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Microsoft Word - EVS_ISO_IEC_27001;2014_et_esilehed.doc

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EESTI STANDARD EVS-EN 1790:1999 This document is a preview generated by EVS Teemärgistusmaterjalid. Kasutusvalmid teekattemärgised Road marking materi

Võrguinverterite valik ja kasutusala päikeseelektrijaamades Robert Mägi insener

Kliinilise keemia uuringud, südamemarkerite uuringud lapsed Kompleksanalüüsi nimetus Analüüsi nimetus Lühend Referentsväärtused Vanus Sugu

Microsoft Word - polkaudio 2010 hinnakiri

Ppt [Read-Only]

Vabariigi Valitsuse 18. detsembri a määruse nr 178 Kõrgharidusstandard lisa 3 (muudetud sõnastuses) [RT I , 17 jõust ] Õppe


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Microsoft PowerPoint - RRand_MEMS.ppt

EESTI STANDARD EVS-EN :2000 This document is a preview generated by EVS Terastraat ja traattooted piirete valmistamiseks. Osa 4: Terastraadist

PowerPoint Presentation

Microsoft PowerPoint - BPP_MLHvaade_juuni2012 (2)

Vabariigi Valitsuse 18. detsembri a määruse nr 178 Kõrgharidusstandard lisa 3 (muudetud sõnastuses) Õppekavagrupid õppevaldkondades, nendes kõrg


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Document number:

Microsoft Word - VV191_lisa.doc

Microsoft PowerPoint - Niitmise_tuv_optiline_ja_radar.pptx

Funktsionaalne Programmeerimine

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Microsoft Word - 03_ausus lisaylesanded.doc

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Eelnõu lisa_3.docx

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Operatsioonisüsteemi ülesanded


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Rat Membrane Phosphatidate Phosphohydrolase and the Reason for its Mg+ Independence Heidarian E 4 *, Haghigh B 2. 1) Dept of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Ilam University of Medical Sciences. 2) Dept of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Esfahan University of Medical Sciences. Abstract Introduction: phosphatidate phosphohydrolase (PAP) catalyzes the dephosphorylationof phosphatidic acid to yield Pi and diacylglycerol.two forms of PAP in rat hepatocyte have been reported.a cytosolic form (PAP 1 ) that is responsible for glycerolipid metabolism and 2+ requires Mg for its activity. Another form (PAP 2 ) is primarily involved in lipid signaling pathways which dose not need Mg 2 +. It has two isoforms; PAP 2a and PAP2b. Little information is known about enzymological characterization of PAP 2 especially its substrate. We investigated the enzyme behavior against Mg 2+ structure- breaking agents (urea and guanidine HCl) with respect to its substrate. Materials & Methods: PAP 2b was purified from rat hepatocyte membrane using a multi stage chromatography. The enzyme activity was determined against L a (lamellar) and H II (Hexagonal) forms of substrate in the presence of triton X-1. The effect of Mg 2+ concentration and urea and guanidine HCl (structure- breaking agents) were examined on L a to H II phase transition and enzyme activity. Results: PAP 2b consumes L a form of phosphatidate. Cations such as Mg 2+ result in H II from L a phase of substrate and therefore reduce enzyme activity. Urea and guanidine HCl increase enzyme activity due to prevention of H II formation. Both can also reduce the effect of cations on L a to H II transition of phosphatidate. Conclusion: Since PAP 2b consumes L a form of substrate parameters can induce L a to H II phase transition which result in low enzyme activity. In contrast, factors such as urea and guanidine HCl increase activity due to prevention of L a to H II phase transition. As Mg 2+ stimulates H II formation and the enzyme needs L a form substrate, it can be concluded that, Not only does the enzyme need no Mg 2+,but it is controlled by it too. Key words: Membrane phosphatidate phosphohydrolase, phosphatidic acid, L a and H II phosphatidate. *** * Corresponding Author: Dept of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Ilam University of Medical Sciences.