters there. But I'm not staying in this inn because I have nothing to pay with. Robbers took all my money on the road the day before yesterday, he said in such a low voice that even the hearing brothers had a hard time understanding him. When the boy had finished, Believer said, But surely we can pay for you, too, can't we, brothers? We're going the same way, so why not stay together? We're not rich either, but surely the one who has kept an eye on us since we were born will help and keep us now, as well. After a small moment of doubt the other brothers agreed with him gladly. While walking the next day, Loving told their new companion about the reason and purpose of their journey. Hearing that the brothers were looking for the king's chief gardener, and felt a bit anxious about finding such an important man in such a large city, Timid exclaimed happily, But I'm going to him, as well! He's my godfather and among all the other letters I have something for him from my home village, as well. The brothers burst into laughter out of great relief and joy. Oh, and do think that we could doubt for a moment about whether to take Timid with us is worth it... Loving sighed. Chatting cheerfully, they reached the next town - that was remarkably bigger. For shelter they found a small inn similar to the previous one. At dinner table the same happened as last night, but this time it was a small girl with long blonde hair that joined them. On her back, she carried a big basket. She seemed at least as shy as Timid last night, but she didn't appear to have anything to eat. Again it was Loving who finally started the conversation and asked the girl who she was and where she was going. My name is Shy, the little girl whispered. I'm going to the royal city to take the yarn to my aunt, who's a weaver in the big city. Would you like to have something to eat? Believer asked in a friendly tone. Shy nodded. While eating a slice of bread with a thick layer of butter, she dared to reveal that she only came to the inn because of the warmth and she can't stay there for the night because she doesn't have any money. The brothers looked at each other and understood one another without words. This way it's sure we won't have enough money for our way back. But everything could go just wonderfully and if we've been cared for so wondrously so far, shouldn't we hope on? Hopeful said in his sign language. Brothers thought for a while and nodded. Children, who understood none of the gesturing, looked at the triplets in confusion. If you want, you can come with us, Shy, said Believer. We're all going to the royal city anyway and we can pay for your stay as well. The weather is already too cold to sleep outside, and anything could happen on a big road like that. Shy smiled coyly and nodded. Thank you! she said silently and ate her bread in gratitude. Estonia page 17 / 109

While on their way next day, Timid suddenly exclaimed, recognizing the crossroads, Look! We'll reach the royal city late in evening today, I know this place! Encouraged by that, they kept walking and just before sunset they arrived in the city. They were the last ones to get in before closing the gates. But now they had to look for a place to spend the night. They stepped into the first inn they found and asked about the price. Believer, who held the purse, counted the coins with his fingers and turned grim. Not enough, not for the five of us, he said in a serious tone. But then little Shy started to talk excitedly, But my aunt lives here in the city! I'm sure she will host us all for this night. There's less room than in the inn, but she definitely won't charge any money for that! Gladly the brothers took her offer and followed her while she looked for her way in a maze of narrow streets. Hope never fails! Hopeful gestured to his brothers. It was already dark when they arrived at Shy's aunt's place, who wholeheartedly thanked the triplets for taking care of her niece and carrying her heavy yarn basket. Kindly she gave the travelers all the blankets and mattresses she found from her house and made them as comfortable beds as she could in a tiny house on hard floors. After the breakfast offered by Shy's aunt the next morning, Believer, Hopeful, Loving and Timid got on their way towards the king's palace, where Timid knew the chief gardener to be. In front of the palace gates they saw an old woman sitting on the ground, desperately watching the road to the gates. When she saw the wayfarers, she jumped up excitedly and started to stumble towards them. Good masters! she shouted from a distance. Have mercy on a poor widow! Take me to the palace with you, tell them I'm with you! Loving, who had reached the woman in the meantime, was surprised and asked, What's the matter? Why can't you go to the palace on your own? The old lady sighed and started to explain: Look, the guards won't let anyone without a cover letter or at least the name of the placeman they want to see. I need to speak to someone who could give me a tiny little piece of land for a vegetable garden off the corner of the king's potato field. My vegetable garden was my only way of making a living, until one day the governor's men came and allocated it with a huge piece of land around it for a potato field for the king. I tried to speak to the governor, but he is an ill-natured, heartless man. I've heard that the one really responsible for king's fields and gardens is a good man, but I don't even know his job title, let alone his name! Timid's face lit up. But he's exactly the man we're all going to see! The one you're looking for is Magnus Randolph Peartree, the king's chief gardener and overseer of his fields, he explained happily. The lady looked at the triplets with astonishment. That's true, Loving nodded. Just come with us! The woman seemed frightened, although it was exactly what she'd been asking for a moment ago. But... if the guard recognises me, he could drive you off as well. Are you sure you want to take me with you? she asked tentatively. But he can't, when you know who's the one you want to see! Of course you can come with us! Loving exclaimed, asking for assurance from his brothers with his eyes. Believer and Hopeful nodded slowly, despite their trembling hearts. If they were sent back from the palace now, their whole journey would be a failure and they couldn't help their neighbours after all. Still, there was no way they could leave this old woman outside the gates. Young men gathered up their courage and knocked on the door of the gatekeeper's booth. The gatekeeper listened to them, looked carefully at Timid's letter and the little old lady, who was visibly shaking in front of him. At last he gave the letter addressed to mister Peartree back to Timid, frowned and gave the other guards a command to open the gate. The travelers didn't know what to do with all their thankfulness and went through the large gates as fast as they could cheerful Timid in the front, Believer leaning on Hopeful behind him and Loving with his crutch and the leaping widow as the last ones. Estonia page 18 / 109

When they finally reached the chief gardener's little house, Timid was the first one to go in. Others waited for him and marveled at the palace garden until the boy returned happily. You go first, Loving said to the old lady, who took his advice without arguing. When she had gone into the gardener's house and Timid was wandering somewhere in the garden, Loving told his brothers, We started this journey because we cared. If we now stopped caring about those right in front of us, it would be fake, wouldn't it? - I agree, said Believer. Hopeful simply nodded and smiled with bright eyes after reading both of his brothers' hand signs. At last the lady returned from the gardener's, cheerfully showing a bag of seeds and gardening tools that she had received from him besides the promise of getting back her garden. Glad for her success, the brothers went in through the door of mister Peartree's small house to tell their story. A tall grey-haired man with a friendly look greeted them and offered them a seat. He sat down on a simple chair to listen to their story. When the three brothers had explained why they had come, he chuckled and said, Actually I already heard your story from Timid. But I wanted to see you and hear your version of the matter. Now I'm absolutely sure that you are good people worth your names. And your field? The gardener started to laugh. It was fertile exactly because of your believing, hoping and loving. Nothing makes plants, animals and people grow better than love. No seed gives a bigger crop than the one sowed in faith. And no field is more fertile than the one constantly watered with a certain hope that it will bear fruit. That is the secret of your field. The brothers were amazed, saying nothing at first. But... how do we make it clear to our neighbours? And how do we make those who are jealous of us believe it so that they could also get a good crop? Mister Peartree smiled widely. You boys really deserve your names. To clarify the secret of your field, I will come to your village myself and explain it to the other farmers. You can ride back home in my official carriage, at the expense of the king. Is there anything else I could do for you? Loving fidgeted a bit and said, Actually, yes... of course we are immensely grateful for that already and we don't know how to thank you enough, but still... would it be possible to take Timid, Shy and the widow home as well? Peartree burst into hearty laughter. Sure, sure... I've never seen anyone deserving their names as much as you three! And so the whole company rode back in the king's chief gardener's carriage. The road that took three days on foot ended the same evening with the help of the royal stable's agile horses. When all the others had happily got to their homes, the carriage reached the triplets' home village. To the great surprise of Jakob and Linda the important man stayed the night in their modest home. Next morning the whole village was invited to their yard. There mister Peartree explained to everyone how the only secret behind the woodcutter's fertile field is the faith, hope and love that his sons sowed to the seeds. And just the same way they sow faith, hope and love into people's hearts, that I've seen with my own eyes, he said pointing at the boys. Although bodily impaired, those boys are some of the wisest and strongest people I have ever met. Learn from them! he finished his speech. Some of the bitter neighbours who wholeheartedly wished to believe that there's some kind of a dirty secret behind all that left the woodcutter's yard angrily, not believing a word the king's gardener said, holding an even bigger grudge against the triplets and their parents.their fields never started to yield and within a few years they moved to the royal city to try their hand at trade. But they didn't find happiness or wealth there either. But those who took Peartree's words seriously and began to till their land in faith, hope and love, received a remarkably bigger crop Estonia page 19 / 109

already the next autumn. What's even more important, the relationships between the neighbours turned significantly better over the course of time. The whole village lived a better life, following the three things taught by Jakob and Linda's handicapped sons. The triplets grew up to be wise, caring and happy men, learning from both failures and successes. They created their own families and lived in the same village until the end of their days, teaching their children all the wisdom they had learnt themselves. But almost every day, Linda gratefully thought about the unknown old woman filled with strange glory who encouraged her to raise her children with love and whose prediction of a great joy was precisely fulfilled. Adele Vaks grade 11 The fairytale was read out in the kindergarten 14 March 2014, Kalda St.11, Kärdla 92413 Estonia page 20 / 109

Germany Der kleine Prinz Phillip Von Mareen Koops E s war einmal in einem weit entfernten Königreich in Zeiten in denen Unmögliches möglich schien. Dort lebte der kleine Prinz Phillip zusammen mit seinem Vater, dem König, in einem prächtigen Schloss auf einer schönen Lichtung. Aber der König war immer sehr beschäftigt und hatte kaum Zeit für seinen Sohn, auch das Schloss durfte der Prinz nie verlassen. Phillip fühlte sich einsam, er doch schon groß und stark, sah sein Vater das etwa nicht? In wenigen Tagen fand das große Schwertkampfturnier auf dem Hofe statt, dort wollte Prinz Phillip auch mitkämpfen. Doch der König war dagegen. Mein Sohn, sagte er. Du bist noch zu jung, trainier weiter, Phillip, vielleicht bist du im nächsten Jahr stark genug. Prinz Phillip war wütend. Wieso traut mir Vater nicht zu auf dem Turnier zu kämpfen, fragte er sich. Und nie hört er mir zu. Vater würde es nicht mal bemerken, wenn ich weglaufen würde., murmelte Phillip vor sich hin. Der Prinz watete ab, bis es Nacht war und schlich sich aus dem Schloss. Er wusste nicht, wohin er gehen sollte, also ging er immer weiter tief in den Wald hinein. Doch diese Nacht war besonders, denn es war Vollmond, an dem alle Zauberlehrlinge zum Blocksberg wanderten. So kam es, dass ein Zauberlehrling bei seiner Nachtwanderung den wütenden Prinzen im Wald entdeckte und ihn interessiert beobachtete. Doch Prinz Phillip spürte den Blick in seinem Rücken, schnell richtete er sich auf und zog sein Schwert. Hey, wer ist da? Zeig dich!, forderte er. Ein Busch fing an zu rascheln und der Zauberlehrling kam zum Vorschein. Ich heiße Filius und bin auf dem Weg zum Blocksberg, es ist doch Vollmond., gab sich der Zauberlehrling zu erkennen. Prinz Phillip zog sein Schwert zurück und betrachtete Filius neugierig, denn er hatte noch nie einen Zauberer gesehen. Also lud der Prinz den Zauberlehrling zu einem Mitternachtsessen ein. Der Zauberlehrling war ein guter Zuhörer, deshalb erzählte Phillip ihm von seinem Vater. Ach, sagte Filius. das ist doch kein Problem, ich werde dir helfen. Der Zauberlehrling hatte einen Plan. Sie verabredeten sich für den Morgen vor dem Turnier. Die beiden Freunde verabschiedeten sich und gingen ihre eigenen Wege weiter. Filius ging Richtung Blocksberg, wo die anderen Zauberer schon auf ihn warteten und der Prinz ging zurück ins Schloss auf sein Zimmer. Niemand hatte seine Abwesenheit in der Nacht bemerkt. Als dann der große Tag kam, schlich sich der Prinz am Morgen wieder aus dem Schloss und lief hinein in den Wald. Filius wartete dort schon auf Phillip. Der Prinz sah auf dem Boden brennende Kerzen am Rande eines Kreises und im Inneren befanden sich merkwürdige Zeichen in die Erde eingeritzt. Das ist ein Zauberkreis, sagte Filius. Bitte stell dich in die Mitte des Kreises, damit ich anfangen kann, die Geister zu rufen. Phillip stellte sich auf seiner Position, dann hob der Zauberlehrling seine Hände zum Himmel und fing an, seinen Zauberspruch sprechen: Ich bin Filius, euer Herr und Meister, kommt herbei ihr Zaubergeister. Die Zeichen in der Erde fingen an zu leuchten und ein Wirbel aus Geistern wehte stürmisch um den Prinzen herum. Germany page 21 / 109

Hokuspokus eins, zwei, drei. Zaubergeister, bringt eine schwarze Ritterrüstung herbei. Der stürmende Wirbel legte sich, die Kerzen waren ausgeblasen und Zeichen erloschen und verweht. Doch Prinz Phillip stand da in seiner schwarzen eisernen Rüstung. Nun war er ein echter Ritter und bereit für den Kampf. Er bedankte und verabschiedete sich von Filius und ging zurück ins Schloss. Dort befanden sich Gäste und Zuschauer aus allen Ländern. Niemand erkannte den Prinzen und so konnte Phillip an dem Turnier teilnehmen. Der Prinz war der beste Schwertkämpfer. Schnell wich er den Angriffen seiner Gegner aus und schlug in unerwarteten Momenten zu. So gewann der Prinz das Turnier und landete auf dem ersten Platz. Der König rief zur Siegerehrung aus, alle jubelten dem unbekannten schwarzen Ritter zu. Langsam nahm der Prinz seinen Helm ab und blickte seinen Vater tief in die Augen. Der König erkannte seinen Sohn und schaute ihn fassungslos an. Alle verstummten und blickten zum König und Prinzen auf, es war so still, dass man eine Stecknadel hätte fallen hören. Nach einer Weile gewann der König seine Fassung wieder zurück, er schenkte seinem Sohn ein leichtes Lächeln. Mit lauter Stimme rief er über den ganzen Platz: Das war eines Königs würdig. Meine lieben Freunde, heute hat mein Sohn, Prinz Phillip, bewiesen, dass er ein wahrer Ritter ist. Lasst uns an so einem herrlichen Tag feiern. Mein Sohn, ich bin stolz auf dich. Die Menge fing an zu jubeln, die Musiker fingen an zu spielen, alle tanzten, lachten und feierten fröhlich bis in die Nacht hinein. Der Prinz war überglücklich. Der König sah, dass Phillip erwachsen war. Nie wieder würde der König seinen Sohn unterschätzen und Prinz Phillip besuchte jede Vollmondnacht seinen neuen Freund Filius. Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, dann leben sie noch heute Little Prince Philipp O nce upon a time there was a prince called Philipp. He had a very good life except that his father, the king, was too busy to spend time with his son. Also, he wanted his son to stay in the castle and not to go outside to see the world. Philipp felt lonely and did not understand it, because he already was very tall and strong. One day, Philipp asked his father if he could participate in a joust. But his father said he was too young for it. Philipp was angry, so he decided to leave his father. In the night he sneaked out of the house and ran away. But in this night special things would happen, because the moon was full and every wizard s apprentice from the country was travelling to the Blocksberg. In the forests Philipp met one of these apprentices. Both were surprised, but after a while they sat down to talk and eat something. Philipp told the apprentice, called Filius, what kind of problems he had with his father. Filius promised to help him. And Filius already had a plan. They met again the next morning. Nobody noticed that Philipp left the castle during the night. Filius had prepared a kind of ritual. After he had executed it, Philipp was dressed in a complete black steel armor looking like a real knight. And he was unrecognizable so he had the opportunity to fight in the joust. Germany page 22 / 109

He was the best sword-fighter of the joust, so he won. When the king wanted to know who the dark knight was, Philipp took the helmet from his head. The king was very surprised that the dark knight was his son, but he realized that his son was old enough to be a knight. He was very proud of him. Never again would he underestimate him. And they all lived happily ever after... 1st reading: 09.05.2014 Grundschule Blumensiedlung, Schlieperstr. 14, 48527 Nordhorn Mareen Koops Mascha und der Bär Von Gregor Hibelhaus E s war einmal ein Mädchen namens Mascha, das in einem schönen Dorf lebte. Sie war die jüngste von fünf Kindern in ihrer Familie. Eines Tages, an einem schönen Sommertag entschied sich Mascha mit ihren Freundinnen in den Wald zu gehen, um Pilze, Beeren und Kräuter zu sammeln. Mascha war so begeistert davon wie schön die Pilze sind, dass sie sich entschieden hatte tiefer in den Wald zu gehen, um noch mehr und schönere Pilze zu sammeln, damit sie diese ihren Eltern zeigen konnte. Aber es entstand ein Problem, denn sie war so in das Pilzesammeln vertieft gewesen, dass sie die Zeit aus den Augen verlor. Somit begann schon die Dämmerung und ihre Eltern hatten sie gewarnt, dass sie sich bei Dämmerung nicht mehr im Wald befinden solle. Außerdem sollte sie auch noch vor der Dämmerung zu Hause sein. Da sie sich im Wald befand, wurde es umso schneller dunkel, denn die Baumkronen fingen auch die letzten möglichen Lichtstrahlen ab. Desweiteren hatten die Eltern sie davor gewarnt, dass nachts im Wald auch finstere Gestalten herumirrten. Da Mascha so sehr davon besessen war noch mehr und schönere Pilze zu sammeln, war sie zu tief in den Wald hineingegangen und verlor somit ihre Freundinnen. Nun war es komplett dunkel. Mascha kannte den Rückweg nicht mehr beziehungsweise konnte den Rückweg nicht mehr erkennen. Sie hatte sich verirrt. Mascha dachte sie sei nun vollkommen verloren und würde ihre Eltern nie wieder sehen. Sie wusste schon, dass sich ihre Eltern Sorgen machen würden. Doch plötzlich sah sie ein Haus in dem noch das Licht brannte, und Mascha begann sich zu freuen. Sie ging zum Haus und klopfte an die Tür. Ein großer und furchteinflößender Bär öffnete die Tür und fragte: "Wer bist du, und was willst du hier?!" Mascha antwortete: "Mein Name ist Mascha und ich habe mich verlaufen. Könnte ich bei ihnen übernachten? Zum Morgengrauen bin ich wieder verschwunden, versprochen." Der Bär nickte und ließ Mascha herein. Am nächsten Morgen, als Mascha nach Hause gehen wollte, ließ der Bär sie nicht gehen und schloss die Tür hinter sich ab, als er zur Jagd ging. Mascha war verwirrt und konnte es nicht glauben, sie begann zu weinen, da sie Heimweh hatte und ihre Familie wiedersehen wollte. Als der Bär von der Jagd nach Hause kam, fragte ihn Mascha, wieso sie nicht gehen dürfe. Der Bär antwortete: "Ich habe deinen Korb voll mit Pilzen gesehen und einige davon probiert. Ich fand die Pilze so lecker, dass ich mir überlegt hatte, dass du für mich Pilze sammeln, kochen und aufräumen könntest, da ich kaum Zeit habe und zu faul dafür bin, es selbst zu machen. Vielleicht werde ich dir dann den Weg in dein Dorf zeigen." Doch Mascha begann erneut zu weinen, denn sie wollte unbedingt nach Hause, um ihre Familie wiedersehen zu können und bat den Bären so oft sie auch nur konnte, sie gehen zu lassen. Germany page 23 / 109

Daraufhin brüllte der Bär: "Wenn du dich bemühst alles gut und richtig zu machen, werde ich dir den Weg zeigen. Und jetzt hör auf zu weinen!" Doch Mascha konnte ihm nicht trauen, da er schon einmal ihr Vertrauen missbraucht hatte. Somit musste sie sich etwas einfallen lassen, um den Bären reinzulegen. Eines Tages, als der Bär zur Jagd ging, entschied sich Mascha Teigtaschen zu backen. Als der Bär von der Arbeit nach Hause kam, fragte er Mascha "Sind die Teigtaschen für mich?" Mascha sagte "Nein, sind sie nicht. Die Teigtaschen sind für meine Familie, da sie sie besonders gern haben und damit sie auch wissen, dass ich noch lebe und sich keine Sorgen mehr machen müssen. Wenn du morgen die Teigtaschen ins Dorf bringen und diese auch meiner Familie übergeben könntest, werde ich dir auch welche machen. Du musst mir aber versprechen, keine Teigtaschen zu essen oder in den Korb hineinzusehen. Ich werde dich von einem großen Baum aus beobachten, um zu sehen, ob du welche isst oder ob du in den Korb siehst." Der Bär stimmte zu. Am nächten Tag, bevor sich der Bär auf den Weg machte, setzte sich Mascha in den Korb hinein und bedeckte sich mit Teigtaschen, damit er sie nicht sehen konnte. Als der Bär sich dann endlich auf den Weg machen wollte, bemerkte er, dass Mascha gar nicht zu Hause war. Er dachte sich, dass sie schon auf dem Baum sitzen würde, um ihn zu beobachten. Da der Weg ins Dorf sehr lang war, bekam der Bär Hunger und dachte sich er könnte eine Pause vertragen. Somit lehnte er sich an einen Baum und machte eine Pause. Als er zu einer Teigtasche greifen wollte, hörte er die Stimme von Mascha, die ihn daran erinnerte, dass er die Teigtaschen nicht essen dürfe. Der Bär war verwundert, denn er hätte nicht gedacht, dass sie ihn wirklich beobachte und auch alles sehen könne. Dann im Dorf angekommen wurde der Bär von den Wachhunden des Dorfes aus dem Dorf gejagt. Auf dem Weg aus dem Dorf ließ der Bär den Korb voll mit Teigtaschen fallen. Somit ging der Plan von Mascha auf und sie konnte aus dem Korb klettern. Danach nahm sie den Korb in die Hand und machte sich auf den Weg zu ihrem Haus. Zu Hause angekommen, klopfte sie an die Tür. Die Eltern öffneten die Tür und konnten ihren Augen nicht trauen. Sie nahmen Mascha in den Arm und waren überglücklich darüber, dass Mascha wieder zu Hause war und Teigtaschen mitgebracht hatte. Und sie lebten glücklich bin ans Ende ihrer Tage. Mascha And The Bear O nce upon a time there was a girl called Mascha who lived in a beautiful village. One day Mascha decided to go into the forest with her friends to collect mushrooms. She was so focused on searching mushrooms that she went deeper and deeper into the forest until the sun set. Suddenly she was alone and darkness fell upon the forest. Mascha could find the way back home, she had completely lost orientation. Suddenly she saw a house. She went to the house and knocked on the door. A big bear opened. She asked him if she could sleep in his house that night. He said yes. She promised to leave the house the next morning. The next morning Mascha wanted to leave the bear to search for her village, but the bear did not let her go. Germany page 24 / 109

Every time he left the house, he locked the door so Mascha could not leave. The bear said that he wanted her to cook for him because he was too lazy to do it by himself. He promised her that he would show her the way back home one day if she did what he said. But Masha did not trust him. So, one day, she made some pastries. When the bear came back he asked her if those were for him. She told him that they were for her family and that she wanted him to bring them to them. He had to promise her that he would not eat one of the pastries and not even take a look into the basket in which Masha put the pastries. Just before the bear went down to her village, she slipped into the basket and hid under the cloth which covered the baset. The bear went to her village with the basket. After half the way to the village he suddenly felt hungry. He decided to eat one of the pastries but all of a sudden he heard Mascha saying that he was not allowed to look into the basket. He felt kind of irritated that he could hear Mascha speak, deep down in the forest. But then he continued his walk to the village. As he arrived, the watchdogs began to attack him, so he threw away the basket and ran away. Mascha jumped out of the basket and went to her parents house. Her parents were very happy to have her back. And they all lived happily ever after... 2nd reading: 11.02.2015 Grundschule Blumensiedlung, Schlieperstr. 14, 48527 Nordhorn Gregor Hibelhaus Germany page 25 / 109

Hungary Tündérmese T ündérvilágban, annak is a kellős közepén, van egy kicsi ház. Fehér falát barna ablakok keretezik, és egyegy pók, hálót sző a sarkukba. Udvarán a virágok között méhek döngicsélnek, vakondok kukucskálnak ki az otthonukból. A legfeltűnőbb mégis az udvaron álló hatalmas tölgyfa. Tíz, sőt húsz gyerek sem elég hogy körbe érje a törzsét. Lombja pedig akkora, hogy több fakopács családnak és galambnak is otthont ad. De vajon csak nekik? A faluban élő gyerekek hallották a történetet miszerint a fa koronájában, a leveleket apró, szemmel nem is látható, icipici fényes tündérek laknak. Hogy mit tudnak ezek a pici lények csinálni? Egykor a boszorkányok és a varázslók hívták őket, hogy vigyázzanak a faluban élő gyerekekre. Idővel annyira összeszoktak és közel kerültek egymáshoz, hogy örök barátságot kötöttek. A tündérek sokat meséltek a nagy fáról, hogy mi mindent csinálnak ott, hogyan segítik a tavaszt, hogy időben megérkezzen. Festették a katicákat, hogy hétpettyesek legyenek, tanították a madarakat, hogy minél szebben énekeljenek. De elmondták azt is, hogy milyen egy piros tulipán szirmai között ébredni, vagy versenyt futni a békákkal a tóparton, vagy a csigákkal sétálni, és harmatcseppet inni. Egy nap azonban minden megváltozott. Favágók jöttek a faluba, és egyenesen a kis ház udvarába tartottak. Ki akarták vágni a fát, mert útban volt. A tündérek és a gyerekek összeszoruló szívvel igyekeztek a favágók után, és kérték, őket, hogy hagyják a fát, mert ott élnek a tündérek. Mi lesz így az otthonukkal? Hova mennek? Hogy lesz ezután tavasz? Ki segíti a katicákat? A gyerekek körbeállták a fát, és erősen szorították egymás kezét. Mindegyikük vállára odaült a saját tündére. Kívántak, mindannyian azt kívánták hogy a favágók gondolják meg magukat, és menjenek el. Ahogy ezt kimondták, meleg szélfuvallat futott végig az udvaron, és a nap simogatta az arcukat. Először csak a fél szemüket merték kinyitni, de aztán boldogan a másikat is. Hogy mit láttak? Zöld pázsitot az udvarban, csupa színes virágot, döngicsélő méheket, vidáman éneklő madarakat. És a nagy tölgy? Azóta Is ott áll teljes pompájában levelein a tündérekkel, az árnyékában Bodri kutyával, és a kis ház teraszán az idős nénivel, aki arra vár, hogy mind meglátogassátok őket. Pulik Petra Erika 11 B Hungary page 26 / 109

Fairydom I n Fairydom, right in the centre of its heart, there is a small house. It has white walls with brown window frames with spiders weaving their webs in the corners. In the garden bees buzz among the flowers, moles peep from their homes. However, the most prominent thing is the giant oak in the garden. Ten or even twenty children are not enough to make a circle around the trunk. Its foliage is so big that it provides housing for several families of woodpeckers and pigeons. But only for them? The children of the village heard the story about itsy-bitsy shiny fairies that the naked eye cannot even see living on the leaves in the shroud of the tree. What can these itsy-bitsy beings do? Once upon a time, witches and wizards called upon them to protect the little children living in the village. Later on they shook down so well that they made friends for ever. The fairies talked a lot about the great tree, what they did there, how they helped spring arrive on time. They also painted the ladybugs so that they would have seven dots, taught the birds to sing better. And they also talked about what it was like to wake up among the petals of red tulip or to go racing with frogs or to go for a walk with snails and drink morning dew. Hungary page 27 / 109

