Pärnu, nr 21 (61 ) Koosolekud: esmaspäeviti kell 12 Ammende Villa ( hotell Victoria) Mere pst 7, Pärnu J

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Pärnu, nr 29 (69 ) Koosolekud: esmaspäeviti kell 12 Ammende Villa Mere pst 7, Pärnu John F. Germ Rotary International Pre

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Pärnu, nr Koosolekud: esmaspäeviti kell 12 Ammende Villa Mere pst 7, Pärnu K.R. Ravindran Rotary International Presid

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Pärnu, nr 21 (61 ) 5.03.2017 Koosolekud: esmaspäeviti kell 12 Ammende Villa ( 6.03 27.03. 2017 hotell Victoria) Mere pst 7, Pärnu www.parnurotary.ee John F. Germ Rotary International President 2016-17 Rotary Club of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA DG Markku Stenvall Kuberner 2016-17 Espoo Meri Rk Enn Rand Pärnu Rotary Klubi president 6 märts 2017 13 märts 2017 Klubi koosolekul teeb ettekande Rait Maruste. Koosolek toimub Victoria hotellis Klubi koosolekul teeb Üllase kutsel ettekande Lauri Tankler. Koosolek toimub Victoria hotellis

KLUBI PROGRAMM 2016/2017 Kuu Sündmus Vastutaja märts aprill Water and Sanitation month E 6 Iganädalane koosolek Cafe Grandis (Victoria hotell) ja ettekanne R. Maruste E 13 Iganädalane koosolek Cafe Grandis (Victoria hotell) ja ettekanne Ü.Tankler E 20 Iganädalane koosolek Cafe Grandis (Victoria hotell) ja ettekanne T.Talvaru E 27 Iganädalane koosolek Cafe Grandis (Victoria hotell) ja ettekanne M.Talvoja Maternal and Child helth month E 3 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne S.Suursild L 22 Rotary piirkonnakonverents Soomes 2.märts ARVED SOOVIK 13.märts VÄINO HALLIKMÄGI 20.märts RIHO SILLAOTS ÕNNITLEME!

Head klubivennad, tervitan teid kõiki! Meie Noortefondi kontole on stipendiumide ja muude võimalike projektide tarbeks käesoleval aastal panustanud juba viisteist klubivenda. Lisaks kogusime fondi raha ka etenduse piletite müügiga saadud tulust. Poku aaabitsa tööraamatute omanikeks saavad Pärnu maakonnas 1034 lasteaialast, 2018 aastal kooli minejat. Lisaks 47 raamatut iga rühma kasvatajale ja 9 raamatut jääb reservi, et mõnele kodusele lapsele samuti kinkida. Kokku 1090 raamatut. Minu arust tubli ettevõtmine, mille idee autoriks on Viljar. Ootan teie abi nende raamatute jagamisel lasteaedadesse. Julgustan ka teisi klubivendi heade ideedega välja tulema. Peaksime aitama Jüril lõpetada meie talveprojekti, koristama ära terviseradade ümbrused. Jüri teatab veel nädala pärast lõpliku seisu ja tööjõu vajaduse. Klubi koosolekul saate tutvuda meie klubi uue kaasas kantava bänneriga. Loodan, et see sobib kõigile. Kes aega leidsid ja trotsisid päeva lõpul halvaks muutunud ilma said osaliseks teisipäeval toimunud Vastlapäeva tähistamisest. Lõbu oli nii vanadele kui noortele. 5. ja 6. juunil külastab Pärnut grupp Soome rotariaanidest pillimehi, bigband, kes annaks kontserdi, Koidula pargis. Aitame neil seda korraldada. 18-21.maini on külalisteks Soomest Iisalmi Rotary Klubi grupp, 20 inimest. Planeerin nendega 18.05 ühise õhtusöögi, kel võimalik, palun ühineda. Lugupidamisega Enn Rand

