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Heiki Sibul Riigikogu peasekretär Secretary General Addresses and Formulation of the Objectives of the Seminar Riigikogu Kantselei direktori Heiki Sibula avasõnad Head kolleegid, Mul on hea meel Teid tervitada Eesti parlamendi, Riigikogu hoones ja juhatada sisse täna ja homme toimuv seminar õiguslike ja regulatiivsete mõjude hindamisest seadusandluses. Mul on samuti hea meel harjutada paljusid nüüdseid ja tulevasi EL liikmesriikide kolleege kauni eesti keele kõlaga. Meeldiv on ka tõdeda, et käesolev Tallinnas toimuv seminar on sisuline jätk viimastel aastatel toimunud rahvusvahelisele arutelule, mis tipnes eelmisel aastal Roomas toimunud Euroopa Liidu riikide parlamentide spiikrite konverentsiga, milleks telliti ka parlamentaarsete protseduuride ja suhete alane uuring OECD-lt. Ma usun, et me kõik anname endale aru, et vaatamata regulatsioonide mõju hindamise olulisusele nii poliitikute kui ka ühiskonna huvirühmade vaatevinklist, on see valdkond siiski äärmiselt komplitseeritud ja otsest normi regulatsioonide mõju analüüsi tulemuste kasutamiseks õigusloomes ei ole kujunenud mitmetel põhjustel. Seega on õigusloome mõju hindamine endiselt arengujärgus valdkond. Püüan alljärgnevalt lühidalt kaardistada mõned minule olulisena tunduvad seminari võimalikud arutelude teemad: Esiteks, seadusandliku võimu ümber on palju erinevaid tegijaid ja alati võib keegi küsida, miks üldse on vaja tegeleda õigusaktide sot siaalse, eelarvelise, administratiivse jms mõju analüüsiga? Ja loodetavasti on alati ka keegi teine, kes Sherlock Holmes i kombel vastab Elementaarne, Watson, elementaarne! Dear Colleagues, I am very happy to welcome you to the building of the Riigikogu, the Parliament of the Republic of Estonia, and to make the opening speech for this two-day seminar Legal and Regulatory Impact Assessment of Legislation. I am also happy to let so many colleagues from present and future EU Member States enjoy the beautiful sound of the Estonian language. I am very proud that this seminar in Tallinn is essentially a follow-up to the international debate that has evolved in recent years and that peaked with the conference of parliamentary speakers of EU Member States, which was held last year in Rome and included an OECD survey on parliamentary procedures and relations. I am sure that we all agree that, in spite of the emphasis laid on the regulatory impact assessment by politicians and community groups, it is an extremely complex area and one which until now lacks clear principles on how to use the findings of regulatory impact analysis in legislation. This is why we may say that assessing the regulatory impact of legislation is still a work in progress. In the following dialog I will briefly map some of the key issues which this seminar should, in my opinion, address. First, legislative power interacts with a large number of different stakeholders and sometimes we hear questions on whether it is necessary to analyse the social, budgetary, administrative, etc. impact of legislation. And I hope that there is always someone who responds as Sherlock Holmes did: Elementary, Watson, Proceedings of ECPRD Seminar 9

mõjusid on vaja uurida selleks, et tagada avaliku poliitika ja haldusjuhtimise ratsionaalsus, läbipaistvus, tagajärgede ennustatavus ja kehtestatud seaduse mõjusus. Seega, ilma õigusaktide eelnõude piisava analüüsita pole meil võimalik teoreetiliselt ega praktiliselt tagada õigusriigi põhimõtete kohaselt isikute õiguskindlust ega poliitilist vastutusvõimet. Teiseks, realistliku õigusteadusliku (realistic legisprudence) lähenemise kohaselt on õiguse kehtimiseks ühiskonnas vajalik kolme kehtivuse üheaegsus, milleks on esiteks, õiguse kehtivus juriidilise kooskõla ja normatiivse täpsuse mõttes, teiseks kehtivus sotsiaalse fakti mõttes, ja kolmandaks, peab õigusloome taotlema ka õiguse kehtivust selle täitjate väärtushoiakute ning õigusteadvuse tasandil. Kolmandaks, kui õigusliku kehtivuse kohta võib parlament saada tagasisideinfot kohtutest, Õiguskantsleri büroost, Riigikontrollist ja politseist, siis õiguse sotsiaal-majandusliku ja väärtusteoreetilise kehtivuse uurimiseks on vajalik kaasata sotsiaalteadlasi psühholooge, sotsiolooge, demograafe, ökonomiste jt, kui poliitikud, ja meie, parlamendi ametnikud, soovime uurida probleemide põhjusi. Neljandaks, regulatsioonide mõjude hindamise