One day everything changed. Lumberjacks came to the village and headed straight for the garden of the small house. They wanted to fell the tree because it was in the way. The fairies and the children hurried after the lumberjacks with their hearts sunk and asked them to leave the tree be for there lived the fairies. What will become of their home? Where will they go? How will spring come about? Who will help the ladybugs? The children stood around the tree holding each other s hand tightly. On their shoulders sat their own fairies. They were wishing, all of them, wishing that the lumberjacks change their minds and go away. As soon as they said it a warm breeze swept across the garden and the sun stroked their faces. They only dared to open one eye first but then they opened the other one too happily. What did they see? The green lawn of the garden, a countless number of colourful flowers, buzzing bees and jolly singing birds. And the great oak? It is still standing there in full flush, with fairies on its leaves and with Bodri the dog in its shade. and with the old lady on the terrace of the small house who is waiting for you all to visit them. Pulik Petra Erika 11 B Artemisz.. Azzal a szegény legény átkarolta a gyönyörű hercegnőt és megcsókolta. Egyik kezével megragadta a nádszálvékony derekat, a másikkal pedig megmarkolta a háromfejű sárkány láncát és hármat toppantott a varázscsizmával. A szépséges-szép lány még be sem csukta a szemét ijedtében, máris apja palotájában álltak mindannyian. Az öreg király termében bizony a trón lábáig állt már a víz, annyit sírt a kastély háza népe az elveszett hercegnőért. Most azonban a király felpattant, mint ha nem száz, de húsz éves lenne, odaugrott a lányához, átölelte, s megcsókolta. Rohantak oda rögtön a többiek is: az Ezüst Herceg, a szobalány, a cseléd, a szakács, a lovász, a dalnok, a szabó, a cukrász, a cipész, a varga, a juhász, az udvarnagy, a pék, a kondás, a piktor meg a lila-sapkás, kék-cipőjű, arany-csengős, piros-képű udvari bolond. Lett ám nagy nevetés, ölelkezés! Aki csak tehette, a megkerült leány köré gyűlt. Ekkor már az öreg király is megszólalt, s a szegény legényhez fordult: Na, fiam, mikor elindultál a lányomért, bizony nevetett rajtad mindenki! Hogy tudnád éppen Te, az utolsó az egész országban, a szegény koldus megmenteni a hercegnőt, ha még maga az Ezüst Herceg, a vőlegénye, ki a legnagyobb vitéz messze földön, se tudta? De most visszatértél, épen és egészségesen, s hoztad magaddal a lányomat! Jutalmat érdemelsz. A hercegnőnek ugyan van jegyese de ha te nem volnál, most bizony esküvő se lehetne! így aztán úgy hiszem, nem lehet a vőlegény más, mint Te, hős lovag! A nászajándékod pedig a birodalmam lesz! Szép leányom repes az örömtől, hogy hozzád mehet, az Ezüst Herceg meg talál majd magának másik asszonyt, igaz-e? Holnap hét országra szóló lakodalmat csapunk, s ünnepelünk majd éppen hetvenhét napig! Jó lesz-e? Hungary page 28 / 109

Bizony jó lesz! - felelte a legény. Megrázta a sárkány láncát. - Hát ezzel a bestiával meg mi legyen? A gonosz, ádáz szörnyeteggel, aki elragadta tőlem a leányomat? Ő csakis halált érdemelhet! Az esküvő utolsó napján, fiam, levágod majd mindhárom fejét az ünneplő sereg nagy örömére! Ha a sárkány halott - a lányom akkor lesz az asszonyod! Elmosolyodott a szegény legény, és boldogan nevetett a szobalány, a cseléd, a szakács, a lovász, a dalnok, a szabó, a cukrász, a cipész, a varga, a juhász, az udvarnagy, a pék, a kondás, a piktor, de még a lila-sapkás, kék-cipőjű, arany-csengős, piros-képű udvari bolond is! Mindeközben messze-messze az üveghegyen innen, hol a malac sem túr, csak a madár jár, a Sárkány Király fekete palotája hangosan zsibongott. Tele volt vendéggel: éppen ezer meg egy kérő érkezett, hogy elnyerjék az aranypikkelyű sárkány királylány kezét. Én okádom a legmelegebb tüzet! Én repülök a legmagasabbra! Én harapok a legerősebben!" hencegtek sorra. De az aranypikkelyű sárkány királylány egyre csak a fejeit rázta. Éppen a háromszázharmincharmadik kérő után felpattant a trónjáról és elkiáltotta magát: Kifelé! Kifelé, mind az ezer meg egy kérő! Egy szót se akarok hallani! - az ezer meg egy kérő szitkozódva összenézett, majd kiment. A Sárkány Király hatalmasat üvöltött és az aranypikkelyű sárkány királylányhoz lépett: Most aztán már elég lesz! Hányadszorra küldted el az ezer meg egy kérődet?! Vigyázz, mert a végén bizony senki sem marad, aki hajlandó téged elvenni! Válassz egyet, és menj hozzá feleségül! De én már réges-régen választottam! Megmondtam, hogy a háromfejűhöz nem adlak! Pedig én csakis őt szeretem, és senki más nem lesz a férjem, csakis ő! Azt ígértem, ahhoz adlak feleségül, aki cserébe elhozza a legszebb emberi hercegnőt! Az ezer meg egy kérőd hozott egytől-egyig: van fekete, szőke, vörös, de még ősz is! Bezzeg a Te háromfejűd, még csak egy nyamvad, csúnyácska parasztlányt se képes szerezni! Nem leszel a felesége, ha mondom! Holnap, lányom választasz egyet az ezer meg egy kérőd közül, és hozzá mész! Ha nem... esküszöm, hogy emberhez adlak! - Azzal széttárta hatalmas szárnyait, és a hálószobájába repült. De az aranypikkelyű sárkány királylány nem azért volt sárkány királylány, hogy megijedjen: megvárta az éjszakát, vett magához egy kis hamuban sült pogácsát, és egyik pillanatban itt, a másikban ott! Ő bizony meg fogja találni a háromfejű sárkányt! Repült éjjel, repült nappal, hosszú órákon át - szörnyen elfáradt, de valahányszor le akart szállni, eszébe jutott, hogy merre lehet a szerelme? És repült tovább. Elszállt az arany mező, az arany erdő, az arany tó, az arany rét és az arany hegy felett: nyomát se látta a háromfejű sárkánynak. Észrevett viszont egy aranyszínű kis kunyhót, ott megállt. Bekopogott az arany ajtón: hát egy olyan rusnya, olyan vénséges-vén öregasszony nyitott ajtót, hogy az aranypikkelyű sárkány királylány majdnem elájult. De a vén boszorkány megvakarta a bibircsókot az állán, s menten álomszép tündérré változott: az aranypikkelyű sárkány Hungary page 29 / 109

királylány bizony csak most ismerte fel a keresztanyját. Az átölelte, megcsókolta, s bevezette a házába: az asztal roskadásig volt habos süteménnyel, forró csokival, limonádéval és fagylalttal. Leültek, és jól megebédeltek. Közben pedig az aranypikkelyű sárkány királylány elmondott mindent a tündér keresztanyjának. Hát ha csak ez a baj, kedvesem, én ugyan könnyen segíthetek! Itt őrködöm az aranyhegynél banya képében, én vigyázok rá, hogy az óriásokat ne bánthassa senki. Ritkán jár erre egy lélek - de nem rég erre vetődött valami szegény legény. Öreg anyjának szólított, így hát megvendégeltem és tovább engedtem. Azt mesélte, hogy egy háromfejű sárkányt üldöz, aki ellopta az öreg király lányát. Ő lesz az! És mondd, drága tündér keresztanyám, visszatért már az a legény? Vele volt a kedvesem? Azt, lelkem, nem tudom. De gyere! Felülök a hátadra, és elmegyünk a húgomhoz! Ő talán látta őket visszafelé menet! - már fel is pattant az aranypikkelyű sárkány királylány hátára, s hagytak mindent, habos süteményt, forró csokit, limonádét és fagylaltot: máris a levegőben voltak. Repültek-repültek hosszú napokig. Alattuk elsuhant az ezüst mező, az ezüst erdő, az ezüst tó, az ezüst rét és az ezüst hegy: nyoma sem volt szegény legénynek, vagy háromfejű sárkánynak. De harminchárom nap után felkiáltott a tündér, s egy ezüst kunyhóra mutatott: Ott lakik a húgocskám! Szálljunk, szálljunk le gyorsan! - és úgy is tettek. Bekopogtak az ezüst ajtón: majdnem olyan rút és öreg banya nyitott ajtót, mint az első. De amint a nővérét meglátta, azonnal elmosolyodott, megvakarta a bibircsókot az orrán, és gyönyörű tündérré változott ő maga is. Átölelte a vendégeit, s behívta őket, hogy vacsorázzanak vele: az asztal roskadásig megtelt jégkásával, turmixszal, frissen sült pitével és gumicukorral. Leültek enni, közben pedig az aranypikkelyű sárkány királylány és a keresztanyja elmeséltek mindent. Én itt őrködöm az ezüst erdőnél boszorkány képében, hogy a törpéket ne bántsa senki. Alig akad valaki, aki idevetődik - emlékszem, mostanában bizony csak ketten jártak erre, mindketten a háromfejű sárkányt kereseték, egy szépséges-szép hercegnővel. Öreganyjuknak szólítottak, hát beengedtem őket. Az Ezüst Herceg járt itt először. De néhány nappal később vissza is hozták, törött lábbakkal és kezekkel, vérbe fagyva és égetten: azt mesélték, nem bírta levágni a fejeket. Szörnyen sírt - azt mondta, most meg fog halni a szereleme. Az öreg király elküldött érte pár embert, hogy hazavigyék... de nem sokára megérkezett a másik is, a szegény legény. Nem tudom, megtalálta-e a háromfejű sárkányt... de tudjátok mit?! Látogassuk meg a hugicánkat, kedves nővérem, ő talán tudja! azzal a két tündér felpattant az aranypikkelyű sárkány királylány hátára, hagytak mindent: jégkását, turmixot, frissen sült pitét meg gumicukrot és indultak is! Repültek, éjjel-nappal, egy pillanatra se pihenve meg! Sorban hagyták el a réz mezőt, a réz erdőt, a réz tavat, a réz rétet és a réz hegyet, de hiába nézelődtek, se híre-se hamva nem volt hercegnőnek, szegény legénynek vagy sárkánynak. Egyszer csak aztán a két tündér felkiáltott: ott a réz kunyhó, ott lakik a legkisebbik tündér! Hungary page 30 / 109

Leszálltak, és már kopogni akartak a réz ajtón, mikor az hirtelen kivágódott, és a legfiatalabb testvér kilépett, ragyogó tündérként. Felkiáltott meglepetésében, s átölelte a vendégeit. Hát Ti, testvérkéim? Hát te, sárkány királylány? Ti is jöttök a lakodalom utolsó napjára? Milyen lakodalom? Hát milyen-milyen?! Az a szegény legény veszi el az öreg király lányát, a szép szőke hercegnőt, aki nálam járt majd egy esztendeje. Engem is meghívtak az esküvő utolsó napjára, azt mondják, nagy látványosság lesz: a vőlegény megöli a bestiát, aki elrabolta a hercegnőt. Én meg itt őrködöm egész nap a réz tónál, vigyázok a sellőkre. Gondoltam, azokat aztán úgy se bántja senki, megyek, megnézem én is már ezt a híres lakodalmat! - meg se várták a vendégek, hogy behívja őket a legkisebbik tündér. A két nővére felhúzta őt is a sárkány királylány hátára, s már repültek is! A nap már majdnem lement, mire megérkeztek az öreg király palotájához. Kint ült az udvaron mindenki: maga az öreg király, vele a lánya, a szépséges-szép menyasszony csupa fehérben, az Ezüst Herceg, a szobalány, a cseléd, a szakács, a lovász, a dalnok, a szabó, a cukrász, a cipész, a varga, a juhász, az udvarnagy, a pék, a kondás, a piktor sőt, még a lila-sapkás, kék-cipőjű, arany-csengős, piros-képű udvari bolond is. Az udvar közepén meg vajon ki állt? A szegény legény fényes karddal a kezében, előtte pedig megkötözve a háromfejű sárkány. Az aranypikkelyes sárkány királylány minden feje tüzet okádott, úgy szállt le a szerelme és a szegény legény közé. Egyszerre hördült fel a szobalány, a cseléd, a szakács, a lovász, a dalnok, a szabó, a cukrász, a cipész, a varga, a juhász, az udvarnagy, a pék, a kondás, a piktor meg még a lila-sapkás, kék-cipőjű, arany-csengős, piros-képű udvari bolond is! Meg ne öld a háromfejű sárkányt, te legény! A kedvesem az, és nem sokára ő lesz minden sárkányok királya! Meg kell halnia! Meg akarta enni a szépséges-szép hercegnőt!- fujjolt az egész háznép, de a háromfejű sárkány értetlenül felemelte az összes fejét és a szegény legényre nézett: Mit akartam? Azt hittétek, meg akarom enni a szépséges-szép hercegnőt?! Ezért volt ez az egész mizéria?! Hiszen a sárkányok nem is esznek embert! Förtelmes ízetek van! Mi a hamuban sült pogácsát szeretjük! Én csak haza szerettem volna vinni a szépséges-szép hercegnőt, hogy gondozza a kertjeinket! A sárkányok, különösen az én aranypikkelyű sárkány királylányom, imádják a virágokat. De nálunk olyan rossza az idő, hogy a rózsa csak egy gyönyörű lány énekére nyílik ki... a sárkányok pedig nem tudnak énekelni. És az én feleségemet akartad volna elvinni, csak azért, hogy a rózsák kinyíljanak?! Ez egyszer... - de a szépséges szép hercegnő dühösen félbeszakította a szegény legényt: Én ugyan nem vagyok még a feleséged! És tudod mit, nem is leszek! Tőlem soha senki sem kérdezi, hogy én mit akarok! Se apa, se Te, se a szobalány, se a cseléd, se a szakács, se a lovász, se a dalnok, se a szabó, se a cukrász, se a cipész, se a varga, se a juhász, se az udvarnagy, se a pék, se a kondás, se a piktor, sőt még a lila-sapkás, kék-cipőjű, arany-csengős, piros-képű udvari bolond se! Pedig én bizony nem akarok a Te felséged lenni, mindegy mekkora hős vagy! Én az Ezüst Herceget szeretem! És ha nem bátor? És ha nem Hungary page 31 / 109

okos? És ha nem szép? És ha legyőzte a háromfejű sárkány? Szeret! És én is őt szeretem! Én, Apa, hozzá fogok menni! Add csak a birodalmat a szegény legénynek! Megérdemli; de én csakis a hercegemé leszek! Most pedig elmegyünk a sárkányokkal, és addig fogok ott énekelni, míg olyan kertjük nem lesz, mint a mesében! - és úgy is lett: boldogan élt az öreg király, a szobalány, a cseléd, a szakács, a lovász, a dalnok, a szabó, a cukrász, a cipész, a varga, a juhász, az udvarnagy, a pék, a kondásba piktor meg a lila-sapkás, kékcipőjű, arany-csengős, piros-képű udvari bolond. Boldogan az Ezüst Herceg a szépséges szép hercegnővel, a háromfejű sárkány az aranypikkelyű sárkány királylánnyal... és a szegény legény a három tündérrel, míg meg nem haltak! Vigyikán Villő 11 A Recipe for Love H ave you heard about The Country Behind The Beyond? Even if you have, you don t know everything. For it is completely different to hear about something than seeing it for yourself! I not only have seen it but also went into, through and through! In the south, where pink is the sky and light purple the grass, I lay Hungary page 32 / 109

together all day long with the merry dwarves in the shade of towering trees, leaped with the giants from one red spotted mushroom to the other, danced with dragons to the tune of cricket songs and rode home to the tulip cup on butterflies at night, where I took a long nap till the morning. In the north I swam with the beautiful mermaids in the golden ocean then revelled with the pirates for many nights: we sang so loud that we could be heard on the other side of the world. And if our throats dried up we drank ice-cold raspberry syrup. In the east jelly gum and chocolate grew on the bushes which I ate with the dragons. We wandered up and down together, and were expecting to meet some pompous, arrogant prince, who might be a good play. In the west is - well, West was my favourite where I was sleighing in chocolate ice cream with witches. We made ice-cream angels, ice-cream men, fought ice-cream battles and if we got tired, we ran into their hut that revolved on a duck s foot, slid into their bed of cotton-candy and listened to the tales the old wizard spun. But all this, the South, the North, the East and the West, were nothing compared to the country's heart! For in the middle of the Country behind the Beyond lived no other than the fabulous fairy queen. Golden was her hair woven with shining stars and her two blue eyes sparkled like gems! She lived in her diamond castle of 777 rooms, along with her many nice and cheerful fairies that just laughed and acted crazy from morning till evening (but perhaps even at night). The whole town resounded from them! This beautiful fairy queen made a huge feast on her birthday every year. The whole empire was her guest she gave the guests crushed ice and such cake that people wanted to laugh just by their sight! Nobody worked on these days, the cheerful people forgot all their grief and trouble, enemies reconciled, quarrels and disputes were over in a flash as if they had never existed! But on her 333rd birthday the fabulous fairy queen disposed otherwise: she decided it was high time she chose a husband. She promulgated it in the whole country that she was would welcome any man and the one who is the best, whose love is worth the most, will be the king of the people, and she would be his mistress. All the men started flocking from the north, south, east and west. They were poor, they were rich, they were noble, they were peasant, along came the young and the old, came the beautiful and the ugly, came the dashing and the weak, and along came the wise and the foolish too. Along came princes, barons, counts, Knights, as well as robbers, scholars, poets and millers. Maybe I myself was there as well... The 777 rooms of the crystal castle were full, there were seekers crowding the garden, the basement, the kitchen, the maid's room, the attic, the pool, the pond, the balcony, the closet and even the spot where the weathervane used to sit. The fabulous fairy queen was just looking and looking at them and got discouraged. There were far too many people for her to decide! She took a walk with the merry little fairies to discuss what to do. They decided to carry out a trial. Something from which she can find out which man is the noblest of heart, which man loves the most the fabulous fairy queen. On the third day the first maid of honour stepped in front of the sea of seekers and declared that the fairy tale queen's heart will go to the one who brings her the most beautiful gift! Not even an hour had passed and the throne room was so filled with treasures that you could not even move! There were shiny rings with gems the size of nuts, necklaces glittering with medals, huge, ornate crowns, heavy robes, bright high-heeled shoes, magic powder Hungary page 33 / 109

makeup kits, clothes woven of rainbow, clouds and rays of light, special, expensive talking dolls, gold flowers, baby dragons and even yeti fur-clothed teddy bears! However, the fairy queen was just staring at them sadly. On the seventh day the second maid came to test the men. We have already seen that what you are generous when it comes to gifts! You have brought all things beautiful. Well, now we want to know what you are going give to your wife? With what will you make her happy? The seekers were all speaking at the same time, taking up shorts: With money! With silk! With puppets! With Knight Tournaments! With palaces! The fabulous fairy queen just listened to them in silence, without a smile. Two glowing teardrops shone in her eyes. On the twelfth day the third maid stepped in front of the admirers. She sat her arms a-akimbo and exclaimed: - We see now that you love the fairy queen very much. All we want to know is: why? The seekers looked at each other puzzled for a moment and the next moment came the shower of answers: Because she has the most beautiful hair! Because she's the slimmest fairy! For she has the tiniest little legs! Because of her beautiful green eyes! At this moment, the fabulous fairy queen rose from her throne, and leaving all the poor, rich, peasant and noble, young, old, beautiful, ugly, handsome, poor, wise and foolish, old and young behind, rushed to her room in a hurry. The maids of honour ran after her. - I will not be the wife of a man who does not know even the colour of my eyes! she shouted angrily. - It's all silly. Young and old came in vain, none of them loves me! And even if I married one of them.i m afraid none of them would be a good king. I need to find out what lies in their heart! It s time for my test! So she threw off her shiny crown, the royal jewels and her butterfly-wing clothes. She put on a torn, tattered shirt and a shabby skirt, and put one worn cloth on her head to cover her golden hair. She instructed the fairies not to let anyone in her room then climbed out the window, barefoot, into the garden. She rushed immediately to fly around the crystal castle and explore the host of seekers in the 777 rooms, in the garden, in the basement, in the kitchen, in the maid's room, in the attic, in the pool, in the pond, on the balcony, in the closet, but also in the weathervane's place! Hungary page 34 / 109

She smiled and greeted the men but they took no note of her at all. She tried to talk to them, but they sent her away grudgingly. Finally she decided it would be the easiest to find out how kind they are if she asked them for a little food. I have nothing for you! Even if I had I would not give you any! What do you want, go leeching on me? Get a job! they all shouted at her. The fabulous fairy queen almost burst into tears and ran back to her room. Along the way, however, she accidentally bumped into a knight, and fell back from the big push. Look now, the little maid is having such a good time! said the knight heaving. - What are you doing in the company of fair and noble lords?! Get back to the kitchen where you belong! The fabulous fairy queen ran to the kitchen -garden sobbing and hid behind a tree. She was there for a long time crying alone, helpless. For crying out loud, isn t there a single man in the country who is not cruel and evil?! Suddenly the leaves stirred and rustled behind her. There was someone coming towards her! The fabulous fairy queen jumped up in alarm: what if it s the evil knight again?! But it was only a little kitchen boy standing in front of her with red ears. - Do you want to hurt me too?! You've come to mock me?! she shouted. The boy looked at him frightened. I just heard you were crying. I thought I would fetch you something to eat. I'll always be happy with honey bread. And so he put a thick slice of white bread in the hands of the fairy queen. It was hot, just out of the oven and it was topped with a thick layer of shining sweet, soft honey. The little kitchen boy even cut the bread crust off. The fabulous fairy queen blushed. Thank you very much. I'm sorry; I did not mean to hurt you, just... You ve met the queen s seekers, right? They are terribly rude, completely ruining people s mood. And they are evil as well. They want nothing else but money and power. He smiled and sat down under the tree and the beautiful fairy queen sat beside him. She broke the bread in two halves and gave one to the boy. Which seeker do you think she should choose? None. The Queen anyone deserves somebody who is much better than these. Why would she? Well, I do not know for sure. - The boy thought for a second. - The Queen is really beautiful. And very smart. And very kind. Sometimes I see her from the kitchen window. I love it when she walks in the garden singing. Such a beautiful voice! And she s very sweet when she s laughing. She cares even for the very last servant. The other day a friend of mine, a clumsy, little girl, broke her favourite cup. Do you know what she did? She did not chase her away, she did not punish her, and she did not even scold her! She told her herself not to worry about it. The Queen is somehow special. he said with a smile. In the morning she Hungary page 35 / 109

sleeps for a long time, and eats the cake with elderberry jam. She does not like the hot tub. I think her favourite flowers are dandelions - at least she keeps looking at them often. And when she angry, she makes such a funny face! So cute! Are you serious? Of course! If I were her husband, I would be happy just because I can watch her all day. I would like to hear her voice and feel her scent. I would never let her be sad! I would love to watch her tell a tale, sentence by sentence! And I wouldn t leave her alone for the night so that she wouldn t have bad dreams... Then the fabulous fairy queen sprang up from her seat crying and laughing with joy at the same time. She kissed the simple, short, red-eared kitchen boy, and struck a huge feast the very same day where guests were coming to not only from The Country behind The Beyond, but from all over the world! The 777 rooms were full, along with the garden, the basement, the kitchen, the maid's room in the attic, the pool, the lake, the balcony, the cabinet and the weathervane s spot as well! First the seekers were coughing up rough but soon such a great atmosphere prevailed that they could not even be chased away! The celebration lasted a month, and then everyone, all the inhabitants of the country lived happily: the seekers, the servants, the fairies, the queen, the king, and their fabulous red-eared kids! Vigyikán Villő 11 A Hungary page 36 / 109

Italy Eric e Jane C era una volta, molto molto lontano, un mondo diviso in due regni: quello dei mortali e degli immortali. Nel reame dei mortali viveva il popolo degli uomini chiamati Hanuk; lì regnavano il re Arthur, vedovo di moglie e suo figlio Eric, l erede al trono. Eric era un principe un po diverso dagli altri: infatti, non sembrava un ragazzo pronto a diventare re, bensì un giovane che pensava solamente al divertimento, a bere con gli amici e al suo benessere, piuttosto che a quello del suo popolo. Questo per il re era un grandissimo problema, perché sapeva che, un giorno, suo figlio avrebbe dovuto comandare il suo regno: ARTHUR: -Cosa stai facendo?! Non dirmi che sei di nuovo ubriaco?! Incosciente!ERIC: -Stai calmo papà, sto bene, mi stavo solo divertendo un po! ARTHUR: -No! È ora che ti prendi le tue responsabilità! Un giorno sarai tu il re degli Hanuk! Non ti permetterò di distruggere tutto ciò che ho creato!-. Il re disperato, a questo punto, decise di chiedere aiuto al popolo di Erebor, dove si trovavano gli elfi immortali. Essi erano creature pure, quasi incantate, infatti, la morte di un elfo, suscitava tristezza e scatenava rabbia all interno del popolo, come se ognuno di essi fosse, alla propria morte, il più importante, cioè una sorta di dio. Qui vi era la regina Seelie che regnava assieme a sua figlia, la principessa Erwin. Lei, come tutti gli elfi, era di una bellezza magica, inoltre rappresentava il modello perfetto di bontà, saggezza e sincerità. Ogni tanto, però, le piaceva girovagare fuori dal regno a causa della sua sconfinata curiosità. SEELIE: -Re Arthur! Che piacere rivederti!arthur: -Bando alle ciance Seelie, ho bisogno che tu faccia una cosa per me. SEELIE: -Che cosa esattamente?arthur: -Ho bisogno che tua figlia mostri la via della saggezza a mio figlio, in modo che possa continuare a governare dopo di me!seelie: -Perché mai dovrei darti quello che chiedi? Non hai mai dimostrato bontà nei confronti del mio popolo. Tu e tutti gli uomini di Hanuk siete soltanto capaci di approfittarvi della gentilezza altrui-. ARTHUR: -Perché mai dovresti? Prova a indovinare ti ricordo che anni fa è stato proprio il mio popolo a salvare la tua gente quando tua sorella, la strega Morgan, ha cercato di distruggervi!-. SEELIE: -D accordo... ma devi promettermi che lei sarà al sicuro! ARTHUR: -La promessa di un re viene sempre onorata! Italy page 37 / 109