Teave sekretärilt. Canada rotariaanid piirkonnast 7820 ( Idaosariigid) kutsuvad meie piirkonna rotarite gruppe enda maad külastama. Nad on organiseerinud vastava programmi. Vaadake manusest. Täpsem informatsioon sekretärilt. Oskar Rütli medali pidulik üleandmine 29. aprillil. Tunnustamaks pikaajaliselt ja silmapaistvalt meie liikumisse panustanud rotariaane, on Tartu Rotary Klubi poolt ellu kutsutud Oskar Rütli medal. Esimesed medalisaajad olid 2012. aastal Raivo Hellerma ja Leo Allas. 2016. a täitus Tartu Rotary Klubi asutaja ja charterpresidendi Oskar Rütli sünnist 145 aastat ja Tartu Rotary Klubi juhatus on teinud otsuse medal välja anda. Medal antakse pidulikult üle Tartu Rotary Klubi 85. charterpeol 29. aprillil 2017 Tartus. 13-14 mai toimub Haapsalus traditsiooniline rotariaanide ÖÖBOWLING. 18.mai kohtumine ja ühine õhtusöök Soome Iisalmi Rotary klubi liikmetega. Itaali Rotary Club Ancona Conero korraldab 22-27.mail ekskursioon-tuuri mööda Marche Regioni. tour of the Marche s Hidden masterpieces.loe sellest pikemalt allpool Rahvusvahelises osas. 5-7. juuni soovib meile külla tulla Soome rotariaanide bigband, 12 meest. Nad annaksid Pärnus 2 tasuta kontserti, näiteks vabaõhukontserdid. Võib ka kusagil ruumis. See toimuks rotariaanluse egiidi all. 10-14.juuni toimub Atlantas Rotary International Convention. Eesti Rotary XXI meistrivõistlused tennises toimuvad 1.-2. juulil Haapsalus. 12-22 oktoober korraldab Rotary Club of Alexandria Cosmopolitan mootorrattatuuri mööda Egiptimaad, "Cross Egypt Challenge". Loe sellest pikemalt allpool Rahvusvahelises osas.

Saadan kõigile tutvumiseks meie maakonna informatsiooni lasteaedade kohta. Toodud rühmad, laste hulk. MAAL: Are Kool 19 Audru Lasteaed 42 Häädemeeste Lasteaed 9 Jõõpre Kool 9 Jõõpre Kooli Aruvälja Lasteaed 7 Jõõpre Kooli Lavassaare lasteaed 2 Jänesselja lasteaed 44 Kabli Lasteaed 8 Kergu Lasteaed-Algkool 8 Kihnu Kool 11 Kilingi-Nõmme Lasteaed Krõll 29 Koonga Kool 6 Libatse Lasteaed-Algkool - Lindi Lasteaed-Algkool 9 Lõpe Kool 9 Paikuse Lasteaed 70 Pärnu-Jaagupi Lasteaed Pesamuna 24 Pärnjõe Kool 9 Seljametsa Lasteaed 10 Sindi Lasteaed 46 Surju Lasteaed 8 Tahkuranna Lasteaed-Algkool 7 Tali Põhikool-Lasteaed 2 Tammiste Lasteaed 28 Tootsi Lasteaed-Põhikool 6

Tori Lasteaed 28 Tõstamaa Lasteaed 14 Uulu Lasteaed 16 Vahenurme Lasteaed 6 Varbla Kool 7 Vihtra Lasteaed 8 Vändra Lasteaed 25 Kokku lapsi 526. LINNAS : Lasteaed laste arv rühmi Kokku Kadri 32 2 34 Kastani 42 2 44 Kelluke 25 2 27 Kesklinna 31 2 33 Liblika 22 2 24 Mai 40 4 44 Männipargi 22 1 23 Pillerpall 23 2 25 Päikesejänku 28 2 30 Pöialpoiss 47 4 51 Raeküla 28 2 30 Tammsaare 53 4 57 Trall 50 3 53 Ülejõe 30 3 33 KOKKU: 473 35 508

Esmaspäev, 6. märts 2017 Koosolekul teeb ettekande Rait Maruste Rait teeb meile ettekande mereturismist Göta kanali näitel.

Esmaspäev, 27. veebruar 2017 Avamine kell 12. Kohal oli 25 liiget, kohaloleku protsent 62. külalisi 1, hr. Ingmar Saksing. President avas koosoleku. President: Soome rotariaanide külla tulekust 5. juunil ( bigband ) ja 18. mail Iisalmi rotary klubiga kohtumisest/õhtusöögist. Ettekannetest edaspidi, kontrollida enda ettekande ajad! Vastlapäevast 28.02 Maria talus. 14 klubivenda on andnud oma täiendava panuse Noortefondi. Viljari ja klubi projektist Poku tööraamatute annetamisest lastele. Jüri F kutsus kõikki veel koristama Raeküla terviseraja oksajääke. 15.märtsiks peavad tööd lõpetatud olema. Ettekande tegi Arvedi kutsel hr. Ingmar Saksing. Teemaks : kinnisvaraturg Pärnus ja Eestis. Müügi näidete põhjal tutvustati trende kinnisvaraturul.