käsitlused erinevates riikides lähtuvad paljuski ratsionaalse valiku ja avaliku valiku teooriatest. Me võime öelda, et soovime olla ratsionaalsed ja teha alati nii poliitiliselt, majanduslikult ja sotsiaalselt kõige otstarbekama valiku, kuid samas me peame riigiametnikena sageli tõdema, et poliitilises kommunikatsioonis ei ole poliitiline otstarbekohasus alati kooskõlas majandusliku otstarbekohasusega. Siiski julgen väita, et tänu Interneti ja uue meedia võimalustele on õigusloomega seotud analüütiline info muutunud kättesaadavaks huvilistele ja seetõttu pääsevad ka avalikus diskussioonis enam maksvusele ratsionaalsed, analüüsist tulenevad argumendid. Nagu seminari programmist nähtub, vaatleb prof. Raul Narits Eesti õigusloome praktika arenguid akadeemiliselt positsioonilt. Toon siinkohal vaid mõned näited, mida on teinud ja elementary we need to assess the impact in order to ensure that public policies and public administration are rational, transparent, enforceable and achieve the required impact. Without sufficiently analysing the impact of draft legislation we would not be able in theory or in practice to ensure its compliance with the principles of the rule of law, i.e. providing citizens with legal guarantees and political responsibility. Secondly, by realistic legisprudence, the validity of law in a society requires three simultaneous validities: first, validity of law in terms of legal harmony and normative accuracy; secondly, validity in terms of social fact and; thirdly, validity of the legislative process on the level of personal values of operatives and the legal consciousness. Third, whereas the parliament receives feedback on the validity of law from courts, the office of the Legal Chancellor, the State Audit Office and the police, the analysis of the validity of socio-economic principles and values requires the involvement of social scientists in psychology, sociology, demographics, economics and other fields in order to allow the politicians and us, the officials of the parliament, to study the causes of problems. Fourth, countries that follow a different approach to regulatory impact assessment employ the theories of rational choice and public choice. In our activities we are determined to act rationally and make choices that make sense politically, economically and socially. However, as public servants, we are often forced to admit that in political communication, political rationality is not always in harmony with economic rationality. In spite of this discrepancy, I am sure that the opportunities involved on the Internet and new media have made analytical information on legislative processes more available to all stakeholders, and that the public debate is taking full advantage of these rational principles backed by analysis. As you can see from our seminar programme, Professor Raul Narits will discuss the practical developments of the legislative process from an academic position. I will provide some 10 Proceedings of ECPRD Seminar

Addresses and Formulation of the Objectives of the Seminar tegemas Riigikogu ning Riigikogu Kantselei. Me oleme püüdnud Eestis sellele kaudselt kaasa aidata muuhulgas sotsiaal-õiguslike uuringute tellimise ja seminaridega, sest ilma inimeste aruteluta head mõtted ei teostu. Riigikogu Kantselei on alates 1995. aastast edendanud teadlikult seadusloome sotsiaalmajanduslike mõjude hindamise eeldusi, et suurendada valmisolekut ühiskonnale oluliste seaduste mõjude hindamiseks. Sageli tähendab see täitevvõimu teostatud töö kontrolli. Et luua üldisem foon Eesti elanikkonna ootustest, eelistustest ja sotsiaal-majanduslikust olukorrast, siis oleme tellinud igal aastal vähemalt kaks parlamendi põhiülesannetega seotud sotsioloogilist uuringut, mille tulemused on Riigikogu veebi vahendusel ka avalikkusele kättesaadavad. Näiteks oleme palunud valida vastajatel 25-st riigieelarvelisest programmist välja viis nende jaoks kõige olulisemat elanikkonna prioriteetide nimekirja juhib tööhõive, haridus, tervishoid ja noored pered. Kuigi uuringute tulemused ei ole seadusandjale, ega eelnõusid kirjutavatele ametnikele mingil määral kohustuslikud, võime me demokraatia ja õigusriigi väärtustest lähtudes siiski väita, et tunnustatud meetodite alusel läbiviidud üleriigiline uuring on omamoodi minireferendum. Teine suund, mille kaudu oleme püüdnud sotsiaalse informatsiooni kasutamist edendada on