Il giorno finisce e l accordo viene concluso. La mattina seguente la principessa Erwin viene a conoscenza dell accordo e incontra il principe Eric. E odio a prima vista. Nonostante le pressioni dei genitori, i due non riescono a legare. Tutto cambia, però, il giorno del ballo ufficiale organizzato dal re Arthur per dimostrare al popolo che il futuro re era pronto a governare. ARTHUR: -Signore e signori, Benvenuti! Nella sala accanto i due eredi al trono si confidano. ERWIN: -Cos è che ti preoccupa tanto, principe? Di là il popolo ti attende. ERIC: -Ho paura che nessuno riesca a vedere in me quello che vedi tu. ERWIN: -Non devi temere. Sii te stesso e tutti vedranno che meraviglioso sovrano sarai. Mentre i due innamorati ballano la loro canzone, la migliore amica di Erwin, Shana, irrompe nella Sala perché gelosa dell amore che il principe Eric prova per Erwin. SHANA: -Come hai potuto farmi questo? Ti credevo un amica!erwin: -Shana non capisco. Io non ho fatto niente!shana: -Stai ballando con il Principe davanti a tutta Hanuk ed Erebor! Sai che lo amo!a causa della sua gelosia, Shana si era messa in contatto con la Signora Oscura per uccidere Erwin e quindi poter avere il principe tutto per se. All improvviso la strega Morgan entra nella Sala armata di pugnale, con lo scopo di mantenere la parola data. La regina Seelie però si accorge di tutto e si mette davanti ad Erwin, prendendo la pugnalata al suo posto. SEELIE: -Non ti è bastato tradirmi una volta Morgan? Non ti lascerò prendere anche mia figlia!morgan: -Seelie, non è una questione personale. Sono solo affari.intanto il coraggioso principe Eric sfodera la sua spada ed uccide la strega Morgan. Grazie all atto di coraggio dimostrato dal principe, suo padre decide di abdicare ed Eric viene incoronato re. Come re, decide di esiliare Shana per aver tradito i due Regni e sposa Erwin. Nonostante il dolore provato da entrambi per la morte di Seelie, i due si amano e regnano insieme il popolo di Hanuk e quello di Erebor. By: Scuola Primaria Giuseppe Mazzini Via Carrara Terni 09/May/2014 Italy page 38 / 109

Eric and Jane O nce upon a time, far far away, there was a world divided into two reigns: the one of the mortals and the other one of the immortals. The human beings lived in the mortal reign and they were called Hanuk. King Arthur, a widow, and prince Eric, heir to the throne, ruled here. Eric was different from the other princes: in fact, he didn t seem a boy that could become a king, but a young man who just wanted to have fun and that only cared about himself, rather than about his subjects. This was a big problem for the king because he knew that one day his son should govern his kingdom. ARTHUR: What did you do? You went out without my permission. ERIC: Keep calm, I just went for a ride in the forest! ARTHUR: No, you must take your responsibilities! One day you will be the king of Hanuk! I won t let you destroy our reign. The king was desperate and he decided to ask help to the people of Erebor, where the immortal elves lived. They were pure creatures, almost divines. Here there was queen Seelie who ruled with her daughter, princess Jane. She was, like all the other elves, magically beautiful and she represented the perfect example of goodness. But sometimes she loved wandering out of the kingdom because of her curiosity. Italy page 39 / 109

SEELIE: King Arthur What a pleasure! ARTHUR: Don t speak Seelie, I need you to do something for me SEELIE: What do you really want? ARTHUR: I need your daughter to show my son the right way, because he should rule my reign after me. SEELIE: Tell me why I should give you what you want. You ve never respected me and my people. ARTHUR: Why?! Guess You should remember that I saved you some years ago when your sister, the witch Morgana, wanted to destroy your kingdom. SEELIE: That s ok! But you have to promise me that she won t be in danger. ARTHUR: The promise of a king is always respected! The day ended and the agreement was concluded. Next morning princess Jane was told about the agreement and met Prince Eric. They hated each other at first sight. Despite the pressures of their parents, the two couldn t stay together. Everything changed when, on the day of the ball, organized by King Arthur to prove to the people that the future king was ready to rule, Eric realized that Jane was the only one to believe in him. ARTHUR: - Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome! In the next room the two heirs to the throne were confiding. JANE: -What makes you so upset, prince? All the people are waiting for you. ERIC: -I m afraid that nobody can see in me what you can see. JANE: - You shouldn t be afraid. Be yourself and everyone will see that you will make a wonderful sovereign. The two lovers smiled and danced. Suddenly, Jane's best friend, Shana, secretly in love with Prince Eric, burst into the room because she was jealous: SHANA: -What the hell are you doing? I thought you were my friend! JANE: - Shana you do not understand. I m not doing anything wrong! SHANA: -You are dancing with the Prince in front of all the people! You know that I love him! Because of her jealousy, Shana was in contact with the Dark Lady Morgana to kill Jane.. Suddenly Morgana the witch entered the room armed with a dagger, with the aim to kill the princess. Queen Seelie saw everything and she put herself in front of Jane: SEELIE: -That s enough Morgana I won t let you to kill my daughter. You betrayed me years ago! MORGANA: -Seelie, it s not a personal issue only business. SEELIE: -Face me first!! Morgana railed against the Queen... and killed her in front of her daughter. Meanwhile the brave prince Eric pulled out his sword and defeated the witch Morgana. Italy page 40 / 109

Thanks to the act of bravery of the Prince, his father decided to give him his reign. As soon as he was appointed the new king, Eric decided to exile Shana for betraying the two Kingdoms. Finally Jane and Eric got married!! The two lovers stayed together reigning over the people of Hanuk and that of Erebor and they lived happily ever after!! LO STRANO CASO DI PRIMAVERA C era una volta una bambina di nome Mia che aveva sei anni. Mia e il suo cucciolo René vivevano in una casetta in campagna circondata da fiori, alberi e tanti animaletti selvatici. I due amici si divertivano passando le loro giornate giocando nel campo di papaveri e scoprendo ogni volta qualcosa di nuovo e meraviglioso. Mia aveva ricevuto René solo qualche anno prima, in occasione del suo quarto compleanno. I suoi genitori, Marta e Gabriele, lo avevano trovato per caso in uno scatolone davanti al supermercato e vedendolo solo e abbandonato, decisero di portarlo a casa con loro. La mattina seguente la bambina lo trovò ai piedi del suo letto. Era stato amore a prima vista. Gli occhi grandi e amorevoli, la macchiolina marrone immersa nel pelo dorato l avevano conquistata. Mia era una bambina più bassa di quelle della sua età; nonostante ciò era da sempre molto perspicace e coraggiosa. L avventura era la sua passione, nulla la spaventava e il suo aspetto ribelle lo testimoniava. Durante una delle loro folli scampagnate, i due inseparabili compagni videro una luce colorata brillare all interno di un papavero rosso. Una piccola ombra scuoteva i fragili petali del fiore, spargendo nell aria una polvere scintillante. Mia e René, curiosi, si avvicinarono con attenzione, cercando di immaginare quale strana creatura potesse risplendere di una luce tanto bella e potente. Ormai sopra la fonte di tanta bellezza, René si lasciò scappare un guaito di gioia, fiutando che non trattava di qualcosa di pericoloso. Anzi.. Con uno starnuto quasi impercettibile il bocciolo misterioso si aprì, rivelando un incredibile fatina dalle grandi ali colorate. Era ricoperta di minuscoli fiori, foglie, frutti e fiocchi di neve. - Sigh! Aiuto! Aiutatemi!- esclamò singhiozzando Ho le ali legate, non posso volare!-. Mia, ancora incredula davanti a tale scoperta, si animò e dopo aver liberato la fatina la portò a casa con sé. Durante il breve tragitto, né la bambina, né la fantastica creatura dissero una parola; in cambio il dolcissimo René non smise di esultare, abbaiando e saltando continuamente. -Sigh! Sono Clio, la fata delle stagioni, sigh!- disse accomodandosi sulla grande poltrona rossa di Gabriele. -Ciao Clio! Io sono Mia e questo pazzo batuffolo al mio fianco è René! -. - Piacere amici e grazie per avermi salvata!-. -Chi ti ha legato le ali? Perché eri nel nostro giardino? Dove vivi in realtà? E..- Mia era così curiosa che fece talmente tante domande da dimenticarsi di lasciar rispondere la sua nuova amica. Italy page 41 / 109

- Oh! Se solo poteste immaginare come è stato terribile incontrare quel calabrone malvagio!-. - Un calabrone malvagio?!- ripeté la bambina, seguita dall approvazione del suo René. -Si! Ron è l insetto che mi ha inseguita e che con un filo d erba mi ha impedito di portare le stagioni nel mondo!-. René, catturato dallo scintillio di Clio, la seguì verso la finestra dove la magica fatina continuò il suo discorso, indicando tristemente l orizzonte dove avrebbe già dovuto portare la primavera. Mentre Mia era rapita dai fantastici racconti della piccola Clio e sognava ad occhi aperti di accompagnarla tra foreste incantate, laghi ghiacciati e cascate di fiori, René approfittò della porta lasciata per sbaglio aperta dalla sua padroncina per andare fuori alla ricerca del peloso nemico Ron. Con il naso immerso tra margherite e papaveri, il fido cagnolino fiutò l insetto che aveva interrotto il mitico viaggio della dolcissima Clio. Subito dopo averlo scoperto, il furbo René si lanciò ai piedi di Mia che aveva appena finito di parlare con la fatina. Avendo capito quello che René voleva comunicarle, prese una retina per farfalle, un barattolo di marmellata vuoto e corse fuori all inseguimento di Ron. Il calabrone, che non si era accorto di nulla, pensava a come poter cambiare la stagione che ormai era iniziata. Solo quando sentì abbaiare René capì di essere stato scoperto. Spaventato, volò più veloce che potè mentre il gruppo di amici si avvicinava velocemente. Mia provò molte volte a catturare il calabrone, ma non ci riuscì. Durante la sua fuga, Ron si voltò per assicurarsi di essere lontano abbastanza da potersi fermare, ma il tronco di una quercia gli bloccò la strada e lo sfortunato animale si schiantò contro di esso e rimbalzò sulla corteccia cadendo verso il basso. Mia fu così veloce da posizionare il barattolo ai piedi dell albero, nel punto esatto in cui cadde Ron che improvvisamente si ritrovò intrappolato. -L abbiamo preso Clio! L abbiamo preso!- disse Mia. -Nessuno potrà più fermare il corso delle stagioni! In quanto a te, Ron il calabrone, adesso vorrei sapere cosa hai contro le mie stagioni!.-. -Sono così belle! È grazie a loro che possiamo andare al mare l estate, mangiare le castagne in autunno, sciare l inverno e raccogliere i fiori in primavera - esclamò Mia. -È proprio questo il problema! - rispose Ron io sono allergico al polline! Per questo volevo che rimanesse inverno-. La fatina, commossa dalla storia del calabrone, decise di aiutarlo e chiese a Mia di prenderlo in mano. Un arcobaleno di scintille fuoriuscì dalle fragili mani di Clio e si diresse verso il piccolo insetto illuminandolo completamente. Nel frattempo, René si era alzato sulle zampe posteriori per assistere alla magia: in pochi secondi nelle mani di mia si materializzò una splendida farfalla dalle grandi ali azzurre. Rimasero tutti a bocca aperta quando capirono che si trattava dello stesso Ron. Stupito, si alzò in volo, sfiorò il muso di René, accarezzò le guance di Mia e abbracciò Clio. -Grazie a te sono finalmente libero di godermi questa meravigliosa primavera!-. Un nuovo gruppo di amici si era formato e con loro le stagioni avevano ripreso a scorrere regolarmente. Italy page 42 / 109

Ron incontrò un gruppo di farfalle che lo accolse volentieri tra di loro e Clio potè finalmente finire il suo lavoro. Alla fine della giornata Mia e René, stanchi ed entusiasti, tornarono a casa per raccontare a Marta e Gabriele la loro straordinaria avventura di cui furono protagonisti in questa semplice giornata particolare. Giorgia Proietti & Erica Bono Scuola Primaria  Io Bambino Strada San Fortunato Terni 02/December/2014 The strange case of spring O nce upon a time there was a little girl whose name was Mia. She was six years old. Mia and her pet dog René lived in a cottage surrounded by flowers, trees and lots of wild little animals. The two friends had fun spending their days playing in a poppy field, always discovering something new and wonderful. Mia had received René just a few years before, as a present for her fourth birthday. Her parents, Marta and Gabriele, had found him by chance in a box in front of the supermarket and, given that he was alone and abandoned, they decided to bring him home with them. The next morning the little girl had found him at the foot of her bed and it had been love at first sight. His big lovely eyes and his small brown spot on his golden fur immediately had conquered her. Italy page 43 / 109

Mia was smaller than the other girls of her age, but despite that, she was all along very perceptive and courageous. Adventure was her passion, nothing scared her and her rebel appearance proved it. During one of their crazy country outing, the two inseparable companions saw a golden light shining inside a red poppy. A small shadow shook the frail petals of the flower, spreading a bright dust in the air. Mia and René got carefully near it with curiosity, trying to imagine what a strange creature could shine with such a beautiful and powerful light. Once she was over the wonderful source, René let out a whine of happiness, smelling that it was not dangerous. Quite the opposite... With an imperceptible sneeze the mysterious bud opened, showing an incredible little fairy with big colourful wings. She was covered with tiny flowers, leaves, fruits and flakes. Help! Help me! she cried in sobs. My wings are fastened! I can t fly! Still incredulous in front of such a discovery, Mia collected herself and after freeing the fairy, she brought her to her house. During the short ride, neither the girl nor the fantastic creature said a word; instead the sweet René did not stop exulting, barking and jumping all the time. I m Clio, the fairy of seasons, sob! said the fairy seating on Gabriele s big red armchair. Hi Clio! I m Mia and this crazy darling next to me is René! Nice to meet you friends, and thanks for rescuing me! Who fastened your wings? Why were you in our garden? Where did you actually live? And... Mia was so curious that she asked so many questions forgetting to let her new friend answer. Oh! If only you could imagine what a terrible meeting was the one with that evil hornet! An evil hornet? repeated the little girl, followed by René s consent. Yes! Ron is the insect who chased me and used a blade of grass to prevent me from spreading the seasons all around the world. Captured by Clio s twinkle, René followed her going to the window where the magic fairy continued her speech, sadly pointing out at the horizon where she would already had brought spring. Mia was fascinated by the beautiful stories little Clio told and she daydreamed to go through enchanted forests, icy lakes and falls of flowers with her. Meanwhile, René took advantage of the open door to go out in search of Ron, his hairy enemy. Plunging his muzzle into daisies and poppies, the faithful little dog smelled the insect which had interrupted Clio s legendary journey. Soon after he discovered it, sly René shot at Mia s feet who had just finished to speak to the fairy. She understood what René wanted her to understand, so she took a butterfly net, an empty tin of jam and ran outside to chase Ron. The hornet did not realize anything and thought how to change the season which had just started. Only when he heard René barking, it understood it was found out. Scared, it flew faster it could. The group of friends got quickly closer. Mia tried a lot of times to capture the hornet in vain. While flying away, Ron turned back to make sure to be far enough to stop, but... an oak trunk blocked his route and the unlucky insect crashed into it, bounced off the bark Italy page 44 / 109

and fell down. Mia was so fast that she managed to put the tin at the foot of the tree, exactly where Ron fell. He was suddenly trapped. We ve caught it, Clio! We ve caught it!, Mia shouted. Nobody will stop the course of seasons! As for you, Ron the hornet, now I d like to know what you ve got against my seasons! They are so wonderful! It s thanks to them we can go to the sea in summer, or eat chestnuts in autumn, or ski in winter and pick up flowers in spring! said Mia. That s the point!, Ron answered. I m allergic to pollen! That s why I wanted winter for ever. Touched by the hornet s story, the fairy decided to help it, so she asked Mia to pick it up with her hand. A rainbow of sparks came out from Clio s frail hands and went toward the small insect, lighting him up completely. René was standing up on his hind legs to attend the magic event. In a few seconds a wonderful butterfly with big blue wings materialized in Mia s hands. Everybody was surprised when they understood that the butterfly was still Ron. In amazement, it flew up in the sky, brushed René s muzzle, touched lightly Mia s cheeks and embraced Clio. Thanks to you, now I m free to enjoy this fantastic spring! said Ron. A new group of friends was born and with it the four seasons returned to go by regularly. Ron met a group of butterflies which received him gladly and Clio could eventually finish her task. At the end of the day, Mia and René, tired but enthusiastic, came back home to tell Marta and Gabriele the fantastic adventure they had experienced on that simple but particular day. Written by Giorgia Proietti & Erica Bono The fairy tale was read to children Scuola Primaria  Io Bambino Strada San Fortunato Terni 02/December/2014 Italy page 45 / 109

Lithuania Miško paukšte V isais laikais miškuose gyveno gyvūnai, bet tokio gyvūno dar niekas nėra regėjęs - tai paslaptingoji paukštė, kurią galima išvysti tik naktį. Žmonės pamatę tokio neapsakomo grožio padarą nori jį pagauti ir pasipelnyti, bet jie nežino, kokia yra miško paukštės paslaptis. Paukštė kažkada taip pat buvo laiminga jauna princesė, kuri gyveno miško viršūnių pilyje su savo tėvais, bet likimas taip susiklostė, kad princesės likimas jau buvo nulemtas. O viskas prasidėjo tada, kai ji gimė. Pakerėti mergaitės grožio mestelėnai šypsojosi ir negailėjo pagyrų, kol vieną dieną visą miško gyventojų tvirtovę užliejo tamsa. Išsigandę gyventojai kreipėsi pagalbos į karalių, kuris nusprendė nenusisukti nuo savo tautiečių. Jis susikrovė mantą ir nepasakęs niekam nieko išvyko. Miško viršūnių pilies gyventojai pamanė, kad jis pabūgo ir paliko juos, net jo žmona taip nusprendė, bet ne dukra. Mažoji princesė tikėjo tėvu, nes žinojo, kad miškas ir jo gyventojai jam didžiausias turtas. Bėgo metai, princesė vis sparčiau augo ir gražėjo, bet tamsa tebegaubė mišką. Karalienė iš nevilties nebežinojo, ką daryti, tad pradėjo atsakymų ieškoti knygose, klausė žiniuonių, bet taip ir liko nieko nepešusi. Princesė suprato, kad turi kažko imtis, nes ji yra karaliaus duktė. Mergina nusprendė sekti tėvo pėdomis ir išvykti nieko nesakiusi, kai tik pradės švisti. Kaip tarė, taip ir padarė, paryčiais paliko pilį ir patraukė ieškoti pagalbos. Ji klaidžiojo dienų dienas per gūdžius miškus, bet nesutiko nė gyvos dvasios. Galop išvargusi sukniubo ant samanų paklotės. Staiga nuovargį išsklaidė lyg iš dangaus nukritusi nedidelio ūgio švytinti moteriškaitė. Princesė pamanė, kad sapnuoja, bet įsižnybusi suprato, jog tai realybė. Moteriškė prabilo švelniu balsu : Gražioji mergaite, ko ieškote tokioje gūdumoje? Ieškau pagalbos, mano kraštą užliejo begalinė tamsa, o tėvas išėjęs ieškoti stebuklo nebegrįžo- tarė princesė. Galbūt aš tau galiu padėti, bet mainai turi būti lygiaverčiai,- susimąsčiusi atsakė moteris. Atiduosiu viską, kad tik miško viršūnių pilies gyventojai būtų lamingi. Gerai. Jeigu nori, kad visam laikui dingtų tamsa, turėsi tai padaryti pati. Visą likusi gyvenimą, kai nusileis saulė, pavirsi baltąja paukšte, kuri sklaidys tamsumas ir neleis joms sugrįžti, o po saulėtekio negalėsi rodytis žmonėms, nes tuomet kerai išsisklaidys, ir tamsa vėl apgaubs tavo kraštą. Aš sutinku, tai mano pareiga,- kilniai pasakė mergina. Po paskutinių ištartų princesės žodžių šviesioji moteriškaitė dingo, o karalaitė virto balta neapsakomo grožio paukšte. Nieko nelaukusi ji nuskrido į savo miestą ir apšvietė padangę. Nuo tos dienos karalystėje princesės niekas nebematė, o kas naktį tik išvysdavo danguje baltą pašvaistę. Laura Žukevičiūtė, 17 years Lithuania page 46 / 109

The tales were read 6 10 October 2014 for the students of Salininkai Primary School, address: Pupines 11 and the Kindergarten address Kalviskiu 1 Gabrielė Kodytė, 12 years Mysterious birdie T hroughout ages a lot of animals lived in the forest, but this animal was special. You could see it only at night it was a mysterious birdie. People, who see this beautiful creature, want to capture it, but they don t know the secret of the bird. Once upon a time the magical birdie was a princess who lived with her parents in their forest kingdom. Everything started the day the princess was born. She was a beautiful child who charmed the hearts of the people in the Lithuania page 47 / 109

kingdom. They loved and cherished her. But suddenly the darkness of the night covered all the sun and people of the forest were left without it. Dark covered the kingdom. People were scared and lost; they didn t know what to do. They hoped their king would save them, but the next day he packed his bags and left without explanation. Everyone thought he abandoned the kingdom even the queen, but the little princess believed that her father left to save the palace. Days, months, years passed, but nothing changed, the dark still covered the forest. Each day princess grew more and more beautiful, but she wasn t happy because she knew she had to save her kingdom from this terrifying darkness. What are you doing in this part of the woods? It s unsafe to be here. I m looking for help. A couple years ago the dark covered the skies of my kingdom and we haven t seen sun ever since. My father was trying to help us, but he is lost I can help you, but I need something in return. said the lady. Take whatever you need. I will do everything for the people of the Forest kingdom. Good. If you want to clear the dark you will have to do one thing. For the rest of your life when the sun will go down you ll become a white bird which will protect the sun from the darkness. But when the sun will rise you ll hide. If anybody sees you during the day, darkness will cover the kingdom for good. I agree, this is my duty as a princess to help and protect people of the Forest kingdom. After these words left her lips the shining lady disappeared and the princess turned into a gorgeous bird. She flew to her kingdom and cleared the darkness which had covered it. After that day nobody saw the beautiful princess, only at night you could see a shining light flying through the skies it was a mysterious birdie. Troliai K artą mišką užplūdo baisi nelaimė. Miško pakrašty esanti atominė elektrinė išmetė atomines atliekas tiesiog miškan, kad nereikėtų mokėti sunaikinimo mokesčio. Pro šalį grybauti ėjusiems ežiukams šviesiai žaliai spindintis skystis pasirodė labai skanus. Jie pradėjo jį siurbti lyg skanų bananinį kokteilį. Staiga ežiukai jau buvo nebe ežiukai. Jie pavirto Troliais. Visi miško žvėreliai buvo pakraupę. Troliai buvo tokie baisūs, kad miško žvėreliai ėmė jų bijoti. Nė vienas gyvūnas nedrįso stoti jiems skersai kelio. Jie draskė ir griovė, degino ir niokojo mišką - visų gyvūnų namus. Po dviejų terorizavimo mėnesių miško gyventojams nusibodo Troliai, todėl jie sušaukė susirinkimą, kad nuspręstų, ką reikėtų daryti su Troliais. Vieni siūlė juos užverbuoti, kiti susidraugauti ir panašiai. Bet miško seniūnijos pirmininkui ponui Briedžiui paskelbus balsavimą, buvo taikiai ir demokratiškai nuspręsta, kad trolius reikia sugrąžinti į pirminį būvį. Ši užduotis buvo patikėta jaunajam chemikui Apuokui. Ilgas dienas Apuokas triūsė nuo ryto iki vakaro, kol pagaliau jam pavyko nustatyti, kokiu chemikalu apsinuodijo ežiai. Tačiau dabar laukia kitas daug sunkesnis ir pavojingesnis žingsnis reikia gauti Trolių DNR. Lithuania page 48 / 109

Apuokui teko kreiptis į Vilką, kuris vadovavo Specialiųjų Miško Karinių Operacijų, dar kitaip SMKO, padaliniui. Vilkas sukūrė puikų planą: Vilkas su SMKO per kasdienės Trolių medžioklės metu turės juos užklupti netikėtai, tai bus Žvėrių pranašumas, nes Troliai to nesitikės. Kol SMKO užims Trolius, Apuokas turės puikų šansą gauti jų DNR. Viskas klostėsi puikiai iki tol, kol atėjo Apuoko eilė. Apuokas niekada nebuvo matęs Trolių. Gal todėl, kad didžiąją dalį savo laiko praleisdavo laboratorijoje ieškodamas naujų cheminių elementų. Na, nesvarbu. Jis tikėjosi išrauti plauką iš milžiniškos trolio galvos, bet tai buvo pati didžiausia jo klaida. Troliai buvo pliki it obuoliai. Ką daryti, ką daryti? - galvojo Apuokas. Švirkšto neturi, kraujo nepaims. Seilės? Ne, jis nenori lįsti į Trolio burną, dar praris. Ir staiga Trolis užsimojo savo didele ranka. Fuu...Kokia plaukuota pažastis. - pamanė Apuokas. Staiga Apuokui dingtelėjo mintis. Pažasties plaukai - štai DNR šaltinis. Apuokas pasileido Trolio link. Šovė tiesiai jam į pažastį ir čiupo pirmą pasitaikiusį plauką. Kad būtumėt girdėję Trolio riksmą... Lyg ūžtų tūkstančiai įjungtų siurblių. Ir čia dar ne viskas jis vos nesutraiškė Apuoko į dvi dalis! Tačiau misija buvo įvykdyta nepriekaištingai. SMKO saugiai atsitraukė ir niekas nebuvo sužeistas. Iškart po misijos Apuokas grįžo į savo laboratoriją, išskyrė DNR ir pagamino priešnuodį. Dabar liko kaip nors priversti trolius suvartoti priešnuodį. Apuokas vėl nuskubėjo pas SMKO. Deja, šį kartą jie niekuo padėti negalėjo, esą jie išvykę į kažkokias labai svarbias TMIDS (Tarp Miško Ir Dykumos Sąjunga) pratybas. Teko Apuokui grįžti namo ir pačiam sugalvoti planą. Staiga jam kvapą užgniaužė nepaprastas aromatas - mamos kepti keksiukai. Mmm... Kokie jie skanūs. Ir štai jis jau turi planą. Kitą rytą Trolių buveinėje, ant valgomojo stalo, garavo trys skanūs Apuokienės keksiukai. Na, receptas buvo šiek tiek pasikeitęs, nes į juos buvo pripompuota galybė priešnuodžių. Bet skonis ir kvapas išliko toks pat. Aišku, kai tik juos pamatė Troliai, iškart nė vieno nebeliko. Buff... Tą žalsvą sprogimo blyksnį galėjai įžiūrėti iš bet kur. Įvyko metamorfozė. Troliai dingo, o jų vietoje pupsėjo trys maži ežiukai, - mieli, gražūs ir žavingi. Viskas visiems baigėsi gerai: Apuokas gavo Mobelio premiją už savo chemijos žinias, SMKO vadui Vilkui buvo įteiktas garbės medalis už geriausiai suorganizuotą puolimą, o ežiukai? Na, jie ilgai ir laimingai gyveno. Nors vienas ežiukas nebuvo labai laimingas. Jam lig šiol neauga pažastų plaukai ir dėl to jis kaltina Apuoką. Na, ką padarysi, yra kaip yra, todėl venkime neteisingų sprendimų, o svarbiausia - nešiukšlinkime, nes ką gali žinoti, gal kitąkart pasaulį valdys GNOMAS. Paulius Biekša, 15 years The tales were read 6 10 October 2014 for the students of Salininkai primary school, address: Pupines 11. and the Kindergarten, address Kalviskiu 1 Lithuania page 49 / 109

