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EUROOPA PARLAMENT Tööhõive- ja sotsiaalkomisjon EMPL(2012)0326_1 26. märts 2012 kell Päevakorra kinnitamine 2. Juhataja teada

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EESTI STANDARD EVS-EN :2000 This document is a preview generated by EVS Terastraat ja traattooted piirete valmistamiseks. Osa 4: Terastraadist


Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu Brüssel, 20. juuli 2015 (OR. en) 10173/15 ADD 1 PV/CONS 36 ECOFIN 531 PROTOKOLLI KAVAND Teema: Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu istun

Väljaandja: EÜEVAN Akti liik: otsus Teksti liik: algtekst Avaldamismärge: RT II 2002, 4, 7 Otsus nr 7/2001 (UE-EE 813/01), millega võetakse vastu ting

Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu Brüssel, 6. november /17 OJ CRP1 37 ESIALGNE PÄEVAKORD ALALISTE ESINDAJATE KOMITEE (COREPER I) Justus Lipsiuse hoone,

Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu Brüssel, 16. oktoober 2017 (OR. en) 13245/17 OJ CRP1 35 ESIALGNE PÄEVAKORD Teema: ALALISTE ESINDAJATE KOMITEE (COREPER I)

EESTI STANDARD EVS-EN 1790:1999 This document is a preview generated by EVS Teemärgistusmaterjalid. Kasutusvalmid teekattemärgised Road marking materi


Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu Brüssel, 14. juuni 2019 (OR. en) 10266/19 OJ CRP1 23 ESIALGNE PÄEVAKORD ALALISTE ESINDAJATE KOMITEE (COREPER I) Justus Lipsiuse

Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu Brüssel, 19. juuli 2019 (OR. en) 11128/19 PV CONS 40 SOC 546 EMPL 417 SAN 343 CONSOM 203 PROTOKOLLI KAVAND EUROOPA LIIDU NÕUKOGU

tallinn arvudes 2003.indd

Väljaandja: Vabariigi Valitsus Akti liik: välisleping Teksti liik: algtekst Jõustumise kp: Avaldamismärge: RT II 2010, 18, 90 Eesti Vabarii



Kasvuhoonegaaside heitkoguseid vähendavate poliitikate ja meetmete ning kasvuhoonegaaside heitkoguste riiklike prognooside aruanne Tallinn 2013


Ref. Ares(2018) /01/2018 Ш Republic of Estonia Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Mr Keir Fitch European Commission DG Mobility a

Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu Euroopa Liidu KUST SAADA TEAVET EUROOPA ÜLEMKOGU JA NÕUKOGU KOHTA? Mis vahe on Euroopa Ülemkogul ja Euroopa Liidu Nõukogul? Kuid

Väljaandja: Vabariigi Valitsus Akti liik: välisleping Teksti liik: algtekst Jõustumise kp: Avaldamismärge: RT II 2005, 31, 103 Eesti Vabari

Sihtasutuse Euroopa Kool PÕHIKIRI 1. peatükk ÜLDSÄTTED STATUTES OF THE FOUNDATION EUROOPA KOOL Chapter 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1.Sihtasutus Euroopa Koo

Järelevalvetasutegurite kogumise eesmärgil kasutatavate varade koguväärtuse ja koguriskipositsiooni vormide täitmise juhised

Title H1

Väljaandja: Riigikogu Akti liik: välisleping Teksti liik: algtekst Avaldamismärge: RT II 1999, 15, 92 Kohtulikult karistatud isikute üleandmise Euroop

EESTI STANDARD EVS-ISO 24510:2008 This document is a preview generated by EVS JOOGIVEE- JA KANALISATSIOONITEENUSTEGA SEOTUD TEGEVUSED Juhised joogivee

EESTI STANDARD EVS-ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2013 This document is a preview generated by EVS SÜSTEEMI- JA TARKVARATEHNIKA Elutsükli infosaaduste (dokumentat


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FON SE MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS Place of holding the meeting: Plock, ul. Padlewskiego 18C, , Poland. Time of

EESTI STANDARD EVS-ISO/IEC 25021:2014 This document is a preview generated by EVS SÜSTEEMI- JA TARKVARATEHNIKA Süsteemide ja tarkvara kvaliteedinõuded

Euroopa Parlamendi arutelud


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Kuidas, kus ja milleks me kujundame poliitikaid Kuidas mõjutavad meid poliitikad ja instrumendid Euroopa Liidu ja riigi tasandil Heli Laarmann Sotsiaa

EESTI STANDARD EVS-ISO/IEC 27000:2015 This document is a preview generated by EVS INFOTEHNOLOOGIA Turbemeetodid Infoturbe halduse süsteemid Ülevaade j

Conseil UE Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu Brüssel, 30. november 2016 (OR. en) 14723/16 PROTOKOLLI KAVAND 1 Teema: LIMITE PUBLIC PV/CONS 61 EDUC 391 JEUN 103 CU

Microsoft Word - EVS_ISO_31000;2010_et_esilehed

Microsoft Word - DEVE_PA_2012_492570_ET.doc

Microsoft PowerPoint - BPP_MLHvaade_juuni2012 (2)