sellesuunaliste seminaride korraldamine. Tänasele seminarile on eelnenud neljal varasemal aastal kümmekond seminari, millest võiks siinkohal esile tuua kolm: 1)1998. aastal toimus rahvusvaheline seminar Sotsiaal-majanduslike uuringute ja parlamentaarse teabe- ning uurimisteenistuste osa seadusandluses - Euroopa Liidu laianemise kontekstis. of the examples of what the Riigikogu and its Chancellery have done. Since one cannot implement good ideas without public debate, we have, among others, tried to influence this process in Estonia indirectly by commissioning socio-economic studies and by organising seminars. Since 1995, the Chancellery of the Riigikogu has been implementing measures to promote the preconditions for assessing the socio-economic impact of the legislative process with a view to increasing the preparedness of society to analyse the impact of important regulatory acts. It often means supervision over the activities of the executive branch. In order to collect more background information on the expectations, preferences and the socio-economic situation of Estonians, we have commissioned each year at least two sociological studies on the issues of the main parliamentary duties. The findings of these studies have been made available to the public through the Internet website of the Riigikogu. For instance, we asked the respondents to select five projects out of 25 that are funded by the state budget, which they consider most important. The responses highlighted that the most important areas for the public are employment, education, health and young families. Although the findings of the studies are in no way binding to the legislators or lawmakers, we can say that, by the principles of democracy and a state based on the rule of law, such nationwide studies are mini-referendums conducted on the basis of recognised methods. Another direction by which we have been promoting the use of social information has been the organisation of specific workshops and seminars. In the four years that preceded this seminar, we have organised or participated in about ten events of which I would like to highlight three: 1) The international conference entitled: The Role of Socio-Economic Studies and Parliamentary Research Services in Legislation in the context of EU enlargement, which was held in 1998. Proceedings of ECPRD Seminar 11

2) Eelmise aasta septembris toimus koos Läänemeremaade Nõukoguga Taani, Rootsi ja Soome kolleegide osalusel Hea õigusloome seminar. 3) Alles k.a. maikuu algul korraldasime koos Eesti ülikoolidega seminari Õigusriik ja õigusloome II: majandus- ning õigusteadlaste kohtumispaik. Seal arutati ka seaduseelnõude majanduslike mõjude hindamise võimalusi poliitilises kontekstis. Siia loendisse võiks lisada Riigikogu k.a. sünnipäeval 23. aprillil Riigikogu Juhatusele üleantud Eesti Kodanikeühiskonna Arengu Kontseptsiooni, mille keskseid põhimõtteid on erinevate huvirühmade informeerimine ja kaasamine õigusloomesse. Tulles tagasi avaliku poliitika ratsionaalse ja avaliku valiku mudelite juurde, soovin rõhutada, et ratsionaalsest avalikust arutelust ja valikust saame me tõsisemalt rääkida siis, kui nii poliitikute kui avalikkuse käes on piisav hulk adekvaatset infot selle kohta, kuidas üks või teine poliitiline valik mõjutab ühiskonna õiguskorraldust, majandust ja sotsiaalseid suhteid. Kui nüüd keegi väidab vastu, et objektiivsust taotlev mõjude hindamine on võimatu ja kasutu, siis võib sellest kergesti tuletada, et ka avalik diskussioon ja poliitiliste ning õiguslike otsustuste põhjendamine tugineb ebarealistlikele andmetele ja me võime rääkida demokraatia ja vabade valikute asemel demokraatiast ja valikutest kui sümboolsest mängust teadmata ja ütlemata, kes selle tulemusel võidavad ja kas avalikud huvid on piisavalt kaitstud? Meie seminaril arutluse alla tulevad teemad on olulised ka Euroopa Liidu laienemisprotsessi kontekstis, sest üha sagedamini on hakatud rääkima poliitilis-õigusliku integratsiooni ja majandusliku konvergentsi lahknevusest - seda vähemasti lühiajalises perspektiivis. Vastuse saab anda usaldusväärne analüüs. Parlamendi töö on reguleeritud seadustega ja heade tavadega ning seetõttu on lisaks 2) In September 2000, we organised, in association with the Council of the Baltic Sea States and our colleagues from Denmark, Sweden and Finland, a conference on good law making. 