Sam Owori is selected to be 2018-19 Rotary president The 2016-17 Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International has unanimously nominated Samuel Frobisher Owori, of the Rotary Club of Kampala, Uganda, to be the president of Rotary International in 2018-19. He will be declared the president-nominee on 1 October 2016 if no challenging candidates have been suggested. Owori says he sees in Rotary "an incredible passion to make a difference." As president, he plans to "harness that enthusiasm and pride so that every project becomes the engine of peace and prosperity." Owori's chief concerns as a Rotary leader are membership and extension. Since he served as district governor, the number of clubs in Uganda has swelled from nine to 89. He urges past, present, and future leaders to work together to engage more women, youth program participants, alumni, and community members to increase Rotary's membership in the coming years. "There are many places which need Rotary and numerous potential members who have never been invited," he says. "The problem is Rotarians who got in and closed the doors." Owori is chief executive officer of the Institute of Corporate Governance of Uganda. Before that, he was executive director of the African Development Bank, managing director of Uganda Commercial Bank Ltd., and director of Uganda Development Bank. He has studied law, employment relations, business management, corporate resources management, microfinance, and marketing at institutions in England, Japan, Switzerland, Tanzania, and the United States, including Harvard Business School.

Since becoming a member in 1978, Owori has served Rotary as regional Rotary Foundation coordinator, regional RI membership coordinator, RI Representative to the United Nations Environment Program and UN-Habitat, and RI director. He has been a member or chair of several committees, including the International PolioPlus Committee, the Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force, and the Audit Committee. Most recently, Owori served as trustee of The Rotary Foundation, chair of The Rotary Foundation's Finance Committee, and a member of the Investment Committee. Owori is a Benefactor of The Rotary Foundation, and he and his wife, Norah, are Major Donors and Paul Harris Fellows. Dear fellow Rotarians around the world, We have appreciated the support of various Rotarians and clubs around the world who have written back to us in the past couple of years or joined our Cross Egypt Challenge initiative and helped us raise awareness and support our beautiful country, Egypt. The members of the Rotary Club of Alexandria Cosmopolitan - District 2451 Egypt are happy to renew their invitation to you and the members of your prestigious and respectful club to learn more about and share our Rotary organized initiative, "Cross Egypt Challenge" that aims to promote tourism to Egypt and prove that Egypt is still safe for tourism The world as we knew it is rapidly changing, and Egypt has been suffering from bad media and is being looked at recently as a dangerous place to visit. However, the reality of things is: Egypt remains a very safe country to visit. Unfortunately the media focuses on the action taking place in neighboring countries and generalize, and this affects Egypt, a country depends highly on tourism as a main source of income. We as Rotarians from this side of the planet feel it is our duty to let our fellows worldwide know that Egypt is still a marvellous and safe place to travel to, and to enjoy some of the best sights in the world. We send an assurance message to our fellows everywhere in the world that the situation in Egypt is very safe and we invite you to experience this first hand by taking part in our initiative: Cross Egypt Challenge which was also recently featured in the January issue of the international "Rotarian Magazine" - Cross Egypt Challenge is an international cross-country motorcycle and scooter adventure tour conducted throughout the majestic and fascinating Egypt. Participation is not only open to Rotarians or professional riders, but also open to average riders and their accompanying spouses or friends from around the globe. This amazing Rotary project started in 2011 and for the past 6 years, Rotarians and riders from over 40 countries took part in the adventurous challenge. This year the challenge will start on October 12 and will last for 10 days and will pass by Egypt's top attractions and off the beaten track destinations. A normal practice we are used to conduct during Cross Egypt Challenge is an annual "Sahara Rotary Meetings" where riding Rotarians along with Rotaracts from our organizing team conduct an official Rotary meeting in the Egyptian Desert please view attached image -, a practice that we happily repeat at each new season. Cross Egypt Challenge provides a very rewarding and challenging experience for participants from around the globe as it combines the best of adventure travels and extreme sports. The 2017 season of Cross Egypt Challenge will include one of the best routes in the history of the challenge and will pass through many of Egypt's finest spots including modern cities, coastal resorts, historical sites, Egyptian western and eastern deserts and Egypt's Nile Valley.