Justina Bražinskaitė, 12 years Trolls O nce upon a time a huge disaster happened in the woods. On the edge of the woods there was a gigantic nuclear Power plant and people who worked there decided to throw away the nuclear waste directly into the woods because they didn t want to pay any more money for it s disposal. A family of hedgehogs were walking nearby gathering mushrooms and saw interesting green stuff. They tried it and it was very tasty so they ate all of it. Suddenly hedgehogs turned into ugly trolls. All the forest animals were scared because the trolls were really frightening. The trolls started terrorising the forest creatures, burning their houses, stealing food and destroying the woods. Nobody wanted to cross the path of the trolls but after a couple of months everyone was fed up and wanted to stop trolls. Thats why they called the meeting of the forest animals. Everyone offered different ways to stop the trolls: recruiting, befriending and so on. But when the chairman of the meeting Elk announced the voting time, it was democratically decided that trolls had to be turned back into hedgehogs. Thistask was entrusted to the chemist of the woods the Owl. For a couple a days the Owl was working day and night trying to find the chemical materials which could turn them back to hedgehogs. But after finding that he had more difficult step - he had to get trolls DNA. The Owl had to apply to the Wolf, who was the leader of Special Forces of the Forest, also called SFF. The Wolf made a perfect plan: he and the team of SFF will ambush the trolls by surprise and during the attack the Owl will have some time to take trolls DNA. Lithuania page 50 / 109

The campaign was going perfect until it was Owl s time to get DNA. He has never seen trolls in his life maybe because he had spend all his time in his laboratory? Nobody knows. He thought he would just get a peace of hair from trolls head but he was wrong. Trolls were hairless! What to do? What to do the Owl thought. He didn t take syringe with him so he couldn t take blood. Saliva? Ew, disgusting, definitely no. Sudenly the troll put his arm up and the Owl thought Smelly and hairy armpits.. He should shave them! Bingo! Armpit hair, that s where he will take his DNA from. The Owl ran straight to the troll and pulled out some hair from his arm. The Troll didn t expect so much pain so he screamed and almost collapsed on the Owl. But the mission was completed and nobody got hurt. Immediately after the mission was completed the Owl went to his laboratory and made antidote, but now they have to figure out how to make trolls take it. The Owl went to SFF for help but they could do anything because they were going to Wood and Deserts Organization ( WDO) exercises. So the Owl had to do it on his own. He was walking home when delicious smell turned his attention, his mum s homemade cupcakes were so good. That s the plan! Next morning just freshly made cupcakes were laying on the trolls residence table. The recipe was changed a bit because they were full of antidote, but the taste and smell were the same. Immediatelly when the trolls saw the cupcakes the plate was empty. Buff.. A green light and smoke covered all the building. When the smoke scattered small hedgehogs were standing in the trolls palace. Small, cute and adorable. Everything ended well after all: the Owl got a Mobel prize, the Wolf got a medal for his bravery and hedgehog? They lived happily ever after Except one hedgehog, he cant grow armpit hair anymore. But it is what it is, let s try not to make bad decisions, especialy let s try not to pollute our world, who knows maybe later trolls will rule the world. Lithuania page 51 / 109

Poland KOPCIUSZEK DAWNIEJ I DZIŚ Narrator: B ardzo dawno, może przed wiekami, Za siedmioma górami, za siedmioma lasami, W województwie położonym w sercu Polski - w województwie wielkopolskim. Nad najczystszą niegdyś rzeką Maskawą, W mieście, którego nazwa z dniem tygodnia się kojarzy. Mieszkała rodzina zamożna. Miała dwie córki brzydule, Które kochała czule, I pasierbicę sierotę, Której w domu najgorszą dawali robotę. Należała sierota do najurodziwszych panien w okolicach Środy Wielkopolskiej. Miała bardzo piękny głos i lubiła śpiewać. Niskie było jej poczucie własnej wartości. Więcej opisywać nie będę jej historii - posłuchajcie sami! Macocha: Córeczki moje miłe pora wstawać. Dość już spania! /chodzą dwie pannice w rozczłapanych kapciach, z pochmurnymi minami, z komórkami w rękach i zaspanymi oczami/ Gdzież się ta dziewucha podziała? Macocha do Kopciuszka: Kopciuszku, bierz się do pracy ostro, Śniadanie podaj siostrom, zrób im zapiekani lub tosty Bo głód w nich bardzo ostry. I rób tak jak Ci mówię: Zmyj naczynia z wczorajszego dnia, powieś pranie w suszarni, Wyprasuj moim córeczkom białe bluzeczki, a także wyczyść obuwie Bo po wczorajszym spacerze wyglądają okropnie. I posprzątaj, bo za Ciebie nie sprzątnę, Wszędzie jest pełno kurzu. Moje córki tego nie lubią. Zaraz zaczną kichać, przecież mają alergię na kurz. One muszą byś czyste, wypoczęte i gotowe do zabawy. Ruszaj się! Ta robota, o której mówię jest w sam raz dla Ciebie dla takiego jak Ty Kopciucha! Narrator: Tak właśnie sierotę przezwano Kopciuszkiem. A ona na wszystko się godziła i była bardzo miła. Ocierała tylko łzy fartuszkiem, nikomu się nie żaliła, Bardzo ciężko pracowała, szorowała i tak sobie śpiewała: Śpiew Kopciuszka: Ach, ja biedna sierotka, Nie mam pieska ni kotka, Ni komórki, ni laptopa, Tylko szmatę i mopa. Muszę sprzątać, prać, gotować, froterować, czyścić, Prasować i nie słyszę ani jednego dobrego słowa, Moja matka jest dla mnie bardzo niedobra, a o siostrach wolę nie mówić. One ciągle się mnie czepiają, wyzywają, dokuczają, śpiewać nie pozwalają I tak myślę, że wcale serca nie mają i mnie nie kochają. Narrator: A macocha z córkami siedziały w salonie, Córki oglądały filmy, bawiły się komórkami i przeglądały strony w Internecie. Czatowały, googlowały i niczym się nie przejmowały. Matka pielęgnowała swoje paznokcie, kremem nacierała dłonie, Układała włosy i rozmawiała z córkami chwaląc się urodą. Macocha: Kopciuchu, dlaczego jest tak głośno Przestań się wydzierać, okropnie mnie boli głowa. Od wczoraj mi nic nie pomaga. Natychmiast idź do apteki i przynieś na ból głowy leki. /Kopciuszek wychodzi a macocha zwraca się do córek/ Czemu moja córeczka jest smutna? Czemu nic jej nie cieszy? Ten iphone w jej rączkach jest cudny, Do najnowszych na świecie należy. Córka 1: Ten iphone mnie wcale nie cieszy. Bo lustereczko się ze mnie natrząsa! Nie pomogą piękne stroje, gdy wydałaś na świat matko brzydkie dziewoje. Jak okropnie wyglądam, nikomu się nie podobam! Mam krzywe nogi, rude włosy i długi nos. Żaden chłopak mnie nie lubi, Nikt bukiecików nie przynosi, Nikt o rękę nie poprosi. Macocha do 2 córki: A Ty czemuś córeńko taka niezadowolona? Co Cię gnębi? Jak mogę Tobie pomóc? Masz takie piękne kręcone włosy i niebieskie oczy. Potrafisz wszystkich wokoło zauroczyć. Nie martw się córeczko śliczna, w życiu będziesz najszczęśliwsza. Córka2: Poland page 52 / 109

Mam ja matko przeczucie straszliwe, Jestem brzydka, nikomu się nie spodobam, Głos mój jest taki piskliwy, bardzo często fałszuję. Mam przeczucie, że zostanę starą panną. Nikt się ze mną nie chce bawić, nikt się za mną nie obejrzy, Nikt nie poprosi do tańca i o rękę, Bo ja jestem najbrzydsza na świecie! Macocha: To nieprawda, Dla mnie obie jesteście ślicznotki! Buziaczek macie słodki, Porównać was można z kwiatuszkiem, A nie z pracującym w kuchni brzydkim Kopciuszkiem! Fanfary Macocha: Cicho, cichutko!!! Czy słyszycie córeńki kochane. Jakiś dźwięk się roznosi, Mam wrażenie, że ktoś nadchodzi! Może z dobrą nowiną przychodzi. Córka 1: Hej Kopciuszku! No ruszaj się! Szybciej! Żwawiej! Otwórz drzwi, jeszcze szerzej! Może to do nas gość przychodzi? Córka2: Patrzcie! Widać już niedaleko! Patrzcie! Czy mnie oczy nie mylą? Czy ja dobrze widzę? Jadą gońcy na żelaznych rumakach /motorach/, Słychać już warkot silników i widać tumany kurzu. Macocha do Kopciuszka Sprzątaj szybciej, zbieraj papierki, bo nadal tu bałagan wielki. Nikt nie może mieć o nas złego zdania. Dalej, bierz się do sprzątania!!! Macocha do córek Dobrze widzicie córeczki Nadchodzi goniec królewski Ciszej! Posłuchajmy, co on ma do powiedzenia. Goniec: Uwaga! Uwaga! Do wszystkich panien wszędzie Król jegomość kieruje orędzie. Niech każdy pozdrowiony będzie I szybko tutaj przybędzie. Jak każe obyczaj stary Król Jegomość wzruszony Ogłasza wszem i na wszystkie strony, że szuka dla Królewicza żony. Zgrabnej, pięknej i powabnej, Ogłasza więc wszem i wszędzie, że w najbliższą sobotę o godzinie 16:00 w restauracji Cechowa wielki bal się odbędzie. Król zaprasza wszystkie dziewoje Na wyśmienite przyjęcie swoje. Będą tańce, hulanki, swawole Gdzie panny pokażą wdzięki swoje. Będący na balu Królewicz Wybierze jedną z nich. Jeśli ją pokocha szczerze Da jej pierścień i słowo Ta będzie przyszłą Królową. A więc panny pięknie się ubierajcie I na bal przybywajcie. Kopciuszek słysząc wszystko mówi do siebie: Dłużej tak być nie może! Napiszę list, może mi ktoś pomoże? Kopciuszek głośno czyta: Droga wróżko z bajki. Żyję jak Kopciuszek. Wszystkim usługiwać muszę. Wyręczają się mną siostrzyczki, A ja marzę o karierze księżniczki Narrator: Taki list do butelki włożyła I nad brzeg Maskawy szybko podążyła. Wrzuciła butelkę do wody. Nurt rzeki niesie ją żwawo, A oczy Kopciuszka patrzą wciąż za nią. Kopciuszek: Nieś wodo list mój w dalekie kraje, Niech wróżka go w ręce swoje dostanie. Macocha: Córeczki, moje słodkie maleństwa, Nareszcie nadeszła ta chwila. Jesteście tak śliczne, Że królewicz z pewnością wybierze jedną z was. Córka 1: Mamo! Mateńko najdroższa! Chcę być na balu! Bawić się wspaniale! Córka2: Spraw nam nowe sukienki! Kup na nie jedwab cienki, Niech będą kolorowe i rozkloszowane, A na głowach niech każda z nas będzie miała wianek. W takim stroju na jury zrobimy wrażenie. A Kopciuszek niech bierze się do roboty Bo do balu zostały trzy dni. Kopciuszek Cóż mam robić, będzie tak jak chcecie I na bal do pałacu W pełni przygotowane pójdziecie. Sukienki kolorowe, rozkloszowane w pokoju gotowe Córka 1. (Zachwycona bierze do rąk sukienkę) Ach jak cudnie wyglądam. Jestem pewna, że gdy pośród wszystkich panien stanę Na pewno miss balu zostanę. Córka 2 Poland page 53 / 109

Nie! Ja jestem ładniejsza, zgrabniejsza i powabniejsza. To właśnie mnie wybierze królewicz! Macocha Moje córeczki nie kłóćcie się proszę, Dla mnie jesteście kochane i drogie Komisja królewska z pewnością wybierze was obie. DZIEŃ BALU Kopciuszek Pojechała macocha, siostry się wystroiły A ja już nie mam siły Muszę wciąż jak kocmołuch Sprzątać resztki ze stołu. Smutny jest los Kopciuszka. Czyż ja nie mam serduszka? Słyszę nawet jego pukanie Wróżka: To nie serduszko. To ja pukam kochanie, Jestem waszą sąsiadką, lecz bywam tu rzadko. Siedziałam nad rzeczką, nad Maskawą, tu niedaleko Złote rybki dostarczyły mi list twój, choć było nielekko Wróżka czyta list: Droga wróżko z bajki Żyję jak kopciuszek Wszystkim usługiwać muszę Wyręczają się mną macocha i siostrzyczki, A ja marzę o karierze księżniczki Wróżka: Słuchaj moje dziecko. Nie masz matki, lecz złą macochę O tym wszystkim, co się tu dzieje słyszałam trochę. Chcę spełnić marzenie twoje Pożyczę ci moje stroje Sukienkę atłasową włóż i biały szal Pantofelki ze złotego atlasu Pójdziesz do pałacu na bal! Kopciuszek: Ja chyba śnię, Pani nie jest sąsiadką Już wiem! Pani pewnie jest dobrą wróżką. Wróżka: Umyj szybko ręce, twarz i zrób wszystko jak ci radzę. Zasznuruję ci teraz staniczek Nie zapomnij wziąć rękawiczek Jeszcze pierścień na palec ci włożę Włosy upnę, poprawię sukienkę. Kopciuszek: Ach jak pięknie, jak pięknie, mój Boże! To chyba sen! Kopciuszek: Droga wróżko, czy mam wrócić przed północą? Czy ten warunek muszę spełnić dokładnie, bo inaczej wszystko przepadnie? Wszystko pryśnie, a zostanie niewiele, połatane ubranie i groch w popiele? Wróżka: Oj Kopciuszku, nie martw się o to. Oczywiście musisz wrócić przed północą. Dam ci tylko jedną dobrą radę. Pozostań sobą. Narrator: I wybrał się Kopciuszek na bal do zamku. Nie na koniu, nie karocą jak to w bajkach zwykle bywa. Poszedł pieszo, a wiatr włosy mu rozwiewał. Wszedł na schody, służba drzwi mu otwiera. I zdawać by się mogło, że za chwilę zrobi karierę. Kopciuszek nieśmiało skłonił się nisko Narrator: Co to za piękna dziewczyna? Kim ona jest, skąd przybywa? Co za uroda? Jakie ma ręce, szyję? Blask, jaki od niej bije. Takiej jeszcze nie widziałam, jak długo żyję. Te i inne pytania zewsząd słychać było. Kopciuszek swoim pojawieniem się na balu wzbudził wyraźną sensację. Królewski wodzirej: Uwaga! Uwaga! Tu na sali ze sto panien z różnych stron! Która z was podzieli tron? Książę poprosi każdą do tańca. Która wdziękiem go oczaruje Tej serce swe ofiaruje. Narrator: Tańczą panny wdzięcznie walca, suknie im wirują I na werdykt księcia niecierpliwie oczekują. /Książę kłania się nisko i prosi Kopciuszka do walca/ Kopciuszek: Drogi książę nade walce tańczyć wolę Stare, szybkie rock and roll`e. Zgodzisz się zatańczyć go ze mną? Obiecuję, że nogi same prowadzić będą. /Tańczą w rytmie rock and rolla/ Macocha z zazdrością: - Skandal. Skandal nad skandale!!! Kiedyś z klasą były bale! Po zamku się szwenda Jakaś przybłęda, a książę w nią wpatrzony, Kompletnie zauroczony Kopciuszek Teraz wiem, po co są bale!! Bawiłam się doskonale! Książę, tańczysz wyśmienicie. Książę: - Takie to książęce życie. Lecz czas dojrzeć. Szukam żony. Tobą jestem zachwycony. Moja droga panno tańczysz wyśmienicie Nie muszę się trudzić więcej Bo już wiem, że to właśnie z tobą chcę przetańczyć całe życie. /w tym momencie zaczyna bić zegar/ Kopciuszek: - Och, nie!!! Północ już wybija, to co piękne szybko mija. Muszę biec mój książę! Poland page 54 / 109

/Wybiega zostawiając pantofelek, chwyta go książę/ Książę: - Nie dogonię jej, nie zdążę! Co to była za dziewczyna? Czy tu mieszka jej rodzina? Czy ktoś zna ją? Goście(razem): Nie, nie znamy!!! Książę: - Więc od dzisiaj jej szukamy. Wszystkim pannom przymierzajcie. Na którą pasować będzie, Ta mą żoną w zamku będzie!!! Macocha: - Skandal. Skandal nad skandale!! Kiedyś z klasą były bale!! Kto to widział, aby na balu tańczyć roc and rolle. Książę w przybłędę był wpatrzony Kompletnie zauroczony Cały czas ją tylko niańczył!!! Z wami nawet nie zatańczył!!! Córki( razem): - Ale mamo, przyznaj sama Że to była piękna dama. Trudno, mamo, takie życie. Nie musimy być na szczycie! Córka 1: - Mnie wpadł w oko główny koniuszy I choć mówią niektórzy, że ma duże uszy. Córka 2: Ja tańczyłam cztery walce z leśniczym, Mówił mi, że dla niego tylko ja się liczę. Macocha: - Och!!! Ja biedna, co ja uczyniłam. Nie o takich zięciach dla was marzyłam. Ojciec No moja droga, już bez jęków, Obaj mają zawód w ręku. Żaden kryzys ich nie zmyli. /do córek/ Byleby się oświadczyli!!! Goniec z butem tu przybywa. Nic tu po nim, niech się zmywa. Macocha - Bzdury, bzdury, bzdury, bzdury!!! Hej, posłańcu, tu są córy. Przymierzcie im pantofelka. Stópka faktycznie, niewielka. Bucik jak z prawdziwej bajki, /macocha ogląda bucik i bez powodzenia wciska córkom na nogi/ Posłaniec - A tam, w kuchni ta piękna osóbka, która się tak zwinnie krząta, to kto? Macocha: - Ach, nie zwracaj panie na nią uwagi, to tylko służąca Posłaniec: Ale bardzo piękna panna? W dodatku pracowita i młoda! Macocha: - Tak, lecz czasu na nią szkoda. Na balu nie była, Bo podłogi myła. I tyle innych rzeczy robiła. Posłaniec - Droga Pani, daj mi chwilę, Pobrać miarę przecież mogę? Chodź panienko, pokaż nogę. /Macocha wzrusza ramionami rzuca pantofel w stronę Kopciuszka, która mierzy, wstaje i tańczy/ Wszyscy: - Och! Oooch! Posłaniec: - Uff! Nareszcie. But pasuje. Książę tak się denerwuje, Rano mu kolano drżało... Szukanie tak długo trwało. No, panienko, umyj rączki, Bo czekają dwie obrączki i na zamku szybki ślub!!! Drodzy poddani, powiem krótko: Nadszedł kres wszelkim smutkom. Jesteśmy uszczęśliwieni, Że nasz królewicz się żeni. Król wyprawi wesele huczne A was wszystkich zaprasza na ucztę Kopciuszek: - Będę wierna, aż po grób. I wcale nie chodzi o to, Że książę ma srebro i złoto. Gdy go pierwszy raz ujrzałam, Już wiedziałam, już wiedziałam Że go szczerze pokochałam. Zwraca się do macochy: Pobłogosław mnie pani matko Bo za chwilę już będę mężatką A z was siostry uczynię królewskie ochmistrzynie. /macocha zaczyna szlochać, ojciec podaje wielką chustkę/ Ojciec: - Przyznaj teraz, moja żono, tak naprawdę, nie wiadomo kogo, jaki czeka los. No, już dobrze, wytrzyj nos. Narrator: - Nigdy nie wiadomo, co się komu zdarzy, Więc dlatego człowiek zawsze o czymś marzy. Jeden chciałby być bogaty, drugi gnać po świecie, Nie wszystko się spełnia, rzecz to całkiem pewna, Lecz czasem z Kopciuszka wyrasta królewna. Narrator: I jeszcze jedno! Jeśli nie macie nic do stracenia I chcecie spełnić swe marzenia, Nie poddawajcie się miłe panie W bajkach są świetne przepisy na nie. Poland page 55 / 109

KOPCIUSZEK DAWNIEJ I DZIŚ napisany przez Adama Sobczyńskiego, lat 18 Bajka została przeczytana w przedszkolu Osiedlowe Skrzaty 20 marca 2014 *** Ulka, age 6 Cinderella past and now Narrator (Teller): O She had to do the hardest work. nce upon a time, a few centuries ago, far away over the hills In the province which is in the center of Poland-in Greater Poland province. It was in the town by the cleanest in the past Moskawa river, The name of the town is connected with day of the week. A rich family lived in this area. They had got two ugly daughters. They loved them tenderly. They had a stepdaughter- an orphan. The orphan was the fairest in the area of Środa Wielkopolska. She had got beautiful voice and liked singing. She didn t like herself. I won t more of this story- they re hearing it. Step-mother: Beloved girls, you must stand up, enough sleeping. /Two girls re wearing old slippers. They have got unhappy faces and sleepy eyes. They have got phones in their hands./ Where is the girl? Step-mother is speaking to Cinderella: Poland page 56 / 109

Cinderella, you must work quickly, Mother is taking care of their nails and cream for their You must give breakfast to your sisters and make hands. casseroles and sandwiches She is doing their hairstyle, speaking with daughters Because they are very hungry. and bragging about their beauty. You must do what I say Step-mother: You must wash the dishes from yesterday, hang the Cinderella, why is so loud here? washing in the drying room, Calm down! I have got a terrible headache. Iron my daughters white blouses and polish the shoes, Nothing has helped me since yesterday. Because they look terrible after yesterday s walk. You must go to the pharmacy and bring me medicine You must tidy because I won t tidy it for you. for headache now. Everywhere there is a lot of dust. /Cinderella is going out. Step-mother is speaking to My daughters don t like it. daughters./ My daughters will sneeze in a moment because they re Why are my daughters so sad? allergic. Is anything wrong? They must be fresh, relaxed and ready to play. This iphone looks beautiful in your hands. Come on! This job I am talking about is suitable for It is one of the most modern things in the world. you- Cinderella. First daughter: Narrator(teller): I m not glad with my iphone, She was known as Cinderella. Because my mirror is unkind to me. She did everything she was told and was very nice. I don t need beautiful clothes because you gave birth to She wiped the tears with the apron and didn t complain ugly girls. She worked very hard and sang I look terrible. Nobody fancies me! Cinderella s song: I have got crooked legs, red hair and long nose. I m a poor orphan. No boy likes me. I haven t got a dog or a cat. No one gives me bouquets. I haven t got a mobile phone and a laptop. No one will propose to me. I have got a rag and a mop. Step-mother is speaking to her second daughter: I must tidy, wash, cook, iron. I don t hear a good word. Daughter, why are you unhappy? My mother isn t good to me. I don t want to talk about What bothers you? How can I help you? my sisters. You have got beautiful, curly hair and blue eyes. They are mean to me and don t allow me to sing. You can be married by everyone in this area. I think they haven t got hearts and don t love me. My pretty daughter, don t worry. You are going to be Narrator(teller): happy in your life. Step-mother and daughters are sitting in the living Second daughter: room. Mum, I have got a scary foreboding. Daughters are watching a film, playing with their I m ugly. No one fancies me. mobile phones and surfing web pages in the Internet. My voice is so squeaky. I very often sing out of tune. They are chatting, (googling) and haven t got troubles. I have got the premonition that I will be a spinster. Poland page 57 / 109

No one would like to play with me. No one pays Let s listen what he wants to tell us. attention to me. Office- boy: No one will ask me to dance and to marry, Attention! Attention! Because I m the ugliest girl in the world. To every lady everywhere Step-mother: The king is directing a speech This is not true Everybody is welcomed I think you are beautiful. And let everybody come here Your kisses are sweet. As the old tradition preaches We can compare you to a flower, not to ugly Cinderella The King announces that he is looking for a wife. who works in the kitchen. Shapely, beautiful and attractive Fanfares. So he announces that on oncoming Saturday at 4 p.m. in Stepmother: Cechowa restaurant a big dance is taking place Hush! Hush! King is inviting all ladies to a great party Can you hear this my dear daughters. there will be dancing and other things Some sound is spreading, Where ladies will show theirs charm I think that someone is coming! And the King who will be at this Dance Maybe with good news. will choose the one of them. If he loves her honestly Daughter 1: He will give her a ring and a word Hey Cinderella! And she will be his Queen. Move on! So ladies, dress up beautifully Faster! Faster! And come Open the door, wider! Cinderella is talking to herself: Maybe a guest is coming to visit us? It can t be like that any longer! Daughter 2 I am going to write a letter, maybe someone will help Look! Look it s near! me? Look! Aren t my eyes mistaken?,, Dear Fairy, I live like a servant Am I right? I must serve everyone The Office-boys are coming on theirs motorbikes, I always do something for my sisters I can hear the roar of engines and can see dust. And I dream to be a princess Stepmother to Cinderella: Narrator: Clean it faster, pick up papers, because there s still a big She puts this letter into a bottle, mess here. And she goes quickly to the Maskawa s bank. No one can have a bad opinion about us. Then she throws the bottle into the water. Then, get down to cleaning!!! The current of the river carries it Stepmother to daughters And Cinderella s eyes still look at this bottle. You can see my daughters well Cinderella: The king s office boy is coming Carry it water into faraway countries Hush! And I wish Fairy could get it. Poland page 58 / 109

Stepmother: Like a slave I have to Daughters, my sweet babies Clean the rest of the table this moment finally came Poor Cinderella s misfortune. Have I got no heart? You are so beautiful, I can even hear its bum-bump-bump! King will certainly chose one of you Fairy: Daughter 1 It's not your heart. It's me bumping, sweetie, Mother! I'm your neighbour, but I am not here so often My dearest mother! I was sitting by the Moskawa river, I want to be at the party! Not far from here. And have an awesome fun! Golden fish brought your letter, Daughter 2 but it was a heavy one Buy us new dresses! Fairy is reading out the letter: Buy us silk ones, "Dear Fairy, I live like a slave, Let them be colorful and fluffy I must serve everyone. And on the heads let each of us have a wreath Stepmother and sisters use me With this outfit we will make an impression on the jury. And I dream to be a princess!" And Cinderella must get down to work Fairy: Because the party is in three days. Listen, my child. Cinderella: You have no mother but an evil stepmother, What can I do, it will be as you wish, I heard some stories of everything what happens here And to the party in the palace I want your dream to come true You will go fully prepared I'll lend you my clothes Colorful, fluffy dresses are ready in your rooms you'll wear and a white scarf, a satin dress Daughter 1 Golden Booties Oh, I look so amazing. You will go to the palace! I m sure when I stand among all these ladies Cinderella: I will became the Dance Queen It must be a dream, Daughter 2: You are not a neighbour No! I m the prettiest, more fitted and more attractive I know! You are a good fairy! And I ll be chosen by King Fairy: Stepmother: Clean your hands quickly, face too, My daughters, don t quarrel Just do everything I am telling you to! For me you are lovely and dear I'll knot your bra I m sure that The King Committee will choose both of Don't forget the gloves! you. And a ring on your finger... Cinderella: I'll do your hair, fix the dress Stepmother has gone, sisters have dressed up Cinderella: And I've got no strength Ah how pretty! How pretty! My God! Poland page 59 / 109