3) This May, we organised, in co-operation with Estonian universities, a seminar entitled: State of Rule of Law and Legislation II: A Meeting Point for Economic and Legal Scientists. Among others, this seminar discussed the possibilities for assessing the economic impact of draft legislation in a political context. A further addition to this list is the Concept the Development of the Estonian Civic Society, which was presented to the Board of the Riigikogu on 23 April, on the birthday of the Riigikogu. The central principles of this concept are providing information to various interest groups and their involvement in legislative work. Speaking about the rationality of public policies and models of public choice, I would like to emphasise that we can talk about rational public debate and choice only when politicians and public interest groups have sufficient and practical information on how different political choices influence the legal system, the economy, and the social relations of the society. If someone argues now that objective assessment of impact is impossible and impractical, I would like to remind them that unrealistic information also forms the basis for public debate and justification of political and legal decisions, and that instead of democracy and free choice we could speak about the democracy and choices as a symbolic game without knowing and without saying who will benefit and whether the people s interests are sufficiently protected. The issues which the participants of this seminar will be discussing are also important in the context of EU enlargement, especially since we have been hearing claims that political and legal integration and economic convergence are going separate ways, even in the short term. It is a problem to which a well-prepared analysis can provide a solution. The work of the parliament is regulated by laws and good practice, further emphasising the 12 Proceedings of ECPRD Seminar

Addresses and Formulation of the Objectives of the Seminar asjakohastele uuringutele oluline ka eelnõude menetlus, arutelude protseduurid ja ettepanekute ning arvamuste menetlemise kord. Tahaks väga loota, et Eesti seadusandluse üks põhiprobleeme - institutsioonide ülesehitamisega seotud reformide ja sellega seoses ka õigusloome kiiruse probleem annab järele samm sammult, sest ka eelnõude avaliku arutelu pikkus on oluline tegur riskide vähendamiseks. Võrreldes meie Lääne-Euroopa kolleegidega, on täismahuliste seaduseelnõude hulk olnud nii Eestis kui teistes Ida-Euroopa riikides oluliselt suurem, mistõttu ka eelnõude menetlemise kiirus on suurem. Kuidas kasutada paremini aega, et käsitleda uuringuid ennekõike komisjonide ja fraktsioonide istungitel, küsisime ka Riigikogu liikmetelt ja ametnikel k.a. maikuul läbiviidavas küsitluses. Ka sellest uuringust loodame saada argumente Riigikogu ja selle tugisüsteemi ratsionaalsemaks korrastamiseks. Samuti loodan seminaril kuulda arvamusi palju konkreetsematel teemadel nagu näiteks parlamendi komisjonide roll eelnõude ja seaduste mõjude hindamisel, seaduseelnõude koostajate kompetentsus ja vastutus. Kui laialtlevinud on praktika, et seaduseelnõud pannakse ministeeriumis kirjutama äsja ülikoolipingist tulnud noor kolleeg ja teinekord jõuab tema looming kuni parlamendini muudatusteta. Lõpetuseks sooviksin ma uskuda, et õigusloome tegelike mõjude kohta käivat informatsiooni ei hoitaks vaka all, sest ebaotstarbekad regulatsioonid võivad minna nii ühiskonnale kui ka rahvusvahelisele koostööle liiga kalliks maksma. Soovin kõigile osalejatele ning ettekandjatele edu ning vaimset inspiratsiooni ja usun, et tänane seminar on kaalukas teetähis õigusloome kvaliteedi kujundamist käsitlevate arutelude ahelas. importance of practical research and legislative process as well as conducting parliamentary debates and review of opinions. I very much hope that one of the most acute problems in Estonian legislation lack of speed in implementing institution-building reforms and in adopting legislation will eventually disappear. Today, the length of debate is an important factor in reducing risks. Since the countries of Eastern and Central Europe, including Estonia, are facing the need to adopt and implement a significantly larger amount of primary legislation than in Western Europe, it is understandable why we have been able to dedicate less time for debating draft legislation. In a survey conducted in May, we