I invite you, your club and the members of your club to support our initiative by: 1. Register for the rally, and ride or join one of your fellow riders in our chase vans this October in Egypt, and enjoy a once in a life-time experience (a motorcycle and scooter rental option is available for international participants). Direct link to the registration application which can be completed in 10 minutes is: www.crossegyptchallenge.com/registration.html 2. Share the news about Cross Egypt Challenge with your fellow members and invite interested Rotarians to ride in this season s tour. 3. Spread the news out to your local community and local press to promote this Rotary initiative, and the image of Rotary worldwide. For more information or to register, please visit our website: www.crossegyptchallenge.com and LIKE our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/crossegyptchallenge We look forward to hearing back from you, welcoming you as a rider in Cross Egypt Challenge 2017 and host you in our annual Sahara Rotary meeting. For any more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Ahmad Elzoghby, PHF, Rotary Club of Alexandria Cosmopolitan Rotary International District 2451 Alexandria, Egypt Phone: +20 (100) 721-0000 Web: crossegyptchallenge.com Facebook: facebook.com/crossegyptchallenge YouTube: youtube.com/crossegyptchallenge Instagram: instagram.com/crossegyptchallenge Dear rotarian, Following the enthusiastic feedback we received from participants in former editions, we are pleased to announce that the Rotary Club tour of the Marche s Hidden masterpieces will take place this year too, from 22 to 27 May. This initiative, which our Club organizes in support of END POLIO NOW, is aimed at introducing members and their guests to the treasures of the Marche Region its architecture, art, painting, nature, and cuisine. Even though the Marche is probably one of the less well-known among Italian regions, it encompasses the country s most distinctive features; hence its definition as Italy in one Region. The initiative is a non-profit one. Residual amounts, if any, will be allocated to the Polioplus programme of the Rotary Foundation and Populations so hardly hit by earthquake in Middle Italy. In the traditional Rotary Club spirit, we kindly ask you to inform your Club s members about this initiative, so as to enable those among them who are interested in the Tour to make their reservation with us. The Tour will start on Monday 22 May, in the afternoon, and will end on Saturday 27 May, in the morning. It includes accommodation in four stars Hotel in Ancona (double room with breakfast) from the night of 22 May to the morning of 27 May; the meals as set out in the programme (including drinks); the gala night on 26 May; and guided couch tours.

The fee is 900,00 euros per person. Single rooms entail an additional cost of 200 euros. No doubt the variety and prominence of the sites and works of art on the programme will impress our guests and leave them with unforgettable memories. The maximum number of participants is 50; the initiative will be cancelled if the number of participants is below 30. Attached you will find the detailed programme. Should you have any further queries, feel free to contact Mr. Luigi Cafasi (Rotary Club Ancona- Conero) Tel. +39 3356404673 (luigicafasi@gmail.com). Reservations can be made through the attached form and under the terms therein contained, sending a down payment of 400 euros per person by 26 March 2017. The remaining amount will have to be paid by 26April 2017. The IBAN number for money transfers is indicated in the registration form. We are making the utmost to organise a memorable Tour for our guests. See you soon, then. With friendliest Rotary wishes. Ancona, February 22th, 2017 Rotary Club Ancona Conero The President Massimiliano Olivieri

Rotary District 1420 Piirkonna Kuberner Markku Stenvall Pärnu RC juhatus ja ametnikud 2016/17 President Enn Rand Past President Urmas Rahnel 1 Sekretär Riivo Eensalu 2 Sekretär Toomas Rapp 1 Meister 2 Meister Karmo Vunk Rein Toodu Avalike suhete komitee esimees Jüri Feofanov Varahoidja Mait Talvoja Noorsoovahetuse asjur Tarvi Markson SA PÄRNU ROTARY NOORTEFOND NÕUKOGU JA JUHATUS SA NÕUKOGU SA JUHATUS Esimees Mati Tiimus Esimees Riho Sillaots Liige Kristjan Puusild Liige Ivar Pinsel Liige Arvo Villmann Liige Henn Vallimäe PAUL HARRIS FELLOWs Arvo Villmann (2 kordne) Ervin Luur Mati Sooaru Kalle Lahe Jüri Feofanov (2 kordne) Jüri Lebedev PÄRNU RC EELNEVAD PRESIDENDID 1993-1994 Kalle Lahe 1994-1995 Jüri Lebedev 1995-1996 Jaan Laur 1996-1997 Vello Järvesalu 1997-1998 Väino Moor 1998-1999 Peeter Volkov 1999-2000 Arne Kalbus 2000-2001 Aivar Pärna 2001-2002 Margus Viira 2002-2003 Mati Sooaru 2003-2004 Arvo Vilman 2004-2005 Üllas Tankler 2005-2006 Ivo Aullik 2006-2007 Andres Ringo 2007-2008 Mati Tiimus 2008-2009 Ervin Luur 2009-2010 Margus Luih 2010-2011 Jüri Feofanov 2011-2012 Andres Laanemets 2012-2013 Rein Toodu 2013-2014 Arved Soovik 2014-2015 Väino Hallikmägi 2015-2016 Urmas Rahnel Rotary info: www.rotary.org www.rotary.ee http://d1420.rotary.fi/ www.parnurotary.ee