It's but a dream! Ladies are dancing gracefully waltz, their dresses are Cinderella: spinning Dear fairy, do I have to be back before midnight? And they are waiting for prince's verdict Should I obey this rule or everything will vanish? /Prince bows and asks Cinderella to dance/ Everything will be gone, not much to stay, patched Cinderella: clothes and peas in the Dear prince apart from waltz I like to dance ashes? Old, fast jive Fairy: Would you please dance with me? Oh Cinderella, don't bother please. I promise, legs will dance themselves Of course you have to be back by midnight. /Dancing to jive/ I'll give you one tip: Be yourself. Stepmother with greed: Scandal! Scandal over scandals! Narrator. Back in the old days parties had class! And Cinderella went to the palace And now Not on the horse, nor being carried like in tales. Some stray girl is walking around here and prince has Just on foot, wind blowing in her hair. crush on her She stepped on the stairs, Completely charmed And I think, she'll impress everyone Cinderella: Cinderella bowed, in shame. Now I know, why parties exist! I have never had fun Narrator: before! Prince, dance perfectly. Who's that beautiful girl? Prince: Who is she, where does she come from? That's the prince s life. What a charm! Now, grown up I'm looking for a wife. What hands she has, what neck! You, ma'am charmed me. she's shining like a star. You dance greatly I haven't seen anyone like this, as long as I live. I don't have to bother more These and other remarks could be heard from Now I know, I have to dance through my whole life everywhere. with you Cinderella causes a sensation, here at the party. Cinderella: Royal bellwether: Oh no! Midnight came, what is beautiful ends quickly Attention! Attention! I have to run my Prince! There are a hundred ladies from around the world here! /runs out, leaving a bootie which is picked up by the Which will take the crown? prince/ Prince will ask to dance everyone. Prince: He will give his heart to those I won't make it! I won't catch her! Whose beauty will charm him Who was that girl? Narrator: Does she live here? Does anyone know her? Poland page 60 / 109

Crowd (all at once): Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense! No, we don't! Hey, messenger, here are daughters Prince: Let them wear the shoe So from today, we will search for her. Foot in fact, not that big every lady will try if it fits her The shoe like from a real tale The one it will fit /stepmother investigates the shoe and without success Will be my wife! tries to fit it on her daughters feet/ Stepmother: Messenger: Scandal! Scandal over scandals! Back in the old days There, in the kitchen, such a lovely person, who is she? parties had class! Stepmother: Who had seen to dance jive at the party! Ah, sir, don't bother with her, she's just a servant The prince has a crush on a stray girl Messenger: Completely charmed But a lovely one! In addition to that, hard-working and All the time he cares for her! beautiful! He didn't even dance with you! Stepmother: Daughters (together): Yes, but don't bother wasting time on her But mother, admit it She wasn t at the reception She was a beautiful girl Because she cleaned the floors. Life is like that And did other things. We don't have to be on top! Messenger: Daughter 1: Dear Madam, give me a moment. I have crushed over the chief equerry Can I take the measure? Even though some say he has big ears Girl, come to me and show me your feet. Daughter 2: /Step-mother is shrugging and throwing the shoe at the I danced four waltzes with the forester side of Cinderella who is trying on the shoe. She is He said, that I am his whole world standing up and dancing next moment./ Stepmother: Everyone: Oh! What have I done! Wow! wow! I haven't dreamt of such sons-in-law Messenger: Father: At last. The shoe fits well. Oh, my dear, stop the moaning The prince is nervous, Both of them work His knee trembled in the morning Not a crisis will break them Because the search was very long. /to daughters/ Girl, you can wash your hands If only they declared! Because two rings and fast wedding at the castle are A messenger with the shoe is coming waiting!!! Never mind, let him in Dear ones, I can say briefly: Stepmother: It s the end of all sorrows. We are happy Poland page 61 / 109

Because our prince s getting married. That you never know The king s having a rollicking wedding What will happen to each of us And inviting all of you to a reception. It s ok, wipe your nose Cinderella: Narrator: I will be loyal till the day when I die. You never know, what might happen to whom Cinderella: So that s why humans always dream about something I ll be faithful till the end Some of them want to be rich, and others want to travel And I don t care if the King around the world Has silver and gold It s sure that not everything will come true When I saw him for the first time But sometimes Cinderella becomes a princess I just knew it, I just knew it, Narrator: That I honestly loved him And one more thing To Stepmother If you have nothing to lose, Bless me Mother And you want your dreams to come true Because in a moment I will be married Don t give up, My sisters, you will become King s maidservants Because in tales there are great recipes. Father: THE END Now, admit my wife Cinderella past and now by Adam Sobczyński, age 18 Read by the project group in Osiedlowe Skrzaty Kindergarten Osiedle Jagielloońskie 8, Środa Wielkopolska On 20 March 2014 Poland page 62 / 109

Smok Z a górami, za lasami, za rzekami, za morzami w pewnym kraju z skowronkami Żyła sobie raz księżniczka, bardzo mądra, dobra, śliczna Ale duży kłopot miała, gdyż męża poszukiwała Kandydaci się zjechali, z bliskich zamków, z sinej dali W zbrojach złotą nicią szytych czekali oświadczyn swych Królewna dość ofert miała, więc warunków nastawiała Kazała ich poddać próbom, przejdą je albo się zgubią Rzekła: Wezmę za męża tego, co się nie boi zwierze dzikiego! Wszyscy ruszyli, w siedmiu wrócili, Reszta zwiała gdzie pieprz rośnie, czekać w ciszy na przedwiośnie Bo po lasach niedźwiedź hasał, przestraszyli się Księżniczka myślała chwilę, nim kolejną próbę dała No a potem powiedziała: Wyjdę za mąż za tego, co mi przyniesie różę ze złota szczerego Pierwszy wrócił do siebie, w pilnej przeto potrzebie Różę z matczynej korony przyniósł dla przyszłej żony Drugi poszedł na południe, prosto w gorąco złudne Zakochał się w pięknej damie, został królem na Saharze Dwóch poszło na wschód, gdzie jest kwiatów w bród Wzięli po róży, po promieniu słońca i nieśli złotych róż bez końca Kolejny był rycerz spryciarz, udał się do alchemika Tam mu zmienił różę zwykłą w piękną no i złotolistną Przedostatni szedł na zachód, gdzie znika brzask, znalazł tam księżyca blask i tam został całkiem sam A ostatni szedł na północ, gdzie zapada ciemna noc Kwiatów tam nie znalazł, wrócił więc zamku zaraz I pięciu właśnie ich zostało i księżniczkę obsypało Różami ze złota szczerego, kwiatami z kruszcu przedniego Poszła do wróżki po radę na swe smutki Ta jej rzekła: Tam znajdziesz swego ukochanego, gdzie mieszka smok Wyznaczyła więc kolejne zadanie jeszcze trudniejsze Niedaleko stąd ma swe leże smok Ten kto poczwarę ubije, me serce podbije Poszedł pierwszy w lśniącej zbroi, wcale smoka się nie boi Strzela złotą strzałą w gada, a gad wcale nie upada Przetarł potwór oczy wielkie, rzekł: Cóż to za hałasy wszelkie? Zasnąć chciałem w ciszy sobie, lecz ktoś tupie, krzyczy, skrobie Ziewnął szerzej, kłapnął kłami, potężnymi szczękami Rycerz gdy to zobaczył, strasznie się przestraszył Uciekł, nie podołał, smoka pokonać nie zdołał Poszedł drugi w tarcze waląc, wielkim mieczem wywijając Zerknął więc smok i na niego, z punktu smoka niewielkiego Po cóż Ci ta wykałaczka? -spytał stwór na widok kopii Mlasnął: Głodny jestem wielce, macie noże i widelce? Poland page 63 / 109

Owce, krowy, kury, wołu, zjadłbym sobie coś z rosołu Rycerz stanął, już nie pewny, czy wysiłek wart królewny Smok wyszczerzył swe zębiska, ślinka już mu ciekła z pyska Rycerz zbladł, zachwiał się, wrócił i od bestii się odwrócił Na rumaku swoim uciekł, w jednym tylko ślicznym bucie Drugi zgubił, gdy odbiegał, już o nic nie zabiegał Trzeci i czwarty się dogadali: Razem raźniej, się nie damy królestwo dla mnie, królewna twoja Przybili od razu zgoda Podkradli się do pieczary, nocą gdy królują mary Tylko z leża smoka widać, jakiś blask czy łunę co tam Wtem smok kichnął, ogniem prysnął Tak się obaj przestraszyli, że aż portki pogubili I bez konia i bez zbroi powrócili z tych swawoli Podszedł ostatni, smoka mierzy wzrokiem A ten jak nie łypnie swym czerwonym okiem Rycerz się zachwiał, zamruczał, zemdlał, przerażony Teraz już nie wróci do swej przyszłej żony Uciekł do swego kraju, wracając do dawnych zwyczajów Księżniczka więc przyszła przed oblicze smoka niezrażona wzrokiem straszliwego oka Siadła na polanie: Och, cóż się ze mną stanie? Wszyscy kandydaci, strachliwi lub żonaci! Smok obrócił głowę, wygiął rogi w podkowę Nie rozpaczaj piękna, nie wszystko stracone Na pewno ktoś Cię pojmie za żonę! Niestety mętlik w głowie miałam, warunków nastawiałam Lecz naprawdę żadnego z nich nie kochałam! Wszyscy byli mili, mądrzy dobrotliwi, tylko strachliwi! Czy to im kazałaś iść do mego leża? Tak i teraz wstyd mi, rzekłam: Ubić zwierza! Lecz nie miałam pojęcie, jak inaczej znajdę księcia! Smok roześmiał się głośno, aż pękło pobliskiej chatki okno Więc pocałuj mnie księżniczko, tego zwierza, bestię, szybko! Księżniczka się wahała, bo straszna była z niego maszkara Lecz w końcu smoka ucałowała, lecz co to? Nagle zmalał Zamiast łusek- czarna zbroja, zamiast rogów- korona Zamiast skrzydeł-peleryna, miast ogona- piękna klinga Nie ma łap, a ręce, nie pazury, a dłonie Czarnych włosów kobierce, twarz przystojna wielce Kimże jesteś? -pyta księcia Jam jest Smok, syn króla Giemka Rzucona na mnie została, klątwa wcale nie mała Byłem smokiem długie lata, ściągnąć mogła ją tylko Księżniczka o czystym sercu Zakochali się w sobie, smok nie-straszny i księżniczka, przeznaczeni już na zawsze Żyli długo i szczęśliwie... Poland page 64 / 109

A z tej bajki taki morał: Nie oceniaj po pozorach! Opowiadanie napisana przez Wiktorię Kaczmarek, lat 16 Tekst został przeczytany w przedszkolu Wesołe Urwiski w Środzie Wielkopolskiej 11 lutego 2015 Franek, age 6 Dragon F ar far away behind the mountains, forests, rivers and seas in one country there was a beautiful princess. She was very clever, kind and pretty. But she was in trouble because she was looking for a husband. A lot of knights from different places came to her kingdom. They were wearing shining armors and looked great. The princess had so many marriage proposals that she decided to ask them to do a lot of different tasks. She wanted to marry only the bravest knight. She said, I will marry a man who is not afraid of wild animals. They went on a dangerous expedition to prove their bravery. But only seven knights came back to her. The rest ran away because they were afraid of a terrifying bear which was running in the forest. The princess thought for a while and gave another task. Poland page 65 / 109

She said, I will marry a man who will bring me a golden rose. The first knight came back to his kingdom and took a golden rose from his mother s crown. He brought it to the beautiful princess. The second knight went south, he met a beautiful lady and became a king on the Sahara Desert. The next two went east where there were a lot of flowers. They picked up some golden flowers. The next knight went west and he found the moon there. It was so beautiful that he decided to stay there. The last one went north where it was very dark. He didn t find any flowers and he came back to his castle. So only five knight succeeded and gave golden roses to the princess. The princess was very confused, she didn t know who to choose. She decided to visit a friendly fairy and ask her for advice. The fairy said, You will find a husband where the dragon lives. The princess decided to give another task to the knights. She said, The big dragon lives near here. I will marry a knight who will kill the beast. The first knight who was not afraid of the dragon went to the dragon s cave. The beast opened its eyes and said, Who is making such terrible noise? I want to sleep. The beast opened its mouth and showed big teeth. The knight was really terrified and ran away. He didn t manage to kill the dragon. The second knight came to the cave. He was carrying a big sword. He looked at the dragon. The beast said, What are you carrying? A tiny stick? I am hungry. Do you have any knives and forks? I want sheep, cows and hens. The knight stood with widely opened eyes. He was not sure if he wanted to sacrifice his life. The dragon looked really scary. The knight became pale, turned back and jumped on his horse. The third and the fourth knight made a deal. They decided to go together and kill the dragon. Let s go and kill the beast together. I ll take the kingdom and you will take the princess. They came to the cave at night. They saw the beast. Suddenly the dragon sneezed and blew some fire flames. The both knights got scared and also ran away. The last knight came to the cave. The dragon looked down on him dangerously. The man tripped over, fell down and fainted. He came back to his country. The princess came to the dragon s cave and sat down. What should I do? All candidates were cowards or married! The dragon turned to her and said, Don t sink into despair. I am sure somebody will marry you. She answered, Unfortunately I am confused. I invented a lot of stupid tasks. I didn t really love anybody. They all were nice, clever, good but they were just cowards. The dragon continued, Did you tell them to come to my cave? Yes, I did but now I m ashamed because I told them to kill you. I thought it was the only way to find a prince. The dragon laughed loudly, Kiss me my princess quickly. Poland page 66 / 109

The princess hesitated for a while because the dragon was really ugly. But at last she kissed the dragon and something strange happened. The beast started changing. The scales, tail and claws disappeared. She saw a handsome dark-haired man with a beautiful face. She asked, Who are you? I m Dragon, the son of king Giemek. I was cursed. I lived my life as a dragon, only a princess with a good heart could change me. They fell in love with each other. They lived long and happily. The moral of this story: Never judge a book by its cover Dragon by Wiktoria Kaczmarek, age 16 Read by the project group in Wesołe Urwiski Kindergarten ulica Libelta 1, Środa Wielkopolska On 11 February 2015 Poland page 67 / 109

Romania Destine Colorate L a începutul timpurilor, într-un colț îndepărtat de lume, exista un mic sat în care nimic nu avea culoare si totul era trist. Casele erau negre, iar sufletele oamenilor gri, precum înfățișarea lor. La marginea satului se afla un mic bordei în care locuia o tânără familie. Cei doi își duceau zilele fără un strop de veselie deoarece nu se întâmpla nimic în viața lor care să le bucure sufletele. Văzându-i atât de triști, Dumnezeu i-a binecuvântat cu un copil. La nașterea acestuia, părinții au fost uimiti de înfățișarea lui. Era un băiețel rumen în obraji, dominat de culoarea iubirii, așa cum nu se mai născuse în acel loc. Cu toate că era diferit, ursitoarele au coborât din cer pentru a-i prezice viitorul, așa cum era datina: - Tu, copile, te vei numi ROȘU si vei fi conducătorul întregii vieți, deoarece ai culoarea sângelui, iar sângele înseamnă viață! spuse una dintre ursitoare. Părinții micuțului au rămas nedumeriți și îngrijorați, neștiind ce va urma. ROȘU creștea și era privit cu teamă de toți oamenii din sat datorită aspectului său. Cu speranța că un alt copil va fi gri, asemeni lor, tinerii părinți au adus pe lume o fetiță. Aceasta era la fel de plină de viață și de colorată ca și fratele ei. Ursitoarele i-au prezis că va umple cerul la răsărit și la apus, va da culoare mâncărurilor sănătoase, iar frumusețea ei va fi nemărginită și au numit-o ORANGE. Disprețul cu care erau priviți de către cei din jur reușea să umbrească fericirea acestei familii, dar în ciuda înfățișării lor, micuții erau alintați și iubiți, mama și tatăl lor muncind din greu pentru a-i putea crește. Din dorința de a-și mări familia, cei doi soți hotărăsc să mai aibă un copil. La nașterea acestuia, cele trei ursitoare, fascinate de strălucirea și căldura lui, au hotărât că acest prunc va da culoare soarelui, lunii și stelelor și se va numi GALBEN. Deși dezamăgiți, părinții nu și-au pierdut speranța că într-o zi vor avea un copil pe care lumea să nu îl mai respingă. Urmăriți parcă de un blestem, cel de-al patrulea copil avea să aibă un temperament energic, diferit de al celor din jur, ochii mari, de o culoare pătrunzătoare, dătătoare de viață și de speranță. Ursitoarele l-au numit VERDE și i-au promis că iarba și copacii vor avea nuanța ochilor săi. După un timp, sătui de batjocura satului, părinții hotărăsc să adopte un copil gri, cu o înfățișare asemănătoare lor, dar odată ce a pășit pragul bordeiului, băiatul a căpătat o culoare ciudată, și-a îmbrățișat părinții și le-a spus: - Vă rog să nu fiți triști! Eu voi da culoare cerului, făcându-vă astfel zilele mai senine. Numele meu este ALBASTRU. După multe nopți în care nu a dormit gândindu-se la necazul ei, femeia a avut un vis în care i s-a aratat însuși Creatorul lumii. Acesta a sfătuit-o: - Nu pune la suflet vorbele oamenilor și fii mândră de copiii tăi, deoarece au fost trimiși de Mine să lumineze satul și să dea culoare vieții! Romania page 68 / 109

Dorind să facă o ultimă încercare, femeia a adus pe lume gemeni: o fată și un băiat. Fetița era foarte înaltă și avea o culoare imperială, iar ursitoarele au spus că va fi aleasă mereu de oamenii puternici deoarece reprezintă înțelepciune și putere. Au numit-o Violet. Băiețelul era trist, tăcut, și semăna cel mai mult cu părinții. Ei și-au dat seama că el reprezenta echilibrul și liniștea lor interioară. L-au botezat INDIGO, iar ursitoarele i-au prezis un viitor la fel de special ca al fraților lui. Odată cu trecerea anilor, copiii creșteau și deveneau tot mai frumoși și mai puternici. Își ajutau părinții la treburile gospodărești și împreună cu ei înfruntau batjocura satului. Știau că au fost născuți cu un destin special și așteptau fericiți ziua în care acesta avea să se împlinească. Peste câțiva ani, ursitoarele au coborât din nou pe pământ, oprindu-se la casa frumoasă și îngrijită pe care familia a construit-o de-a lungul timpului. Le-au spus celor 7 frați că a sosit clipa să se despartă de casa părintească pentru ași urma destinul. Îndurerați, bătrânii și-au luat rămas bun de la copiii lor și au aflat că îi vor putea revedea doar pe cer, după fiecare ploaie. După câteva zile, o furtună puternică a răcorit pământul, iar părinții au ieșit în curte cu speranța de a-și regăsi copiii. Pe cerul întunecat au zărit un arc foarte diferit de tot ce îi înconjura. În fiecare culoare din superbul semicerc bătrânii au recunoscut pe câte unul din copiii lor și, din dorința de a-i avea aproape, au atins cu bastoanele prima panglică din arc; atunci trandafirii din grădină s-au făcut roșii. Fericiți, au continuat să atingă arcul de pe cer, care își scurgea culorile pe pământ. Astfel, toate florile au devenit colorate, pădurea verde, iar soarele și grâul galbene. Doar cerul parcă nu prinsese culoare, însă moșul a atins și panglica albastră, iar aceasta a dat culoare văzduhului. Culorile au început să se așeze și pe obrajii oamenilor posomorâți din acel colț de lume, aceștia uitând în curând de trecutul cenușiu și trist. Astfel, dragi copii, când apare curcubeul pe întinsul cerului, țineți minte că fiecare dintre voi este special. Lăsați culorile curcubeului să vă reamintească faptul că trebuie să vă apreciați pe voi înșivă și pe cei din jur! Romania page 69 / 109

ANA STOICA, 6 years old Colorful destinies A t the beginning of times, in a faraway corner of the world, there was a small village where nothing had color and everything was sad. The houses were black and people s souls were grey, as their appearance. On the edge of the village there was a cottage in which a young family was living. They were living all days without a drop of happiness because nothing was happening in their lives to comfort their souls. They were very sad, so God blessed them with a child. At his birth, the parents were surprised by his appearance. It was a baby boy with ruddy cheeks, dominated by the color of love, as no one else born in that place. Although he was different, the Fates descended from the sky to predict the baby s future, as was the custom. - You, child, will be called RED and you will be the ruler of the whole life, because you have the color of blood and blood means life! said one of the Fates. The baby s parents were worried and puzzled because they didn t know what will happen next. RED was growing up and everyone in the village was looking at him with fear because of his appearance. Hoping they will have a grey baby, just as them, the young parents gave birth to a baby girl. She was as lively and colorful as her brother. Romania page 70 / 109

The Fates have predicted to her that she will fill the sky at sunrise and sunset, she will give color to the healthy food and her beauty will be boundless and they called her ORANGE. The contempt with which they were seen by the others managed to overshadow the happiness of the family, but despite their appearance, the children were pampered and loved and their parents were working hard so they could raise them. Wanting to increase their family, the spouses decided to have another baby. At his birth, the Fates were fascinated by his shine and warmth, so they decided that he will give color to the sun, moon and stars and he will be named YELLOW. Even if they were disappointed, the parents didn t lose their hope that one day they will have a baby which people will no longer reject. As if they were followed by a curse, the fourth kid was meant to have an energetic temperament, different of the people around, big eyes with a shrill color which was giving life and hope. The Fates named him GREEN and promised him that the grass and the trees will have the color of his eyes. After a while, tired of village taunt, the parents decided to adopt a grey child, with an appearance similar to them, but once he entered the cottage, the boy got a strange color, he hugged his parents and he told them: Please, don t be sad! I will give color to the sky and I will make your days more serene! My name is BLUE. After many nights of not sleeping, thinking about her trouble, the woman had a dream where she saw the Creator of World. He advised her: Don t listen to what people say and be proud of your children! I sent them to light the village and to give color to your life! Wanting to make a last attempt, the woman gave birth to twins: a girl and a boy. The girl was very tall and she had an imperial color. The Fates told her that she will always be chosen by strong people because she represents wisdom and power. They named her VIOLET. The boy was sad, silent and he resembled the most with his parents. They realized that he represents their inner balance and peace. They named him INDIGO and the Fates predicted him a future as special as the one of his siblings. The years passing, the children grew and they became increasingly more beautiful and stronger. They helped their parents around the house and together they faced the village mockery. They knew they had been born with a special destiny and they were waiting for the day when it will be fulfilled. After a while, the Fates descended from Heaven again, stopping at the beautiful house which the family built in time. They told to the seven siblings that it was time to separate from their parental home and to follow their destinies. Grieved, the elders said goodbye to their children and they found out that they will see their children again, except only on the sky, after every rain. A few days later, a thunderstorm refreshed the earth and the parents went to the garden hoping to see their children. On the dark sky, they saw an arch very different from everything around them. In every color of the wonderful semicircle the elders recognized each of their children and wanting to have them closer, they touched with their walking sticks the first ribbon of the arch and at that moment the roses from the garden became red. Happy, they Romania page 71 / 109

continued to touch the arch which was pouring its colors on earth. In this way, all the flowers became colored, the forest became green and the sun and the wheat became yellow. Only the sky was still without color, but the old man touched the blue ribbon and this one gave color to the sky. The colors seated also on the people s cheeks, so they soon forgot about their sad and grey past. Therefore, dear children, when the rainbow appears on the sky, remember that each one of you is special. Let the colors of the rainbow remind you that you must appreciate yourselves and also appreciate the people around you! FLORIS IOANA MIHALACHE, 16 YEARS OLD The story was read to kids from BISHOP IACOV ANTONOVICI SCHOOL, on the 16th of January 2015. Address of the school: Nicolae Tonitza Street No. 20, Barlad. Romania page 72 / 109

Bine sau rău? A cum câteva mii de ani, într-un sătuc ascuns de lume, din lava unui vulcan a luat viață o ființă cu piele tare ca piatra, ochi de culoarea apei, ce sufla foc pe nări și putea provoca un uragan cu puterea aripilor sale. Numele lui era Dark. Dark era un dragon negru, cu o inimă pură ca neaua. El locuia singur, într-o peșteră, aproape de vulcanul Mauna Loa, cel ce îi dăduse și viață. Acesta se hrănea cu ierburi și frunze din junglă. În partea cealaltă a insulei locuiau oamenii. În acea parte era așa-zisa civilizație. Oamenii locuiau în colibe de lemn, cu acoperiș din frunze de palmier și paie uscate. Nu prea ploua în acea zonă, deci nu aveau nevoie de adăposturi stabile. La fiecare 3 ani, un taifun se abătea asupra insulei, iar localnicii trebuiau să-și reconstruiască locuințele. Oamenii trăiau din vânat. Din oasele animalelor confecționau arme. Într-o zi, Dark se plimba când atenția îi fu atrasă de țipetele a doi copii. - Te voi distruge, leule! țipă băiatul în timp ce îndrepta o frunză de palmier spre o fetiță. Fetița începu să facă precum un leu și sări asupra băiatului. Dark se apropie de locul în care se aflau cei doi și se piti în spatele unor tufișuri. Datorită faptului că era încă un pui, înălțimea îi permitea să se ascundă în locuri mici. Când aripile dragonului atinseră frunzișul tufișului, acesta se mișcă și atrase privirile copiilor. Luca, nu încerca să mă sperii pentru că nu va ține, să știi, spuse fetița, cu vocea tremurândă. Luca era un băiat blond, cu ochi albaștri și pielea albă ca perlele oceanului (lucru foarte ciudat, având în vedere că pe insula aceea era mereu soare și temperaturile depășeau 40 C ). Nu am făcut eu asta, Laura, se apără băiatul, îndreptând frunza de palmier spre tufișul mișcător. Laura era o fată dulce, cu ochii mari, verzi și păr castaniu. Aceasta îl îmboldi pe Luca: Ce-ai de gând cu frunza aia, să-l faci să se prăpădească de râs? Băiatul se bosumflă. Dark auzea conversația dintre Luca și Laura și abia se abținea să nu râdă. După câteva minute, copiii se plictisiră și se întoarseră cu spatele spre tufiș, așezându-se la umbra unui bananier pentru a lua prânzul. O frunză îl gâdilă pe Dark la nas, făcându-l pe acesta să strănute și să arunce o bilă de foc, arzând tufișul. - Sănătate! spuseră copiii în cor. - Mersi... Copiii se întoarseră, iar când văzură micul dragon, aceștia se speriară, începând să alerge haotic în jurul bananierului. În timp ce alerga, Luca se lovi de copac și căzu la pământ. Dark se apropie de el și îl ajută să se ridice. - Ești bine? întrebă dragonul, privind spre Laura, care nu se oprea din țipat și alergat. Luca se sprijini de copac. Romania page 73 / 109