asked MPs and officials of the Riigikogu about what needs to be done in order to ensure that committees and parliamentary factions have enough time to study the findings of regulatory impact assessments. We hope that the May survey will provide some guidelines on how to enhance the rationality of the Riigikogu and its support system. In this seminar, I would like to hear your opinion on more specific issues, such as the competency and responsibility of law making. We often see a situation where regulatory acts are drafted by young ministerial staff who have recently graduated from the university and whose deliberations sometimes reach the parliament without any modification. In conclusion, I remain hopeful that we will succeed in providing sufficient information on the actual impact on legislation, since the cost of inappropriate regulations for society, and international co-operation in general, could be very high. I wish all seminar participants and speakers every success and inspiration and I hope that today s seminar will become an important milestone in the debate of these issues. Proceedings of ECPRD Seminar 13

Dick Toornstra Co-Director of ECPRD Good morning to all of you! May I also, on behalf of the ECPRD, welcome you to this seminar, which is the second one we have organised this year. It is a particular pleasure for me that we meet here today in Estonia, nearly ten years after the country proclaimed its full independence. Since the Riigikogu joined the ECPRD, it has impressed us with its enthusiasm, its active participation and a very professional attitude. The way you have prepared for this seminar clearly confirms my words. It is a great pleasure to be here with you today. This seminar, in which we will discuss the legal and regulatory impact assessment of legislation, should, as has always been the aim of ECPRD activities, stimulate a parliamentary debate on the quality of legislation and the tools which we need to fulfil parliament s role as both legislator and controller. At the Speakers Conference in September last year in Rome, it was made evident that the quality of legislation should be improved and that greater cooperation amongst national parliaments should be fostered. Today s seminar is somewhat different in that we have invited participants to present papers and reply to questionnaires in advance of the event. It is also quite significant that we have invited two non-parliamentary organisations, both of which work with impact assessment studies. I am very pleased that the European Commission has sent a compatriot of mine, Auke Haagsma, to give a presentation on EU lawmaking standards and that the OECD, in the person of Sue Holmes, is also willing to share its views with us concerning regulatory impact assessment options. This is, I hope, a seminar that will be very much focused on practical problems. The aim is that we learn from each other. We should * * * * * not have an academic debate, since it is very much the essence of ECPRD activities that we learn and speak frankly with each other. Giovanni Rizzoni will speak about the ten years of regulatory impact assessment experience in the Camera dei Deputati, an old and established parliament with ample resources and facilities. This should make an interesting comparison with Dr Narits introduction of the Estonian experience. I have no intention of competing with the key speakers who follow me, but allow me a few comments on the substance of the matter we are going to discuss. You will discover from a paper elaborated by the Directorate General for Research of the European Parliament, which has been distributed to you, that within the 15 EU member states there are some countries without any tradition of impact assessment studies. Some only look at the technical, legislative questions and only a few actually work with what we would call a substantive form of RIA. However, the role of parliaments in all of this seems to be very significant; RIA today being still considered as something of a governmental perk. In the EU, where directives are addressed to member states with an obligation to transpose these into national law, RIA very much seems to focus on the formal quality of legislation and the well-known principles of subsidiary and proportionality. The fact that the application and verification of EU law within a national system often requires measures with a deferring impact on economic and social operations, makes it difficult for parliaments to assess the overall impact of legislation. Although the European Commission has indicated its intention to formulate a proper regulatory strategy implying a systematic consultation process and impact analysis before any proposal is made and an evaluation of the effects of this kind of legislation, they only seem to address national administrations and various economic and social players. From the Commission s point 14 Proceedings of ECPRD Seminar