- Ce ești tu? întrebă acesta. - Un fluture, spuse, în glumă, Dark. - Pentru un fluture nu ești prea grațios, replică Luca. - Da... Mai am de lucrat la asta. - Laura, oprește-te! Nu ne face nimic, strigă Luca. Fata se opri. - N-ai de unde ști. Poate ne păstrează pentru cină. Îți place carnea de om proaspătă?! Dark chicoti. - Da... Cui nu-i place? întrebă dragonul. Laura făcu ochii mari și se duse lângă Luca. - Hai să fugim, Luca! - Unde? - Acasă. - De ce? - Pentru că nu vreau să ajung cina acestei creaturi îngrozitoare! - Apropo, sunt un dragon și numele este Dark. Și nu o să vă mănânc. - A! Deci nu suntem demni să ne mănânci, huh?! Carnea noastră nu e suficient de gustoasă sau ce?! se avântă Laura asupra dragonului. Dark oftă. - Așa e mereu? - Dap, afirmă Luca. Laura nu mai spuse nimic. - Vrei să te joci cu noi, Dark? întrebă Luca. - Da, spuse dragonul. Cei trei se jucară până seara târziu. Erau atât de veseli! Acesta a fost începutul unei incredibile prietenii între Laura, Luca și Dark. Însă fericirea lor avea să se destrame un an mai târziu, când un nor negru coborî asupra locului unde se aflau copiii. Același loc de când erau mici. De nicăieri, o pereche de gheare îi înșfăcă pe cei doi. - AJUTOR! AJUTOR! Dark porni pe urma strigătelor de ajutor. Nu putea arunca foc spre acel nor întunecat. Dacă îi lovea pe copii? Romania page 74 / 109

Norul întunecat zbură în spațiu și ateriză pe suprafața Lunii. Când Dark văzu că puii de om s-au depărtat de nor, s-a năpustit asupra acestuia. O luptă aprigă începu între cei doi. La un moment dat, Dark strigă: - Nu trebuia să te iei de prietenii mei, frate! - FRATE?! strigară uimiți copiii. - Wiino, Toga, prindeți copiii, zbieră King, fratele lui Dark! Doi vârcolaci ( numiți de Laura vârcolaci lunatici ) au înconjurat copiii. - Dă-le drumul, King! - Nu! Am văzut cât de mult ții la ei. V-am urmărit toți acești ani. Știu că dacă ei vor suferi, tu vei suferi. Așa țintesc doi iepuri dintr-o lovitură. - De ce faci asta?! - De ce fac asta?! Tu mi-ai luat tot! Regatul, pe mama, pe tata! E vina ta pentru tot ce am pățit! strigă King. - Nu e adevărat! Eu m-am născut din lava unui vulcan. Nici măcar nu suntem frați! - Ce?... Minciuni! Numai minciuni! - Dark, ajutor! - Scuzați-mă... Port o conversație aici, le spuse Dark copiilor. - Scuzați-mă?! Dacă nu mă scoți mai repede din ghearele lunaticilor ăștia nu vei mai putea conversa cu nimeni, niciodată! țipă Laura. Dark aruncă o bilă de foc în dreptul vârcolacilor, aceștia speriindu-se și fugind. Cei doi dragoni se luptară prin tot Universul și lupta lor continuă și astăzi. De aceea, se spune că... dacă privești noaptea spre cer, dacă privești atent, vei vedea două stele, una lângă alta, ce sclipesc neîncetat. Aceștia sunt Dark și King, luptându-se până la sfârșitul timpului. Nu uitați, copii... Lupta dintre Bine și Rău va exista mereu, chiar dacă sub alte forme. Depinde de voi de partea cui doriți să luptați. Să nu purtați ură altor oameni sau altor forme de viață. Dovediți, în orice situație, corectitudine și bunăvoință. Romania page 75 / 109

Ștefan Zodieru, 5 years old Right or wrong? A few thousand years ago, in a village hidden from world, a strange creature came to life, from the lava of a volcano; a creature with rock hard skin, water colored eyes who was blowing fire through his nostrils and could cause a hurricane with the power of his wings. His name was Dark. Dark was a black dragon with a heart pure as snow. He was living alone in a cave, near of the Mauna Loa volcano the very one which gave him life. He used to eat grass and leaves from the jungle. The other side of the island was inhabited by living people. That part was so-called '' civilization''. People were living in wooden huts with palm leaves and dry straw roofs. There wasn t much rain in the area, so they didn t need fixed housing. Every three years, a typhoon was sweeping over the island, and the locals had to rebuild their homes. People were living off of hunting. They were making their own weapons of animal bones. One day, Dark was walking when his attention was drawn by the yells of two children. I will destroy you, lion! screamed the boy while pointing a palm leaf to a girl. Romania page 76 / 109

The girl began to raw as a lion and jumped on the boy. Dark got closer to where the children were and cringe behind some bushes. Because he was still a baby, the height was allowing him to hide in small places. When the dragon s wings touched the bush s foliage, it moved and attracted the children s attention. Luke, don t try to scare me because it won t work, said the girl with a trembling voice. Luke was a blonde boy with blue eyes and white skin like ocean s pearls (very strange, given that on that island there was always bright sun and temperatures above 40 C). I didn t do this, Laura, said Luke in his defence, pointing the palm leaf to the moving bush. Laura was a sweet girl, with big green eyes and brown hair. What are you going to do with that leaf? Make him laugh to death? The boy pouted. Dark was listening to the conversation between Luke and Laura and he could hardly help himself laughing. After a few minutes, children got bored, turned their back to the bush and sat down under the shade of a banana tree for lunch. A leaf tickled Dark s nose, making him sneeze and throw a fireball, burning the bush. Cheers! said the children at the same time. Thanks Children turned around, and when they saw the little dragon, they got scared and started running erratically around the banana tree. While running, Luke hit the tree and fell to the ground. Dark approached him and helped him get up on his feet. Are you okay?, asked the dragon, looking at Laura, who couldn t stop screaming and running around. Luke leaned against the tree. What are you?, he asked. A butterfly, said Dark, jokingly. For a butterfly, you're not so graceful, replied Luke. Yes... I gotta work on that. Laura, stop! He won t do anything to us, screamed Luke. The girl stopped. You can t be sure. Maybe he wants to save us for dinner. Do you like fresh human meat?! Dark chuckled. Yes... Who doesn t like it?, asked the dragon. Laura stared and walked beside Luke. Let s run away, Luke! Where? Home. Why? Because I don t wanna be the dinner of this awful creature! Romania page 77 / 109

By the way, I m a dragon and my name is Dark. And I won t eat you. Oh! So we are not worth being eaten by you, huh? Our flesh is not tasty enough or what?, yelled Laura at the dragon. Dark sighed. She s always like this? Yep, said Luke. Laura got silent. Do you wanna play with us, Dark?, asked Luke. Yes, said the dragon. They played till the night came. They were so happy! This was the beginning of an incredible friendship between Laura, Luke and Dark. But their happiness was going to disappear one year later, when a black cloud descended upon the place where the children were. The very same place. Out of nowhere, a pair of claws grabbed them both. HELP! HELP! Dark started to follow their cries for help. He could not throw fire to that dark cloud. If he did, he could hurt the children. The dark cloud flew into space and landed on the lunar surface. When Dark saw that the children departed from the cloud, he started to attack it. A fierce battle started between the two. At one point, Dark shouted: You should not mess with my friends, brother! BROTHER?! shouted the children, totally astonished. Wiino, Toga, grab the children, yelled King, Dark s brother! Two werewolves (called by Laura lunatics werewolves ) surrounded the children. Let them go, King! No! I saw how much you care about them. I ve followed you all these years. I know that if they get hurt, you will suffer. This way I will hit two birds with one stone. Why are you doing this?! Why am I doing this?! You took me everything. The kingdom, mom, dad! It's your fault for everything that had happened to me! shouted King. It s not true! I was born from the lava of a volcano. We re not even brothers! What?... Lies! All lies! Dark, help! Excuse me I m having a conversation here, said Dark to the children. Excuse me?! If you don t get me out faster of these lunatics clutches, you ll not be able to converse with anyone, ever!, screamed Laura. Dark threw a fireball right to the werewolves and they got scared and ran away. The two dragons fought throughout the universe and their fight still continues today. That is why, they say that if you look at the sky at night, if you look closely, you ll see two stars, side by side, shining ceaselessly. They are Dark and King, fighting until the end of time. Romania page 78 / 109

Remember, kids... The battle between Good and Evil will always exist, even if in other forms. It depends on you which side you wanna be. Don t hate other humans or life forms. Prove your righteousness and kindness no matter what. IOANA TUDORACHE 16 YEARS OLD The fairy tale was read to children being in a preparatory class at BISHOP IACOV ANTONOVICI SCHOOL, on the 29th of April 2014. Address of the school : Nicolae Tonitza Street No. 20, Barlad, Vaslui County. Romania page 79 / 109

Slovakia INÁ DIMENZIA T am, kde jednorožce lietali a dúha sa predávala, jestvovalo mesto plné bytostí obyčajne-neobyčajných, boli to Tenby. Jeho výnimočnosť tkvela v tom, že ľudia tam žili iný život, ako ho poznáme teraz. Odohrával sa v zámkoch, ktoré sa týčili k mrakom. Okolo bola smaragdovo-zelená tráva a hearthleafy stromy, ktoré rozsievali lásku, šťastie a pokoru. Kvitli do úžasu. No jedna vec nebola každému jasná. Prečo sú okolo celého mesta mohutné hradby z lešteného mramoru s gigantickou zlatou bránou vykladanou kameňmi a vežami tiahnucimi sa až po Kráľovstvo Božie. Vládcom tejto ríše bol srdečný a všemohúci kráľ Eoghan Tropea. Poddaní milovali jeho a on miloval ich. Ale nič netrvá večne. Prišlo niečo, čo zrazilo celú krajinu na kolená a ponorilo ju do sĺz. Kráľ odstúpil z trónu, no neuvedomil si, aké to bude mať následky. Do kráľovstva vstúpilo zlo menom Raimondo Lauff. Na hearthleafy prišla jeseň a s príchodom Raia stratili svoju zázračnú moc. Ružové mraky cukrovej vaty zosiveli a zmenili sa na nehutnú mazľavú hmotu, ktorá nebola vôbec príťažlivá a hlavne nepripomínala mraky. Na stolec nastúpilo zlo. Mnohí obyvatelia boli rozhorčení, nevedeli, čo robiť, no jednu vec aspoň tušili. A to, že sa musia odtiaľto dostať, lebo zlo preberá kontrolu nad počestnou väčšinou mesta. Od mala to bolo každému jednému Tenbičanovi jasné, či to bol lukostrelec, mág alebo budúci veľký alchymista. Nikdy nesmeli opustiť mesto. Práve to vysvetľuje tie hradby. Každému dochádzalo, že Lauff ako mladý, no vzdelaný človek, kuje pikle. Plánoval, čo urobí s krajinou a to tak, aby mu všetko o štvrť storočia vyšlo. Mal už redšie, no o to kučeravejšie čierne nepoddajné vlasy. Nosil veľkú bradu vždy stočenú na mahagónovo-zlatom prútiku, ktorý nikto iný nenosil, ale on veril, že raz sa do módy dostane. Obzvlášť miloval hodvábne košele dovážane až z Nepálu a extrémne hrubé bavlnené nohavice kombinované vysokými čižmami. Občas sa mu stalo, že niektorú vec zabudol vykonať, no nikdy mu nechýbala ebenová palica so striebornou rukoväťou, na ktorej trónil drak, ktorý mal oči vykladané belaso modrými zafírmi. Nespočetne veľa ľudí už utieklo do okolitých miest v nádeji na lepšiu budúcnosť, no márne. V celej magickej dimenzii vypukol chaos a beznádej. Tu do deja prichádza osemnásťročná Megan Guardiano s dlhými hnedými vlasmi, modrými očami ako nekonečný oceán a postavou ako grécka bohyňa vojny, ktorú vždy fascinovala príroda, lesy zvieratá, no najmä draci a jednorožce. Vo svojom rodnom meste sa vyučila za magičku. Okrem mágie veľa času venovala boju s legendárnym lukom, preto si po dokončení základného, stredného a vysokého štúdia Magického doplnila vzdelanie v tomto obore. Keď už mala plné zuby voľnomyšlienkarstva ľudí, rozhodla sa, že odíde sama alebo s priateľmi. Netušila, kam sa vybrať. Rozhodla sa, že pôjde tam, kde ju srdce a neskôr aj nos zatiahne. Ako tak unavene kráčala, zrazu pred sebou zbadala plameň šľahajúci vyše korún stromov. Meg sa bez váhania s dračou vášňou v očiach rozbehla za ohňom. Pribehla ku obrovskej jame, v ktorej ležal Severovýchodný ľadový drak. Niečo je na tom drakovi divné, pomyslela si pozerajúc sa do jamy, mám pocit, že mi niečo skrýva. Drak sa na ňu mocno ohrnul pekelnou vyhrážkou. Neváhala, skryla sa do najbližšieho šípkového krovia, vytasila luk a pálila, ako by to robila denne. Počas ozrutnej zvady Meg prichádzala o šípy ako drak o svoju moc. Zastavila sa pri polednej pätici šípov. To nebude jednoduché, hlboko sa nadýchla, pozbierala zvyšky síl Slovakia page 80 / 109

a pokračovala, Bože, teraz stoj pri mne! Šíp drásal vzduch a zasiahol drakovo srdce. Drak mocensky zručal a poslednýkrát vydýchol. Ďalšia trofej! skričala na plné hrdlo. On sa už len pomaly vinul k zemi, akoby už nemal čo stratiť. Svojím mohutným krídlom odvalil kameň, ktorý bránil vstupu do jaskyne zaliatou hmlou a svetlom zároveň. So zatajeným dychom vošla pomaly a opatrne dnu. Ako vstúpila, jej hrdlo ovládla bolesť, ktorá vyvolala kašeľ. Neuvedomila si, čím to môže byť spôsobené, a preto pokračovala v ceste. Po niekoľkých sekundách sa jej len zatočila hlava a videla už len čierňavu. O pár dní nato sa zobudila a netušila, že tam bola takú večnosť. Prvé otázky, ktoré sa jej premietli hlavou, boli: Kde to som? Ako som sa tu dostala? A hlavne čo tu robím? Keď sa znažila postaviť, rukou sa dotkla neznámej mazľavej tekutiny. Rýchlo ju to postavilo na nohy a zrazu pred sebou uvidela malú studienku, ktorá bola sfarbená krvavo červenou farbou a neustále sa vlnila. Veľmi sa zľakla, začala utekať za svetlom. Jej prvá myšlienka bola: Musím to povedať kamarátom. Keď dorazila k svojim priateľom, celá vystrašená im začala rozprávať, čo sa vlastne stalo. Nezaváhali ani minútu a rozhodli sa preskúmať tajomné miesto. Do svojich batohov si vložili lúky, šípy a keď už boli vyzbrojení, vydali sa čarovnou cestou. Pred cieľom zasvietili lampáše, nadýchli sa a vošli dnu. Kráčali potichu, s prekvapeným zrakom a zatajeným dychom. Zrazu Megan skríkla: Tu je to! Tu je tá studňa! Plní dobrodružstva sa rozbehli a tesne pred ňou zastavili. Nik nevydal ani hlások. Len ticho stáli a obdivovali neuveriteľnú krásu. Megan urobila odvážny krok vpred, vytiahla svoj šíp a vtom sa stratil v tekutine. Jej telo sa opatrne nahlo nad kvapalinu a v priebehu pár sekúnd uvidela prichádzať šíp. Lenže ten bol zhotovený z mahagónového dreva a so zlatým ostrým hrotom. Kamene vyzdobené striebrom, ktoré obkolesovali miestnosť, sa zrazu začali hýbať a všetci zacítili, ako keby sa zem pohla. Strop začal padať a zatarasil im cestu k záchrane. Boli v pasci. Mysleli si, že je to ich koniec, ale zrazu Megan povedala: Nemáme inú možnosť len skočiť do studne, to je naša jediná šanca! Vo svete normálnych ľudí jestvoval 24-ročný chlapík menom Oliver Jenkins, ktorého deň sa začínal ukrutným vstávaním a nechutnými rýchlymi raňajkami. Deň pokračoval cestou do nenávidenej práce, kde mu jeho šéf vždy pridal ďalšie papierovačky, ktoré aj tak nikdy neurobil načas. Jeden deň ten nápor kolegov i bossa nezvládol a povedal si: Dosť! Končím! Zbalil si svoje veci, hrdým pohľadom naznačil každému, že sa tu už nevráti. Cestou domov si kúpil fľašu červeného vína s úmyslom, že mu to pomôže rozmýšľať. Sadol si na gauč, v krbe zapálil oheň, srkal z vína. Pri pohľade na žhavú krásu si spomenul na detstvo a ich dlhé večery s otcom v malom drevenom zrube. V tom momente dostal nápad: Môžem sa presťahovať do chaty; dúfam, že ju otec nepredal. Ihneď sa pobalil a vydal sa na cestu. Už za východu slnka sa vybral do temných čarovných hôr. Po príchode len vyložil kufre a ihneď sa vybral do lesa. Po hodinovej prechádzke začul hudbu, ktorá mu nebola povedomá, avšak hriala ho pri srdci. Vychádzala z flauty a mandolíny. Každým krokom bola hlasnejšia. Musím sa tam dostať! V tomto lese to nie je veľmi zvyčajné. Malá kolónia ľudí sa k Oliverovi len približovala a približovala. Ako to vyriešime a ako zosadíme Raya? neustále sa ozývalo v diaľke. Oliver sa pomaly prikrádal do najbližšieho kra a sústredene načúval. Niekto nás sleduje! vyslovila s krikom Meg. Slovakia page 81 / 109

Oli iba vybehol zo skrýše a odvetil: Ja vás neodpočúvam, mne len prišlo divné, prečo v tomto hlbokom lese počuť hudbu a prečo ste takíto ostražití. Ste nejaká banda študentov, ktorí utekajú pred realitou? Toto nevyzerá ako náš človek alebo niekto z nášho sveta. Ako sa voláte a z ktorého kráľovstva pochádzate? vyriekla Edvina Brando. Už sa možno opakujem, som Oliver Jenkins. A z ktorého kráľovstva? To si zo mňa robíte srandu? Vy ste teda poriadne divná skupina! Edvina a jej brat Fidgeral sa hrozivo na neho ohrnuli, akoby ich urazil. Vy asi nebudete odtiaľto? Či? Vyzeráš dosť mimo, zhodla sa celá skupina. Mohli by ste mi vysvetliť, čo sa tu deje?! Vyzeráš ako v pohode chlapík, pošepol najmladší a najtichší člen skupiny Matthew Adrews. Stmievalo sa a všetci si posadali okolo žiarivého ohňa a vyrozprávali mu svoje príbehy. Oliver vyzeral dosť zaskočený, nemohol uveriť, že sa mohlo niečo také stať, pretože ešte nikdy neuvažoval nad existenciou ďalšej dimenzie. Teraz však začal pripúšťať aj takúto možnosť. Ľudia, mám nápad! Ako vidím, spali by ste iba na zemi bez vody a všetkého. Tak poďte ku mne, mám síce maličkú chatku, no s vodou a hlavne teplom. Celá partia sa zhodla na dôveryhodnosti tohto návrhu výkrikom: Ideme! Hoci putovali temnotou a hrôzou naplneným lesom, pri srdci ich hrial pocit nazývaný nádej. Oli bol od mala veľkým filantropom a počas toho, ako všetci spali, on rozmýšľal, ako by mohol zachrániť ich svet. Bol si vedomý toho, že každý jeden z nich má rodinu a ani on by nebol rád, ak by prišiel hoci o toho najnenávidenejšieho bratranca. Ráno sa zobudil za vône čerstvého masla a chrumkavého chleba. Čo sa to tu deje?! rozmýšľal raňajším mozgom. Uháňal dolu schodmi tak, že sa z nich skoro strieskal. Prekvapenie! Mysleli sme si, že sa ti aspoň trochu odplatíme za pomoc v núdzi. Myslíme si, že budeme dobrý tým, prehovorila Meg hovorkyňa a vodkyňa skupiny. Ďakujem. Ale ako viete, že som rozmýšľal nad pomocou vám?! Matt vie totiž čítať myšlienky a pokiaľ niekto fakt úprimne uvažuje, počuje to dosť zreteľne. Tento dar zdedil po jeho nebohej matke, pošepla Fidgerala a jemným náznakom sa pozrela na delikátne upečený chlieb. Olivera ihneď po raňajkách priučíme našim remeslám, nech bude v našej krutej vojne generálom! heroicky zvolala. Nejdete na to tak trochu zhurta?! Cítim v tebe veľký potenciál... Slovakia page 82 / 109

Po rýchlych raňajkách pokračovali tri dni krvopotného a strastiplného tréningu. Nastal deň s veľkým D. Každý vkladal do Olivera Jenkinsa veľkú perspektívu. Megan prišla za ním, chytila ho za ruku, odviedla do chaty a svižne za sebou zavrela dvere. Už od začiatku som obdivovala tvoj šarm a mužnosť i citlivosť v tvojich očiach! Oli na seba nenechal dlho čakať a pobozkal ju ako ešte nikdy nikoho. Keď tu zrazu sa otvorili dvere a dnu vošla Edvina Nemuckajte sa tu, ale poďte bojovať, všetci sú pripravení postaviť sa našej skaze. Vonku sa zoradili do jedného zástupu a Oliver ako nový generál vystúpil a povedal niekoľko povzbudivých slov. Možno v tejto bitke padneme, no padneme za niečo! vykríkol mocným chrapľákom. Cesta v plnej zbroji k portálu im trvala iba hodinu no úvahy nad tým, či to vážne chcú podstúpiť, premohli každého. Megan dookola povzbudzovala slovami: Robíme to pre svoje rodiny. Všetci obklopili portál, chytili sa za ruky a naraz skočili. Oliver kričal: Zbohom! Spoločne sa rozbehli lesom. Megan ako magičku obklopovala plamenná žiara, ktorá sa časom premiestnila aj na ostatných. Keďže vedeli, že sa cez hlavnú bránu do mesta nedostanú, museli hradby preliezť. Stratégia bola jasná: každý pôjde za svojou rodinou a tú vyburcuje proti kráľovi, až kým sa celé mesto nevzbúri proti nemu. Už po niekoľkých minútach stáli na námestí tisíce ľudí s pokrikom: Dosť bolo zla! Oliver chytil Meg za ruku a rozbehli sa s celým davom priamo ku hradu. Chceme kráľovu hlavu! kričal národ. Kráľ vystúpil na balkón a keď videl, že desaťtisíce ľudí stojí pod ním, rozmyslel si aj svoju funkciu. Ihneď odstúpil a odišiel z mesta tak rýchlo, že si to ani nikto nevšimol. Ich ďalším cieľom bolo, aby sa starý kráľ opäť vrátil na trón. On súhlasil so slovami Vy, pätica, budete oslavovaní ešte dlho. Ihneď dám postaviť pamätník na oslobodenie nášho mesta! Oliver sa rozbehol za Megan, dal jej pusu a pošepol jej do ucha: Vezmeš si ma? Megan ho objala a vykríkla: Áno! Vezmem. Mesiac na to bola svadba, ktorej sa zúčastnilo celé mesto a bol na nej aj samotný kráľ. A pamätajte si, že aj jednotlivec dokáže mnoho... Slovakia page 83 / 109

Radko, 6 years old THE OTHER DIMENSION W here unicorns could fly and rainbow was for sale, there was a town full of usual-unusual creatures. It was called Tenby. It was exceptional because people s lives were completely different from what they are like today. They lived in castles rising up to the clouds, surrounded by emerald-green grass and hearthleaves trees spreading love, happiness and modesty and covered with beautiful blossoms. However, everyone wondered about one thing. Why are there massive walls of polished marble around the town, with a gigantic golden gate and towers reaching the Kingdom of God. Cheerful and almighty king Eoghan Tropea ruled this kingdom. His people loved him and he loved them. But nothing lasts forever. Something brought the whole country to their knees and tears. The King resigned but hadn t thought of the consequences. The evil named Raimondo Lauff entered the kingdom. Autumn came but with Raimond in the kingdom, the hearthleaves lost their magic power. The pink clouds of cotton candy turned into grey ugly, sticky stuff and no longer looked like clouds. Evil reigned in the kingdom. Many people were upset and didn t know what to do. All they knew was that they had to flee because evil was taking over the town. All Tenby citizens, whether an archer, magician or alchemist, were brought up to never leave the town. This is why there were the Slovakia page 84 / 109

walls. Everyone was starting to realise at an early age, Lauff, a well-educated man, was making plans to take over the country 25 years ahead. His black hair was thinner but curly. He wore his beard twisted around a mahoganygold stick, unlike anyone else, but he believed it would be in one day. He had a special liking for silk shirts imported from Nepal and thick cotton trousers matched with high boots. Now and then, he happened to forget to do things but he never forgot to take with him an ebony stick with silver handle, topped with a dragon whose eyes were made of sapphires. Lots of people had fled to other towns in hope of better future in vain. The whole magic dimension was in chaos and despair. And now the 18-year-old Megan Guardiano, enters the story. A girl of long brown hair, blue eyes as deep as endless ocean and figure of a Greek goddess of war had always been fascinated by nature, forests, animals, and most of all, by dragons and unicorns. At her birthplace, she studied to be a magician. She spent plenty of time fighting with the legendary bow so, after finishing her primary, secondary and university studies, she took extra lessons in this field. One day she decided to leave with or without her friends. She had no idea where to go. She let her heart lead her. As she was dragging slowly, she suddenly saw flames as high as the trees in front of her. With dragon passion in her eyes, she ran towards the flames immediately. She came to a pit where the North-East Ice Dragon was lying. There s something weird about the dragon, she thought to herself, he must be hiding something, I suppose. The dragon addressed her with a nasty swear. She wasted no time and hid herself in the rose hip bush nearby and started to shoot arrows from her bow. She was running out of arrows and the dragon was losing his power. There were five more arrows left. It ll be tough, she thought. God, stay with me! The arrow cut the air and hit the dragon s heart. The dragon roared and then lost breath. Another one! she shouted. The dragon was dying but with a swing of his mighty wing, he moved the stone that was covering the entrance to a cave flooded with mist and light at the same time. Breathless, she walked slowly into the cave. As she entered, her throat got sore, which made her cough. She didn t understand why she was coughing, so she kept walking. A few seconds later, she felt dizzy and fainted. She woke up a few days later and had no idea how long she had been unconscious. Where am I? How did I get here? What am I doing here? those were her first questions. When trying to stand up, her hand touched some sticky liquid. This got her on her feet immediately. Then she saw a blood-red well. She got scared and started running towards the light. I must tell my friends about it, she thought to herself. When she got to them, she told them everything, still in fear. They decided to explore the mysterious place. They got their bows and arrows ready and set off. When they approached the cave, they lit the lanterns, took a deep breath and got in. They walked in silence, breathless, stunned. All of a sudden, Megan shouted: Here it is! Here is the well! They all ran to the well and stopped. No-one said a word. They all stood still, stunned by the unbelievable beauty. Megan stepped forward and pulled out an arrow. It disappeared in the liquid. Her body leaned over the liquid and she saw an arrow coming back. But this one was made of mahogany and had a sharp golden tip. The silver-decorated stones surrounding the place suddenly started to move. They all felt the earth move. The ceiling came falling down, blocking their way out. They were trapped. They thought they would die there when Megan suddenly said: There s no other way! We must jump into the well. In the normal world, there was a 24-year-old man named Oliver Jenkins. He hated getting up every morning and started his days with disgusting quick breakfast. Then he went to work that he disliked because his boss made him do more and more paperwork, which he never did on time. One day he had enough of all that and said to himself: I ve had enough, I quit! He packed his things and his eyes said to everyone that he was never coming back. On Slovakia page 85 / 109

his way home, he bought a bottle of red wine, which he thought would help him think. He sat on the couch, lit the fire and was sipping his wine. The flames reminded him of his childhood and those long evenings he spent with his father in a small cabin. Then he got an idea: I can move to the cabin. I hope father hasn t sold it yet. He packed a few things and left home. The sun was rising when he set off for the dark magic mountains. When he got to the cabin, he left his suitcase there and went out to the forest. An hour later, he heard music he had never heard before. Anyway, it made him feel warm in the heart. It was a flute and a mandoline. With every step, the music grew louder. I must get there. It is not at all usual in this forest. A small column of people was getting closer and closer. How will we resolve the problem and uncrown Ray? it was echoing in the distance. Oliver was slowly creeping up to the nearest bush and was listening carefully. Somebody is following us! screamed Meg. Oli just ran out of the shelter and said: I am not following you! I am just wondering why the music can be heard in the deep forest and why you are so careful. Are you bunch of students escaping from reality? This doesn t seem to be our person or a human from our world. What is your name and what kingdom are you from? Edvina Brando asked. I may repeat myself, I am Oliver Jenkins. And where am I from? Are you kidding me? You are such a weird bunch! Edvina and her brother Fidgeral replied as if he had offended them. You are not from here, are you? You look all beside yourself, the entire bunch agreed. Could you tell me what s going on?! You look like a good guy, the youngest and the quietest member of the bunch, Matthew Andrews, whispered. It was getting dark and everybody surrounded the shining fire and told their stories. Oliver seemed to be surprised, he couldn t believe something like that could have happened because he had never thought about the other dimension existence before. Folks, I ve got an idea! So I can see, there s no place to sleep, there s no water. Let s go to my place! I have got a little cabin, but it is hot and water inside! The entire bunch agreed in unanimous approval: Let s go!. Although they were wandering across the dark and blood-curdling forest, they were encouraged by the feeling of hope. Oli has been a philanthropist since his childhood and while everybody was sleeping he was thinking how he could save their world. He was aware everybody has their family and he wouldn t like to lose even his most hated cousin. The smell of fresh butter and crunchy brad woke him up in the morning. What s going on? he was thinking half asleep. He was running downstairs so fast that he almost fell. Slovakia page 86 / 109

Surprise! We wanted to thank for your help. We think we will be a good team. Meg, the speaker of the bunch, said. Thanks, but how do you know I intended to help you?! Matt can read the minds and if somebody thinks really honestly, he can hear it clearly. He inherited the gift from his deceased mother. Fidgeral whispered and glanced at a delicious crunchy brad. Oliver will be taught our crafts after breakfast. May he be our general in the war! she heroically called. Shouldn t you hold your horses?! There s a great potential in you... After quick breakfast, the three days of exhausting and distressful training continued. And the day D came. Everybody believed in Oliver Jenkins. Megan came and held his hand, took him to the cabin and closed the door energetically. I have admired your charm, manhood and sensibility in your eyes since the beginning! Oli didn t wait long and kissed her like nobody before. Suddenly the door opened and Edvina entered. Stop smooching and let s fight! Everyone is ready to face our destruction. They all lined up outside and Oli, as a new general, said a few words. We may be killed in the battle, but it will make sense! he called in a hoarse voice. The journey in the full armor to portal lasted just an hour, but everybody meditated on whether they wanted to undergo it. Megan was encouraging them by the words all the time: We do it for our families! They all surrounded the portal, held their hands and jumped together. Oliver screamed: Goodbye! They together run across the forest. Megan, as a magician, was surrounded by the flames that later expanded to the others. As they knew the wouldn t get to the town through the main gate, they had to creep through the fortifications. The strategy was clear everybody meets his family and provokes them against the king while the whole town rebels against him. Off with the evil! Oliver held Meg s hand and ran through the crown straight to the castle. We want king s head! the crowd screamed. The king came out to the balcony and when he saw the crowd, he changed his mind and resigned. He resigned and left the town so fast that nobody noticed it. Their another aim was to crown the former king. He agreed: You five will be celebrated for a long time. I will get the monument of the town s liberation built! Oliver ran to Megan, kissed her and whispered: Will you marry me? Megan hugged him and called: I will!. They married a month later and the entire town took part in the wedding, even the king did. And remember that even an individual can change a lot of things. The author and age - it was a collective work of the group of students age 14-15 The name of the institution and the address where the tale was read out - Materská škola, Obchodná 26, 078 01 Sečovce Slovakia page 87 / 109

COKOLÁDA NAD ZDRAVÍCKOVOM K de bolo tam nebolo, bola raz jedna záhadná krajina, v ktorej zvieratá rozprávali a ľudia mali čarovné schopnosti, nie však všetci. Krajina bola rozdelená na dve rozhádané kráľovstvá. V severnom vládla krásna štíhla vysoká Júlia s ohnivo-červenými vlasmi a na juhu bol pri moci nízky kráľ Felix, na ktorom bolo vidno všetky tie roky jedenia čokolády a cukríkov. Ten mal syna Tadeáša. Bol veľmi vážne chorý, pretože odmalička jedol iba samé sladkosti. Júliina ríša menom Zdravíčkovo bola plná ovocia, zeleniny, vlákniny a všetkého zdravého. Na poliach rástli liečivé bylinky, na stromoch boli celozrnné tyčinky a riekami sa rinula krištáľovo čistá voda. Ľudia v tejto krajine boli stále šťastní, zdraví, spokojní, usmievaví, priateľskí a celkovo veľmi pozitívne naladení. Avšak vo Felixovom kráľovstve Zmrzlinovo nad Čokoládou boli hory zo zmrzliny, stromy plné cukríkov a dažďom bol sladký čaj. Dokonca aj platidlom boli mince z čokolády. Obyvatelia boli tiež šťastní, ale často chorí a stále ich boleli brušká z toľkého množstva cukru, no nemohli s tým nič robiť, pretože nič zdravé nemali. Felix bol svojhlavý vládca. Mal zavedený prísny poriadok a všetci jeho ľudia mali prácu a bývanie. Často boli nervózni, pretože nemali veľa voľného času, nemohli sa venovať rodine a ani svojim záľubám. Veľa z nich chcelo navštíviť Zdravíčkovo, ale keďže kráľ s kráľovnou boli rozhnevaní, národy sa nemohli pohybovať z jednej krajiny do druhej. Nepáčilo sa im to. Nemali žiadne lieky, a preto ich životy trvali kratšie. No u Júlie to bolo presne naopak. Všetci v meste boli kamaráti, pracovali s radosťou a pomáhali si. Júlia pre nich každý deň pripravila program rôznych cvičení a zábavy. Mali viac voľného času a stále ho trávili v spoločnosti svojich blízkych priateľov a rodín. Kráľovná sa dlho snažila uzmieriť s Felixom a podpísať mier, lenže on bol tvrdohlavý. Veril, že zdravé jedlo by jeho ľudí pokazilo. Postupom času sa to však obyvateľom prestalo páčiť. Niektorí ušli do Júliinho kráľovstva, a preto dal Felix vybudovať na hraniciach pevnosť s menom Medzimedzie, v ktorej sídlil veľký hrôzostrašný drak Medziak s lesklými modro-zelenými šupinami, striebornými krídlami a s malou drevenou lietajúcou loďkou. Tadeáš Felixov syn, bol malý 4-ročný chlapček s veľkými hnedými očami a kučeravými vlasmi. Bol ako každé malé dieťa veľmi živý a stále sa chcel hrať. Otec však na neho často nemal čas. Snažil sa mu to vynahradiť tým, že mu kúpil všetko, na čo si len pomyslel. Tady bol šťastné malé usmievavé ukecané chlapčiatko. A aj napriek tomu, že ho otec zanedbával, bol stále dobre naladený. Niekedy mu to však prišlo ľúto, no nikdy mu to nepovedal. Bol veľmi múdry a vedel, že jeho kráľovský otec má veľa práce. A to bol dôvod, prečo ho nechcel zaťažovať. No jedného dňa Tady ochorel. Felix to najprv ignoroval. Povedal slúžke, aby mu uvarila čaj a aby na neho dohliadla, kým bude spať. No jemu to neprešlo ani po pár dňoch. Stále sa to zhoršovalo. Po mesiaci Felix pochopil, že sa nevyhnú návšteve lekára. Tady sa ako každé dieťa bál všetkých ľudí v bielom plášti, ale bol veľmi statočný a samozrejme optimistický. Lekár ho ošetril a povedal, že je to len bežná detská choroba, keďže sa od malička stravoval iba samými sladkosťami. Dal mu nejaké sirupy a povedal mu, aby aspoň týždeň nejedol nič sladké. Felix však nepoznal nič iné okrem sladkostí. Nevedel, čo má svojmu synovi dávať jesť. Tadeáš prežil týždeň na suchároch a horkom čiernom čaji, ale lepšie sa necítil. Chodili za rôznymi doktormi s vierou, že mu niektorý z nich pomôže, ale po čase Felix zistil, že z neho len ťažili čoko-peniaze a uzdravenia sa aj tak nedočkali. Cítil sa bezmocne. Pýtal sa ľudí v meste na rôzne rady, no každý mu hovoril, že existuje len jedna možnosť ako pomôcť Slovakia page 88 / 109

jeho synovi. Odísť do Zdravíčkova. No keďže na hraniach bol Medziak, do Zdravíčkova mohol prejsť jedine pod podmienkou, že by ho skolil. To však nebolo vôbec jednoduché. Felix bol odhodlaný urobiť pre zdravie svojho jediného a milovaného syna všetko. V jedno ráno, keď za ním prišiel Tady, pozrel sa na neho svojimi veľkými hnedými smutnými očami, spýtal sa ho: Oci, kedy skončí tá bolesť? Felix mal slzy na krajíčku, no snažil sa to zakryť, preto mu len s úsmevom povedal: Zlatko, netráp sa, o chvíľku to pominie. Sľubujem ti, že to vyriešim. Hneď, keď malý zaspal, kráľ išiel pripraviť armádu a vyrazil do boja. Jeho viera v to, že draka porazí, bola stále menšia a menšia, no keď si predstavil utrápené očká svojho syna, získal nádej. Lenže vojaci nemali dosť sily, boli slabí a chorí. Kým došli na hranice, Felixa všetci opustili a na draka ostal len on. Vôbec nevedel ako na neho sám. Rozhodol sa, že mu povie, v akej situácii je, a aj keď neveril v to, že draka zlomí, pokúsil sa o to. Prišiel k nemu a so slzami v očiach mu povedal: Pusti ma, prosím, do Zdravíčkova. Môj syn je na tom veľmi zle. Drak sa zasmial. Felix mal ešte kúsok viery a pokračoval ďalej: Volá sa Tadeáš a má 4 roky. Nikto z doktorov mu nedokáže pomôcť, jediné, čo ho zachráni, je ovocie a zelenina. To však môže dostať jedine u Júlie. Bolo vidno, že draka to zasiahlo, a bol ochotný sa s Felixom dohodnúť. Dal mu návrh: Pustím teba a tvojich ľudí do vedľajšej krajiny, keď mi zaobstaráš novú loďku. Felix sa usmial, bol veľmi šťastný a, samozrejme, že súhlasil. Poslal správu po dievčatku, ktoré prechádzalo po blízku, nech rýchlo beží do hradu a povie ľuďom, aby zostrojili novú loďku. No kým sa to dozvedeli, Felix už plný optimizmu zbieral jabĺčka na kráľovskej záhrade Zdravíčkova. Júlia vybehla von a opýtala sa ho: Čo tu robíš? Prečo mi kradneš jablká? Ako si sa sem dostal? On jej odvetil: Prepáč mi, ale môj synček je veľmi chorý a jedine tvoja krajina ho zachráni. Ako stále bola veľmi milá, nepotrebovala viac vysvetlení a hneď mu pomohla so zbieraním. Keď dozbierali ovocie pre Tadyho, bežali mu ho spoločne zaniesť domov. V tej chvíli, ako zahryzol do prvého jabĺčka, jeho bolesť pominula. Po pár dňoch bol opäť silný a s úsmevom na tvári, žiariacimi očami a krikom behal po záhrade. Júlia a Felix sa uzmierili a dokonca tvorili krásny pár. Ich krajiny sa spojili, bola z toho jedna veľká nová krajina Čokoláda nad Zdravíčkovom. Po roku Felix požiadal Júliu o ruku a mali krásnu a veľkolepú svadbu. Ich láska bola stále väčšia a väčšia a narodilo sa im malé modrooké dievčatko. Všetci spolu žili šťastne v ich kráľovstve a boli jedna veľká rodina. Medziak už ďalej nemedzil dve krajiny, ale stal sa z neho mierumilovný drak, ktorý pomáhal všetkým, ktorí to potrebovali. Slovakia page 89 / 109

Radka, 6 years old CHOCOLATE OVER HEALTH O nce upon a time there was one mysterious country, where animals could speak and people had magical abilities, but not all of them. The country was divided into two kingdoms that were in a row. In the North Kingdom a beautiful, tall and slim Julie with fiery red hair ruled and in the South One the power was in the hand of a short King Felix, whose figure showed all those years of eating chocolate and candies. He had a son Tadeas. He was very seriously ill, because he had been eating only sweets since his childhood. Julies s empire called Healthyland was full of fruits, vegetables, fiber and all healthy food. There were medicinal herbs growing in the fields, trees had whole grain bars and crystal clear water was flowing in the rivers. People in this country were always happy, healthy, satisfied, smiling, friendly and in a very positive mood. However, in the Kingdom of Felix called Icecream over chocolate, the mountains were made of ice-cream, trees were full of sweets and sweet tea was raining. Even the legal tender were coins from chocolate. The residents of this kingdom were also happy, but often ill and they have stomach ache all the time because of the quantity of sugar they ate, but couldn't do anything about it because they didn t have anything healthy to eat. Felix was a stubborn ruler. He adopted a very strict order and all of his people had jobs and housing. They were often nervous because they didn t have much free time, they couldn t devote time to their families nor to their hobbies. Many of them wanted to visit Healthyland, however as the king and the queen were in a row, the nations couldn t travel from one country to another. They didn t like it. They didn t have any medicine, that s why their lives were shorter. However, in Julie s kingdom it was different. All people living in the city were friends, they were working cheerfully and were helping each other. Julie prepared for them the programme of different exercises Slovakia page 90 / 109

and entertainment every day. They had more free time and they spent it in the company of their close friends and families. The queen was trying to make friend with Felix and sign a peace contract, however he was stubborn. He believed that healthy food would make his people bad. As the time went by the residents started to mind it. Some of them ran away to Julie s kingdom and that s why Felix made people built the fortress at the boundary, where a terrifying dragon called Medziak lived. Tadeas the son of Felix was a small four-year-old boy with big brown eyes and curly hair. He was just like every small child very lively and he wanted to play all the time. His father, however, didn t have enough time for him. He was trying to make it up by buying him everything that he only thought about. Tady was a small happy, smiling and talkative boy. And even though his father didn t have enough time for him, he was always in a good mood. Sometimes he was sorry for that but he never complained and told him about it. He was very clever and knew that his king father was very busy. And that was the reason why he didn t want to make it more difficult for him. However, one day Tady got ill. Felix ignored it at the beginning. He told the servant to make tea for him and to make sure he is all right while he was sleeping. However, Tady wasn t better after a few days. It was even getting worse. After a month Felix realised that they had to see the doctor. Tady a severy child was afraid of all people in white overcoats, but he was very brave and optimistic of course. The doctor examined him and said that it was only usual child illness and it was because he had been eating only sweets since his childhood. He prescribed him some medicine and told him not to eat anything sweet at least for a week. However, Felix didn t know anything apart from sweets. He didn t know what to give to his son to eat. Tadeas ate hard bread and drank bitter black tea, but he didn t feel better. They saw different doctors and believed that some of them might help him, but after a while Felix realised that the doctors only wanted his chocomoney and his son didn t get better. He felt helpless. He asked people for advice, but everyobody told him there was only one chance how to help his son. And that was to leave for Healthyland. However, there was Medziak at the boundary and the only possibility to get to Healthyland was to defeat him. It wasn t easy however. Felix was determined to do anything for the health of his beloved son., One morning, when Tady came to him, he looked at him with his sad,big, brown eyes and asked him: "Daddy, when will the pain disappear?" Felix had tears in his eyes but was trying to hide them and so he only answered with a smile on his face: "Sweetheart, don't worry, it will disappear soon. I promise, I ll sort it out. "As soon as the little boy fell asleep, the king prepared the army and set off to fight. His faith that he would defeat the dragon was getting smaller and smaller, but when he imagined the mournful eyes of his son he got the hope again. However, the soldiers didn t have enough strength, they were weak and ill. By the time they approached the boundary, Felix was alone abandoned by all the others. He didn t know at all what to do. So he decided to tell the dragon about his situation, and even though he didn t believe to persuade him he wanted to try at least. He was walking towards him and with the tears in his eyes told him: Please let me into the Healthyland. My son is very ill. The dragon smiled. Felix had some hope and faith so he continued: His name is Tadeas and he is four. There is no doctor who could help him, the only thing that can help is fruit and vegetables. He can get it only in Julie s kingdom. The dragon was touched by his sincerity and was willing to make an agreement with Felix. He made a suggestion: I will let you and your people into the neighbouring kingdom if you provide me with a new boat. Felix smiled, he was very happy and of course he agreed. He sent the message with Slovakia page 91 / 109

the girl passing by, he told her to run to the castle and tell the people to make a new boat. By the time they learnt about it, Felix was optimisticaly gathering apples in the queen s garden of Healthyland. Julie ran out of the castle and asked: What are you doing here? Why are you stealing my apples? How did you get here? He replied: Please forgive me, but my baby son is very ill and only your kingdom can save him. She was very nice as usual and didn t need any other explanations and she immediately helped him with gathering. When they finish gathering the fruit for Tady, they ran together to bring it to him. As soon as he tasted the apple, the pain disappeared. In a few days he was strong again and with a smile on his face, shining eyes and cheerful scream running in the garden. Julia and Felix were friends again, they even made a beautiful couple. Their kingdoms joined together and formed a new big country Chocolate over Health. After a year, Felix proposed Julie and then they had a wonderful and great wedding. Their love was getting bigger and stronger and soon a little blue-eyed girl was born. They lived together happily in their kingdom and they were one big family. Medziak didn t separate two kingdoms any more, but he changed into a peaceful dragon which helped the ones who needed him. The author and age - it was a collective work of the group of students age 14-15 The name of the institution and the address where the tale was read out - Materská škola, Obchodná 26, 078 01 Sečovce Slovakia page 92 / 109

Czech Republic PÁSOVEC P řed mnoha a mnoha lety v jednom vzdáleném lese žil malý pásovec. V lese žilo mnoho dalších zvířat a stejně tak zde žilo spoustu mláďat. Mláďata si často hrála mezi sebou, avšak s malým pásovcem si nechtěl hrát nikdo. Všechna mláďata si o něm myslela, že je jiný, protože měl krunýř a také byl menší než ostatní. Veškeré jeho dobré činy a přátelská povaha byly marné, jeho vzhled a odlišnost všechny odpuzovaly. Tento smutný tvoreček bylodsouzen k věčnému bloumání po lese bez přátel a s pocitem, že se s ním nikdo nekamarádí. Co naplat, že měl dobré srdce, byl chytrý a dobrý. Jiní se k němu stejně chovali zle. Jednoho rána se malý smutný pásovec probudil a hned, jak otevřel oči, věděl, že něco není v pořádku. Vylezl ze své dutiny ve stromu a překvapením se nezmohl na slovo. Všude místo teplého sluníčka řádila bouře a déšť a vítr pásovce málem odvál. Co se to děje? Kde jsou všichni? zeptal se a vyběhl do lesa hledat ostatní zvířata. Hledal dlouho, ale nikoho nenašel. Celý les byl pustý a prázdný. Haló? Kde jste kdo? křičel vyděšený pásovec z plného hrdla. Stále neslyšel žádnou odpověď. Vytrval však a hledal dál a dál. Po dlouhé době, delší, než trvá vyprávění tohoto příběhu, konečně uslyšel vzdálený výkřik. Pomoc! ozývalo se. Pásovec se zaradoval, že někoho slyší a vyrazil směrem ke zvuku. Běžel mezi stromy až k hromadě kamení a větví a usoudil, že se asi vydal špatným směrem. Když tu se opět ozvalo slabé: Pomoc!. Znělo to, jako by někdo byl přímo pod pásovcem. Kde jste? Kdo je to? zavolal. Tady dole! Pásovec se zadíval na hromadu pozorněji a všiml si díry mezi kameny. Z té díry se na něj dívala dvě malá očka. Byl to mladý divočák, který se zaklínil pod padající lavinu kamenů. Byl příliš velký, aby vylezl otvorem a měl příliš měkkou kůži a kopýtka, aby se vyhrabal. Pásovec se zaradoval, že může někomu pomoct a okamžitě zalezl do díry a začal svými silnými drápy vyhrabávat divočáka ven. Po dlouhé práci se konečně oba dostali ven. Děkuji ti, pásovče, jsi moc dobré zvíře. Proč jsem se tě jen stranil? Zatímco všichni ostatní zbaběle utekli, aby zachránili své životy a mě tu nechali, ty jsi přišel a pomohl mi, i když jsi velice riskoval. prohlásil divočák. Tato událost se rychle rozkřikla po celém lese. Pásovce všichni uznávali a obdivovali. Chtěli bychom být stateční jako ty, pásovče. Jsi možná malý a odlišný, ale tvé srdce je obrovské. A od té doby už pásovec nebyl nikdy sám a měl pro své dobré srdce mnoho přátel. Sára Pecková 16 let Gymnázium Duhovka, Ortenovo nám. 34, Praha 7 Pohádka byla přečtena dětem z Mateřské školky Kubula PreSchool v rámci projektu Literatura naživo 19. března 2014, adresa: Kubula PreSchool, Údolní 316/5, Praha 4, Česká republika Czech Republic page 93 / 109

Jan Nedvídek, age 6 ARMADILLO M any years ago, in a remote forest, there lived a little Armadillo. Plenty of other animals lived there as well along with plenty of young ones. The baby animals would often play together. But none wished to play with the little Armadillo. Because of his armor shell and small size, the other animals thought he was strange. Despite Armadillo s friendliness and good heart, the other animals were deferred by his different look. This lonely, sad being was thus condemned to endless wandering around the forest without friends and with the feeling that no one would ever befriend him. His good heart, clever mind and nice personality did not stop others from behaving badly to him. Once, the little sad Armadillo woke up, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he figured something was wrong. He got out of the cavity in the tree and was stunned. Instead of warm sun, there was a strange storm, with wind so strong Czech Republic page 94 / 109

it almost took the little Armadillo away. He asked himself, What is happening? Where is everyone? and started running through the forest searching for others. He spent a long time looking for them but did not find anyone. The forest was empty. Hello! Anyone around? the frightened Armadillo cried out. Still no answer. Yet, he kept on searching further and further. After a long while, much longer than it would take to tell this story, he finally heard some remote calling for help. Armadillo was glad to hear someone and started running in the direction of the voice. He ran through the trees to a pile of stones and branches. He was about to give up and look elsewhere, when he suddenly heard a weak help, as if it was coming straight from underneath. Where are you? Who is it? called Armadillo. Underneath, replied the strained voice. Armadillo checked the pile one more time and found a hole between some rocks. Two little eyes were looking at him from the hole. It was a little bore cub, who got stuck under the falling rocks. He was too big to get out through the hole and his skin and hoofs were too soft to be able to dig out of there. The Armadillo was glad he could help and swiftly entered the hole and started digging to get the cub out of there. After a long streak of work they both got out. Dear Armadillo, you are so kind. Why did I ever ignore you? While the others fled cowardly to save their own lives and left me here, you bravely rescued me The news spread quickly around the forest. Armadillo was praised by all. We would like to be as courageous as you, little Armadillo. You might be small and different, but your heart is big. And since then, little Armadillo was never alone again. For his great heart helped him make many friends. Author Sára Pecková age 16 let Duhovka High School, Ortenovo nám. 34, Prague 7, Czech Republic The tale was read 19 March 2014 for the pupils of Kubula PreSchool, address: Kubula PreSchool, Údolní 316/5, Prague 4, 140 00 Czech Republic POHÁDKA O MAVIM B ylo, nebylo, daleko v chladných zemích severu žil malý eskymácký chlapec jménem Mavi. Byl to chlapec povahy odvážné a nebojácné. Odmalička vyrůstal obklopen sněhem a ledem a dobře znal všechny obyvatele ledových plání, tučňáky a ledními medvědy počínaje a dospělými domorodci konče. Často si hrával s ostatními eskymáckými dětmi a chodil se staršími dětmi lovit. Byl na svůj věk vyspělý a silný, takže ho občas na lov brali i dospělí lovci. Mavi však stárl a začínal se nudit. Toužil po prozkoumání dalekých končin a nových věcí. Chtěl bych být jako dobrodruzi z příběhů našich rodičů. Chci být také světaznalý a slavný. říkal ostatním dětem. Jak bys mohl? Narodil ses uprostřed ledovců a uprostřed ledovců je ti souzeno žít. oponovaly. Czech Republic page 95 / 109