Addresses and Formulation of the Objectives of the Seminar of view, this is understandable and, as far as I am concerned, also acceptable. However, it does imply that parliaments, not just for purely national domestic legislation, but very much also for EU legislation must organise themselves better. We in the ECPRD are willing to help in such an endeavour and we plan to make use of the latest technology to provide national parliaments with an electronic platform for EU legislative proposals, offering comprehensive information on all phases of the process including, we hope, access to impact studies conducted either at a national or a wider EU level. Personally, I have always felt that parliaments in exercising their role of both legislator and controller do not necessarily need a very large staff. Certainly today in the age of freely available data on the web and a communication technology which enables parliaments, if they so desire, to liase very quickly with the electorate on a permanent basis, means that it is more important to have the capacity to select and target information, to have enough expert knowledge to verify the methodology used in producing RIA studies, than to conduct or to implement independent parliamentary research. It is true that when commissioning an external impact assessment study, parliaments must be aware that the analysing body does not produce an academic analysis, which is only important from a theoretical point of view. However, it is also true to say that globalisation and regionalisation is making legislation more complex and more technical, for which no parliament can have sufficient in-house expertise. Thus parliaments would, in my view, be best served if governments or, in the context of the European Union, the European Commission were obliged to present to the legislator very comprehensive proposals which should include explanatory statements, regulatory impact statement papers, and a full explanation on the methodology which has been applied. In conclusion, allow me to remind you of what I would consider to be the seven primary items which should always be covered in such a regulatory impact statement: First of all, there is the obvious problem of the issue of identification; Secondly, a specification of what is the desired objective or objectives; Thirdly, an identification of the various options that exist; Fourthly, an assessment of impacts, the costs and benefits, both in a wider context of their significance and for each option; Fifthly, the consultation mechanism; Sixth, the conclusion and recommended option; And finally, seventh, the implementation and review of options which will accompany the legislation, including the feasibility of the sunset clause. Parliaments obviously should accept that such a comprehensive regulatory impact assessment statement, together with other accompanying papers, can only be expected for major legislative proposals. Parliaments are first and foremost political bodies. They are not organs, which should deal with the execution of legislation. Obviously they preserve the right of control and of checking whether the objectives and parameters set in the legislation have been met, and of expressing their political judgement accordingly. But it is for governments to execute and it is for governments to be scrutinised. Parliaments should not confuse their duties. That is why I see a parliamentary role in both prospective and retrospective RIA, but less in accompanying RIA methods. Let the work be done by the executive, leaving parliaments to scrutinise the technical legal context, the methodology used and the proposed legislation, the outcome of the RIA study and finally, the political relevance of the proposal. I wish you a successful and interesting seminar. Thank you. Proceedings of ECPRD Seminar 15