Chlapec o tom dlouho přemýšlel, avšak jeho touha po dobrodružství byla den ode dne větší. Jednoho dne se finálně rozhodl. Vzal si teplé oblečení, svůj lovecký oštěp a zásoby jídla ze své ulovené kořisti a uprostřed noci vyrazil. Cestoval dlouho a stále kráčel jen po ledových pláních. Každou noc se utábořil v improvizovaném iglú nebo pod sněhovou dunou. Časem mu začalo docházet jídlo a síla. Šel dlouhé dny a stále nepoznával rozdíly v krajině. Avšak po dvaceti nebo třiceti východech slunce konečně vysílený Mavi ucítil pod nohama jiný povrch, než křupající zmrzlou vodu. Klekl si a sáhl si na zem. Mezi prsty měl stébla sálající životem. Byla to tráva. V Mavim se probudila nová síla jít dál. Kráčel stále stejným směrem, až zahlédl pohyb. Uviděl zvíře podobné sobům žijícím na severu. Zkušeně hodil svým oštěpem a díky štěstěně, která se na něj usmívala, svůj cíl zasáhl. Ačkoliv to Mavi netušil, byl to jelen, zvíře, se kterým se nikdy nesetkal. Ale už tehdy byl mnohem světaznalejší než před tím. Už znal trávu a jeleny. O tom jeho přátelé a společníci ze severu slýchali pouze v příbězích. Jak Mavi cestoval na jih, začalo se oteplovat. Klučina již cestoval s menším množstvím oblečení, spoustou jídla, které si pravidelně lovil a s narůstajícími zkušenostmi v oblasti lovu a táboření. Naučil se, jak žít v tundře. Kráčel stále dál a dál, až zahlédl kouř. Oheň! Lidé! zavýsknul. Utíkal směrem k stoupajícímu dýmu. Uviděl vesnici a přibližoval se k ní. Když však doběhl až téměř k ní, vesničané mu zastoupili cestu s oštěpy. Co tu pohledáváš? Co tu chceš? Nevypadáš jako místní. Určitě jsi zvěd Říčních lidí! křičeli na něj. Mavi se však bránil: Neznám žádné Říční lidi. Přišel jsem z dalekého severu, ze severního pólu. Vydal jsem se prozkoumat svět. Byl bych velice rád, kdybyste mě přijali mezi sebe. Mohu vám pomoci, vyznám se v lovu a ve stopování zvířat. Mavi přesvědčil pochybující vesničany a byl uvítán ve vesnici. Avšak nemohl si nevšimnout, že obyvatelé vesničky nevypadají šťastně. Viděl, že je něco sužuje a trápí. Nechtěl být příliš zvědavý, aby si neznepřátelil už tak nedůvěřivé vesničany. A tak mlčel a vypomáhal se zpracováváním kůží a učil místní děti lovu. Stal se také žádaným pro své umění výroby oštěpů a šípů. Časem mu vesničané začali důvěřovat a přijali ho jako jednoho z nich. Maviho však znepokojovalo, že je on a všechny ostatní děti jednou za sedm východů slunce odveden hluboko do okolních lesů a zde musí vyčkat až do západu slunce. Jednoho dne se Mavi konečně odhodlal zeptat staré bylinářky: Stařeno, nemohu si nevšimnout, že ve vesnici něco není v pořádku. Ve všech tvářích je znatelný strach a znepokojení. Všichni se trápí a často hledí k východu se strachem v očích. Každých sedm dní jsme já a ostatní děti odvedeni daleko a velice spěcháme. Po našem návratu jsou všichni ještě vyděšenější než obvykle. Nikdo o tom nemluví, všichni jen zarytě mlčí. Co je důvodem tohoto jednání a strachu? Stařena mlčela a hleděla do nebe. Mavi napjatě vyčkával na odpověď. Po nesnesitelně dlouhé době se bylinářka zhluboka nadechla a pronesla: Tvá otázka je pochopitelná, ale stejně tak je nevhodná. Nikdo se neptá a ani o tom nemluví, a máme pro to dobrý důvod. Jsi však chytrý chlapec a zasloužíš si být obdarován věděním. Při tvém příchodu do vesnice tě lidé podezřívali, že jsi jeden z Říčních lidí, nemám pravdu? Přesně tak! odpověděl dychtivě chlapec. Jeho zvědavost a napětí se stále stupňovaly. Stařena rozvážně pokračovala: Říční lidé jsou lid z východu. Obývají okolí jediné řeky v okolí. Nikde jinde zde voda není. Tato řeka protéká nedaleko odsud, avšak Říční lidé dokážou její tok zastavit, aby se k nám voda nedostala. V tom případě nemáme co pít a Říční lidé nás k vodě nepustí. Jednou za týden navštíví naši vesnici a požadují po nás ulovenou zvěř. V případě, že jim ji nevydáme, odříznou nás od vody a odvedou si jedno z našich dětí. Děti si někdy odvádějí, i Czech Republic page 96 / 109

když jim vydáme zvěř. Proto vás děti posíláme daleko do lesů. Proč to dělají? Proč si neuloví vlastní zvěř? vyptával se Mavi rozhořčeně. Stařena se pousmála a hlasem plným hořkosti odpověděla: To nevíme. Ale potřebují kožešiny a maso, jako každý člověk. Traduje se, že neovládají umění lovu. Mavi byl novými informacemi zmaten a byl na Říční lid naštvaný. Snažil se vymyslet způsob, jak zabránit Říčním lidem v šikaně Maviho hostitelské vesnice a nastolit mír. Opět přemýšlel a nakonec se rozhodl. Chtěl se vydat za Říčním lidem a nabídnout jim pomoc s lovem, oplátkou za jejich ušetření druhé vesnice. Přišel s tímto nápadem za stařenou. Ta ho odvedla k náčelníkovi. Chlapče, proč myslíš, že uspěješ? zeptal se moudrý náčelník, když mu Mavi vyložil svůj plán. Jsem dobrý lovec a věřím, že hlas dítěte jejich srdce obměkčí daleko snáze, než hlas dospělého. Jsem odhodlán se o to pokusit, i kdybych měl upadnout do zajetí. Je to jediná věc, kterou může vesnice proti Říčním lidem podniknout. řekl Mavi rozhodně. Náčelník svolal radu a po dlouhém rozmlouvání promluvil k Mavimu: Chlapče, pokud jsi zcela rozhodnut toto riziko podstoupit, nebráním ti v tom. Pokud se ti to však nepodaří, zůstaneš u Říčního lidu. Ačkoliv měl Mavi strach, rozhodl se, že vesnici pomůže. Nechal se nasměrovat k osadě Říčního lidu a vzal s sebou několik kožešin a pečených králíků jako dar. S nejistotou vykročil směrem na východ. Brzy dorazil k vesnici. Vypadala téměř stejně jako vesnice, ze které přišel, jen byla mnohem větší. Vstoupil mezi chatrče a hned se kolem něj seběhla desítka mohutných mužů s připravenými pěstmi. Žádný z nich však netřímal zbraň. Kdo jsi a co chceš? Přišel jsi snad z lesní vesnice? Jsi snad úplatek? vyštěkl hlubokým hlasem jeden z nich, a všichni se jeho vtipu společně zasmáli nepříjemným hlubokým smíchem. Jsem Mavi, pocházím ze severu. Skutečně jsem přišel z vesnice v lesích, avšak nejsem žádný úplatek, ani dar. Přinesl jsem tyto dary, zvolal a natáhl před sebe vak s kožešinami a masem. ale žádám, abyste mě vyslechli. Na chvíli se odmlčel. Muži se tvářili nespokojeně, ale nakonec Mavimu jeden z nich pokynul k řeči. Vím, že po obyvatelích vesnice žádáte zvěř. Avšak, mám pro vás mnohem jednodušší řešení. Mohu vás naučit umění lovu. Sám jsem se mu učil na severu. Sám jsem vyučoval vesničany. Mohu tedy pomoci i vám. Vlastní lov pro vás bude daleko lepší, než přebírat několik dní staré zásoby. Mavi byl překvapivě přijat. Muži okamžitě požadovali výuku. Mavi jim ukazoval taje výroby nástrojů, stopování zvěře a plížení. Učil je, jak útočit na zvíře, aby co nejméně trpělo a výsledná kořist byla užitečná. Říční lidé jsou však od přírody netrpěliví a divocí, a tak výuka trvala dlouho. Mavimu se to nakonec podařilo. Naučil Říční lid lovu a všem uměním okolo něj. Děkujeme ti Mavi, chlapče ze severu, že jsi nás naučil těmto dovednostem. Na oplátku se tímto zavazujeme, že necháme tvou vesnici na pokoji a budeme se k vám chovat jako k přátelům. Mavi se po třiceti východech slunce vrátil zpět do vesnice v lesích. Byl oslavován a vesničané mu děkovali. A tak Mavi zachránil vesnici před strachem a útrapami a stal se světaznalým a slavným po celé tundře. A pokud neodcestoval jinam, učí tam lov dodnes. Sára Pecková 16 let Gymnázium Duhovka, Ortenovo nám. 34, Praha 7 Pohádka byla přečtena dětem z Mateřské školky Duhovka v rámci projektu Literatura naživo 15. prosince 2014, adresa: Mateřská školka Duhovka, Kozlovská 9, Praha 6, Česká republika Czech Republic page 97 / 109

Barbora Hrdinová, age 6 MAVI O nce upon a time, far in the cold arctic lands, there lived an Eskimo boy called Mavi. He was brave and fearless. He grew up surrounded by snow and ice and knew well all of the inhabitants of the frost plains, including penguins, polar bears as well as the adult natives. He would often play with other Eskimo children and go hunting with the older ones. Mavi was mature and wellbuilt for his age, so from time to time, even the older hunters would take him along. As Mavi grew older, however, he started to get bored. He longed to explore far lands beyond and learn of new things. He would often say to the rest of the children, I wish to be like the heroes of the stories of our parents. I also want to be sophisticated be famous. How can you do that? You were born in the middle of glaciers and it is here that you are destined to stay, they objected. Mavi thought long about what they had to say to him. But his desire for adventure grew stronger everyday. Till he finally decided to go ahead with his plan. He packed warm clothes, his hunting spear and his stocks of food. Mavi, thus, left in the middle of the night to begin his adventure. Czech Republic page 98 / 109

Although he traveled for a long time, he still walked upon the frost plains. Every night he slept in an improvised igloo or under a snow dune. Slowly, he started running out of food and energy. Mavi kept on walking endlessly, even though he could not tell any difference in the land. At last, after twenty or thirty sunrises, the worn-out boy felt something different under his than the surface of crispy frozen water. He knelt down and touched the ground. In his fingers, he held blades vital with life. These were the blades of grass. A new strength awoke in Mavi allowing him to keep going. He paced on in the same direction till he spotted some motion. It was an animal, resembling reindeer from the north. He skillfully threw his spear and, thanks to luck, he hit his target. Even though Mavi had no idea, it was a stag, an animal he never encountered. But even then, he knew much more about the world then before - he got to know the grass and the deer. His friends only heard about these things in tales. As Mavi journeyed southward, it got warmer. The young man travelled light now, with less clothes. He had a lot of food because he managed to hunt regularly and acquired new hunting and camping skills. He learned how to live in the tundra. He walked on and on till he suddenly saw some smoke. He rejoiced, Fire, people! and ran towards the smoke. Seeing a village, Mavi approached it. As he got closer, though, the villagers stood in his way with spears in hands. What are you looking for here? What do you want? You dont look like a local! You must be a spy for the People of the Rivers, they kept yelling at him. But Mavi replied, I don't know any People of the Rivers. I came from the far north, from the North Pole. I left to explore the word. I would be grateful if you would let me stay with you. I can help you, I am well trained in hunting and animal tracking. Mavi convinced the doubtful villagers and was finally welcomed in their homes. But he could not leave unnoticed the fact that the people from the village were not happy. He saw that something was bothering them and making them unhappy. He did not want to be too forward by just bluntly asking and thus alienate the suspicious villagers. Therefore, he kept silent and tried to be helpful with processing the animal rawhide and taught the local children how to hunt. He also became esteemed for his excellent art of making spears and arrows. Slowly the villagers began to trust him and accepted him as a member of their community. But Mavi was greatly concerned by the fact that he and other children were taken away into the woods every seventh sunrise and had to wait there until the sun set. Once, Mavi finally found the courage to ask the old herbalist of the village, Old lady, there must be something wrong in this village. You can see stress, fear and discomfort in many faces. With fear in their eyes, they look to the east with fear. Every seven days, the kids are taken somewhere in a rush. When we come back, everyone is even more panic-stricken. No one mentions it, everyone silent. What is the reason for this strange behaviour and fear? The old lady kept silent and looked up at the skies. Mavi was eagerly awaiting her answer. After an unbearably long while, the old lady finally spoke, I understand your question, even though its very improper of you to ask it. No one asks and no one talks about it for there is good reason not to. But you are a clever boy and you deserve to know. When you first arrived to the village, the people were afraid you were from the People of the Rivers, right? Exactly, replied the boy. His curiousness and tension were escalating. The lady kept on talking carefully, saying, The People of the Rivers are from the east. They live close to the only river around. There is no other water source for us. The river passes not far from here. But the People from the Rivers know how to stop it from flowing, thus leaving us with no access to any drinking water. They visit our village every week and demand the prey we hunted Czech Republic page 99 / 109

down. In case we do not hand over our prey to them, they will cut us off from the only sourse of water - the river and take one child away from us. Sometimes, they take the kids even when we give them the food. That is why we send you, children, far into the woods. Why do they do it? Why don t they hunt themselves? Mavi asked with a voice full of outrage. The old lady sadly smiled and replied, We don t know that. But they need the furs and the meat, as all of us. It is said that they do not posses the skill of hunting. Mavi was appalled to learn this. He focused on finding a way how to stop the People of the River from assaulting his hosting village and to bring about peace. After thinking hard, he finally arrived at a decision. He wanted to offer help to the People of the Rivers with acquiring hunting skills of their own and, in return for the favor, he wanted his village to be spared. Mavi sought out the old lady to share his plan with her. She, in turn, brought him to their chief. Dear boy, what makes you think that you will be successful? asked the wise chief when Mavi laid out his plan. Mavi replied decisively, I am a good hunter and I believe that their hearts can be softened by a child s heart rather than that of an adult. I am determined to try even if I should be captured. It is the only thing which can be done on behalf of your village. The chief summoned a council and, after a long debate, he conveyed to Mavi, Dear boy, if you are convinced to undertake the risks, I will not stop you. But if you are unsuccessful, you will stay with the People of the Rivers. Though Mavi was scared, decided to help the village. Taking a few furs and heirs as gifts, he asked for directions and headed east. The brave boy came upon the village soon. Though quite larger, this village looked similar to the one Mavi left behind. As soon as Mavi entered among the huts, tons of huge men surrounded him waving their firsts about. None held a weapon though. Who are you and what do you want? Did you come from the forest village? Are you possibly a bribe? yelled out one man while the rest began to laugh at the joke in deep, unpleasant voices. I am Mavi and I come from the north. I did come from the village in the forests but I am no bribe, nor a gift. I bought you these gifts, called out Mavi and threw the bag with the furs and heir in front of himself and paused. The men seemed upset but, in the end, one nodded for Mavi to continue. Mavi went on, I know that you ask game of the village in the forests. Yet I have a far better solution for you. I shall teach you how to hunt your own game. I, myself, trained to hunt up north. I trained the villagers in the forests. I can help you learn aswell. Hunting your own game will be much more efficient for you then taking over several day old food. Surprisingly, Mavi was accepted well. The men demanded training right away. Mavi revealed to them the art of making hunting instruments, tracking deer and slinking. He taught them how to slay an animal without distressing it. But because the People of the Rivers are impatient and wild, the training took a long time. At last, Mavi accomplished what he set out to do. He taught the people to hunt as well as other skills associated with this means of survival. Thank you dear boy of the north for teaching us. We, in turn, vow to leave your village alone and to befriend your people there, said the happy hunters. After thirty sunrises passed by, Mavi returned to the village in the forests. The villagers thanked him and he was celebrated there. Czech Republic page 100 / 109

Thus, Mavi saved the village from fright and distress and became wise and famous in all of tundra. And incase he has not left the place, he is teaching the skill of hunting to present day. Author Sára Pecková age 16 let Duhovka High School, Ortenovo nám. 34, Prague 7, Czech Republic The tale was read 12th December 2014 for the pupils of Duhovka PreSchool, address: Kozlovská 9, Prague 6, Czech Republic Czech Republic page 101 / 109

Turkey BAŞARININ SIRRI B ir zamanlar Güney Kutbunda yaşayan binlerce penguen vardı. Koşmak konusunda iyiydiler. Her ay kendi aralarında yarış düzenliyorlar ve sonucunu kutluyorlardı. Paytak adında bir penguen vardı. O şampiyondu. Tüm yarışları kazanıyordu. Aynı zamanda bir eğitmendi. Diğer penguenlere koşu hakkında ders veriyordu. Arkadaşlarıyla çok mutluydu fakat dünyanın geri kalanını öğrenmek istiyordu. Ve bir gün evinden ayrıldı ve uzaklara doğru yüzdü. Yüzdü, yüzdü ve kendini büyük bir ormanın kıyısında buldu. Orada Kuyruklu adlı bir maymunla arkadaş oldu. Kuyruklu da iyi bir koşucuydu. Fakat kendine güvenmiyordu. Tüm yarışlara kaybedeceği düşüncesiyle başlıyorsun ve bu yüzden hep kaybediyordu. İlerleyen günlerde arkadaşlıklarını ilerlettiler ve yarışlara başladılar. Daima Paytak birinci ve Kuyruklu sonuncu oluyordu. Yine bir gün yarışırlarken otların arasından bir ses geldi. Sesin yanına doğru gittiler ve kendilerine doğru gelmekte olan bir kaplumbağa gördüler. Paytak: Merhaba arkadaşım, yarışımıza katılmak ister misin? diye sordu. Kaplumbağa: Merhaba. Tabii ki. Fakat emin olun ikinizi de geçerim. Kuyruklu şok olmuştu. Bir kaplumbağanın nasıl olur da bir maymun ve bir penguenle kendini kıyaslayabildiğini anlayamıyordu. Fiziksel olarak eşit bile değillerdi üstelik. Ve yarış başladı. Paytak bir adım öndeydi fakat birdenbire hızını kesti. Bu şekilde davranmıştı çünkü Kuyruklu yu geçmek istemiyordu. Eğer geçerse onun mutsuz olacağını ve bir daha hiç kimseyle yarışmayacağını düşündü. Paytak sadece onları arkalarından izliyordu. Kaplumbağa yavaş ama kazanma hırsıyla koşuyordu. Kuyruklu ise hızlı fakat kaybetme korkusuyla koşuyordu. Bu nedenle birçok kez düştü ve hızını kaybetti. Yarışın sonunda kaplumbağa birinci geldi. Kuyruklu çok üzgün ve kızgındı. Kaplumbağaya değil kendine kızıyordu. Kaplumbağayı tebrik etti ve başarısının sırrını sordu. Kaplumbağa çok yorgundu ve şöyle cevap verdi: Başarımın sırrı benim içimde. Kuyruklu hiçbir şey anlamadı. Paytak onun yanına geldi. Elini onun omzuna koydu ve gülümsedi: Sırrını öğrendin mi? Kuyruklu: Sanırım benimle dalga geçiyor diye cevapladı. Turkey page 102 / 109

Paytak güldü ve açıklamaya başladı: Kaplumbağa haklı. Sırrı onun içinde. Öncelikle kendine inanmalısın. Sadece büyük düşün ve emin ol iyi şeyler olacak. Bu sadece yarış için geçerli değil tüm hayatınla ilgili. Yarışlara olumsuz düşüncelerle başlıyorsun ve başına bir sürü olumsuzluk geliyor. Yarışa odaklanamıyorsun ve bu yüzden kaybediyorsun. Sadece kendine inan, yapabildiğinin en iyisini yap ve olumlu ol Kuyruklu bir süre düşündü ve kaplumbağanın ne demek istediğini anladı. O günden sonra çok antrenman yaptı ve antrenmanları sırasında hep şu sözü tekrarlayıp durdu: Yapabileceğimin en iyisini yapacağım ve kazanacağım Yeni bir yarış düzenledi ve ormandaki tüm hayvanları çağırdı. Seyirciler yerlerini aldılar ve yarış büyük bir coşkuyla başladı. Kuyruklu heyecanlıydı ama olumluydu da. Bu duyguyla ve kendi kendine tekrarladığı gizli sözle koştu koştu ve birinci oldu. Tüm hayvanlar onu tebrik ettiler ve o da Paytak ile kaplumbağaya teşekkür etti. Gökten on elma düştü. Her bir ortak ülkedeki çocuklar elmalarını yerken olumlu düşünmenin ne kadar önemli olduğunu bir kez daha anladı. -SON- Turkey page 103 / 109

SECRET OF THE SUCCESS O nce upon a time there were thousands of penguins living in South Pole. They were good at running. They were organizing races among themselves and celebrating the result every month. There was a penguin named Paytak. She was the champion. She was also a trainer. She was giving lessons to other penguins about running. She was very happy to be with her friends; however, she wanted to learn the rest of the world. Then one day she left his hometown and swam away. She swam a lot and found herself near the coast of a big forest. She became friend with a monkey whose name was Kuyruklu there. Kuyruklu was also a good runner. However he did not believe in himself. He always started the race with the idea of being unsuccess. Therefore he was the loser. On the following days they continued their friendship and started the races. Always Paytak became the first and Kuyruklu became the last. One day, while they were racing they heard asound in the grass. They stood up on the side of the sound and saw a turtle coming towards them. Paytak asked: "Hi friend, Would you like to participate in this race? Turtle: Hi. Of course. But be sure I will pass both of you. Kuyruklu was shocked. He could not believe how a turtle could compare itself with a monkey or a penguin. They were not even equal physically. Then the race began. Paytak took a step ahead, but suddenly she reduced his speed. She behaved like that beacuse she thought that if she passed the monkey, he would be bored or unhappy and not race with anyone anymore. She was just watching the race behind them. The turtle was running slowly but with theambition of being the winner. Kuyruklu was running fast but with the fear of being loser. Therefore he fell on the grass many times and lost his speed. At the end of the race the turtle became the first. Kuyruklu was so sad and angry. He was angry to himself not the turtle. He congrudulated the turtle and asked the secret of its success. The turtle was very tired and answered: The secret of my success is me Kuyruklu did not understand anything.paytak came close to him. She put her hand on his shoulder and smiled: Turkey page 104 / 109

Did you learn its secret? Kuyruklu : I think it is teasing with me. Paytak laughed and explained: He is right. The secret is inside you. You must believe in yourself. Just think big and be sure good things will happen. This is not only for the race but also for the all works in your life. You start the race with negative ideas and a lot of negative things happen to you. You can not concentrate on the race so you lose. Just believe in yourself, do your best and be positive. Kuyruklu thought a while and understood what the turtle and Paytak said. After that time he trained a lot and while training he just repeated these words: I will do my best and I will win He organized a new race and called all the animals in the forest. The audiences sat their places and the race began with a big enthusiasm. Tili was excited but he was positive. With this emotion and his secret words repating by himselt he became the first. All animals congrutulated him and he thanked to Paytak and the turtle. Ten apples from the sky fell on the earth.ten partner countries shared the apples among themselves. And the kids who were listening to this tale understood the importance of being positive while eating their apples one more time. -THE END Turkey page 105 / 109

BULUTLAR B ir zamanlar çok güzel bir peri vardı. Onun tek işi yardım etmekti. Her yeri geziyor ve başı dertte olan herkese yardım etmeye çalışıyordu. O günlerde hava çok kötüydü. Aslında güneşli ve sıcaktı. Fakat uzun zamandır bu şekildeydi. Tam 8 aydır Bitkiler, ağaçlar, çiçekler ve tarlalar bu durumdan şikayet ediyorlardı. Bizim Peri meraklandı. Bu problemi çözmeliydi. Yukarı yukarı yukarı doğru süzüldü ve gökyüzüne ulaştı. Bir bulut gördü. Bu bulut etrafta uçuyordu ve çok üzgün görünüyordu. Peri: Merhaba. Neden bu kadar üzgünsün? diye sordu Bulut cevap vermedi hatta dönüp bile bakmadı. Böyle olunca Peri buluta yaklaştı ve tekrar sordu: Neden benimle konuşmuyorsun? Eğer bana sorununu anlatırsan sana yardım edebilirim. Bana bak, ben bir Periyim. Bulut bu sözleri duyunca döndü ve periyi karşısında görünce biraz şaşırdı: Gerçekten bana yardım edebilir misin? diye çaresiz bir şekilde sordu. Peri : Tabii ki. Sadece bana sorununu anlat diye cevapladı. Daha sonra Siyah Bulut anlatmaya başladı: Beyaz bulutlar yanlarına almıyorlar beni. Sadece Siyah olduğum için. Bana çok kötü sözler söylüyorlar Peri, bulutu dikkatlice dinledikten sonra ona biraz orada beklemesini söyledi. Ve beyaz bulutların yaşadığı yere gitti. Onlara Merhaba dedi fakat bulutlar onu duymadı. Onlar sadece dans ediyorlar ve birbirleriyle şakalaşıyorlardı. Peri sinirlendi ve bağırdı: Heyyyyyy bana bakın Beyaz bulutlardan biri ukala bir şekilde cevap verdi: Tamam, sana bakıyorum. Ne istiyorsun? Peri onlara Siyah Bulutun sorununu anlattı. Bir başka Beyaz Bulut: Bu seni ilgilendirmez dedi. Peri sihirli değneğini salladı ve yeryüzündeki durumu gösterdi Beyaz Bulutlara Turkey page 106 / 109

Beyaz Bulutlar çok şaşırdı. İçlerinden biri sordu: Biz burada mutluyuz ama onlar değiller. Neden? Peri cevapladı: Evet. Şimdi sana başka bir soru soracağım. Siz burada mutlusunuz fakat Siyah Bulut değil. Neden? Beyaz Bulutlar hep birlikte: O siyah. O çok çirkin. Biz onu sevmiyoruz. Peri: Farklı olmak dünyadaki en güzel şeydir. Bakın, siz gökyüzünde hepiniz aynısınız ve bir de yeryüzüne bakın Sonuç ortada Dünyadaki her bir varlığın ayrı bir görevi vardır. Ayrıca, bir şeylerin nasıl göründüğü önemli değil, önemli olan sistemin hep birlikte uyum içinde işlemesidir. Sizler fiziksel farklılıklarından dolayı başkalarını yargılamamalısınız. Herkesi sevmek zorunda değilsiniz, fakat herkese saygı duymak zorundasınız. Perinin sözlerinden sonra Beyaz Bulutlar hatalarını anladılar ve davranışlarından dolayı çok utandılar. Siyah Bulutu gidip buldular ve ondan özür dilediler. Sonunda, Siyah Bulut mutlu oldu. O kadar mutlu oldu ki ağlamaya başladı. Gözyaşları yeryüzüne yağmur olarak düştü. Çiçekler, ağaçlar, tarlalar yağmur yağdığı zaman çok mutlu oldu. Güneş bile çok mutlu oldu çünkü ışıldamaktan iyice yorulmuştu. Gökyüzünde bir gökkuşağı oluştu. Gökyüzünde her şey yolunda olduğu için yeryüzü de çok mutluydu. -SON- Turkey page 107 / 109

CLOUDS O nce upon a time there was a beautiful fairy. Her only job was to help. She was visiting many places and trying to help the ones who were in trouble. At those time the weather was very bad. In fact it was sunny and hot; however, it was like that for a long time. For 8 months Plants, trees, flowers and fields were complaining about this situation. Our fairy was curious. She had to solve this problem. She went up up up and reached the sky. She saw a cloud. He was flying around and seemed very sad. Our fairy was also sad and asked: Hi there! Why are you so sad? The cloud did not answer even he did not look at her. Therefore the fairy came close to him and asked again: Why don t you talk to me? If you tell me your problem I can help you. Look at me. I am a fairy. The cloud turned and when he saw the fairy he was a bit surprised. Can you really help me? He asked in a miserable way. The fairy answered: Of course. Just tell me your problem Then Black Cloud began to talk: White clouds did not let me stay with them. Just because I am BLACK. They tell me bad words. The fairy listened to him carefully and told him to wait a while. The fairy went to the place where White clouds were living. She said them hello; however, they did not hear her. They were just dancing and making jokes to eachother. The fairy got angry and shouted: Heyyy look at me One of the White clouds replied: OK. I am looking at you, what do you want? in a snobbish way. The fairy told them Black Cloud s problem. Another White cloud said: It is not your bussiness. The fairy shooked her magic stick and showed the situation on the land to the White clouds. The White Clouds were surprised. One of them asked: We are happy here, but they are not. Why? Turkey page 108 / 109

The fairy asked: Yes,Now i will ask you another question. You are happy but the Black Cloud is not. Why? White Clouds: He is black. He is very ugly. We do not like him. The fairy: Being different is the best thing in the world. Look, you are all the same in the sky and look at the land now. The result is there Every creature has a duty in the World. Moreover, it is not important how you and others seem, it is important how the system goes all together in a harmony. You must not judge the others just because of their physical differences. You do not have to love everyone, but you have to respect everyone! After her words, White Clouds understood their mistakes. They were very ashamed of their behaviours. They found Black Cloud and apologized. Finally, Black Cloud became happy. He was so happy that he began to cry. His crying dropped to the land as rain. The flowers, the trees, the fields became happy when it rained a lot. The sun was also very happy because he was very tired of shining. There was a rainbow in the sky. When all things were in harmony in the sky, the land was also very happy. -THE END - Turkey page 109 / 109