Väljaandja: Vabariigi Valitsus Akti liik: välisleping Teksti liik: algtekst Jõustumise kp: Avaldamismärge: RT II 2009, 22, 55 Eesti Vabarii

EUROOPA LIIDU NÕUKOGU Brüssel, 15. mai 2008 (22.05) (OR. en) 9192/08 Institutsioonidevaheline dokument: 2008/0096 (CNB) UEM 110 ECOFIN 166 SAATEMÄRKUS


Sissejuhatus GRADE metoodikasse

MINISTRI KÄSKKIRI Tallinn nr Ministri käskkirja nr 164 Autokaubaveo komisjoni moodustamine ja töökorra kinnitamine muutmin

Ppt [Read-Only]

EUROOPA KOMISJON Brüssel, C(2018) 7044 final KOMISJONI DELEGEERITUD MÄÄRUS (EL) /, , millega muudetakse delegeeritud määrust (EL)

Avatud ja läbipaistev e-riik: Ees6 kui rajaleidja Andrus Kaarelson RIA peadirektori asetäitja riigi infosüsteemi alal 10. oktoober 2017

Pöördumine Eesti Valitususe ja Europa Nõukogu Inimõiguste Komissari hr. Hammarbergi poole Appeal to the Government of the Republic of Estonia and the

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Inglise keele ainekava 9.klassile Kuu Õpitulemused Õppesisu Kohustuslik hindamine September 1. Kasutab Present Simple, Present Mina ja teised. Inimese

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Väljaandja: Vabariigi Valitsus Akti liik: välisleping Teksti liik: algtekst Jõustumise kp: Avaldamismärge: RT II 2002, 22, 97 Eesti Vabarii

Slide 1

Microsoft Word - EVS_EN_ISO_14064_3;2012_et_en

COM(2004)651/F1 - ET

Väljaandja: Vabariigi Valitsus Akti liik: välisleping Teksti liik: algtekst Jõustumise kp: Avaldamismärge: RT II 2008, 19, 56 Eesti Vabarii

Microsoft Word - EVS_ISO_3574;2008_esilehed

HÄÄLETUSTE TULEMUSED LISA Lühendite ja sümbolite selgitus + vastu võetud tagasi lükatud kehtetuks muutunud tagasi tagasi võetud NH (...,,...) nimeline

Microsoft Word - 23jaan07.doc

Väljaandja: Vabariigi Valitsus Akti liik: välisleping Teksti liik: algtekst Avaldamismärge: RT II 2004, 35, 128 Rahvusvahelise Telekommunikatsiooni Li

EESTI STANDARD EVS-ISO/IEC :2005 This document is a preview generated by EVS INFOTEHNOLOOGIA Avatud süsteemide vastastikune ühendamine Tehingut

rp_ IS_3



Jenny Papettas

Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu Brüssel, 15. juuni 2015 (OR. en) 9236/15 MÄRKUS Saatja: Saaja: Nõukogu peasekretariaat Alaliste esindajate komitee / nõukogu UEM

PA 9


Lp. firmajuht!

Communication from the Commission


(Tõrked ja töökindlus \(2\))

P2P süsteemid

Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu Brüssel, 20. juuni 2019 (OR. en) 10545/19 ENER 383 CLIMA 187 COMPET 542 RECH 378 AGRI 337 ENV 646 SAATEMÄRKUSED Saatja: Kättesaa

Väljaandja: Riigikogu Akti liik: välisleping Teksti liik: algtekst Jõustumise kp: Avaldamismärge: RT II 2001, 6, 32 Antarktika leping (õ)8.



EESTI STANDARD EVS-EN ISO 3381:2007 See dokument on EVS-i poolt loodud eelvaade RAUDTEEALASED RAKENDUSED Akustika Raudteeveeremi sisemüra mõõtmine (IS

PowerPoint Presentation


Kehtiv alates Vormi TSD lisa 3 Applicable from Annex 3 of Form 3 Unofficial translation Maksu- ja Tolliamet Estonian Tax and Cus

Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu Brüssel, 20. detsember 2016 (OR. en) Institutsioonidevaheline dokument: 2016/0394 (COD) 15716/16 ENV 815 CLIMA 186 CODEC 1924 ET

Slide 1

Väljaandja: Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniminister Akti liik: määrus Teksti liik: algtekst-terviktekst Redaktsiooni jõustumise kp: Redaktsio

Euroopa Keskpanga otsus, 22. jaanuar 2014, millega muudetakse otsust EKP/2004/2, millega võetakse vastu Euroopa Keskpanga kodukord (EKP/2014/1)


EUROOPA PARLENT 2009 2014 Keskkonna-, rahvatervise ja toiduohutuse komisjon ENVI_PV(2014)0130_1 KOOSOLEKU PROTOKOLL 30. jaanuar 2014 kell 9.00 12.30 BRÜSSEL Koosolek avati neljapäeval, 30. jaanuaril 2014 kell 9.08 esimees Matthias Groote juhatusel. 1. Päevakorra kinnitamine ENVI_OJ (2014)0130v01-00 Päevakord kinnitati. 2. Juhataja teadaanded Suuline tõlge tõlge oli olemas kõigisse keeltesse peale eesti, malta ja slovaki keele. Kolmepoolsed kohtumised juhataja teatas, et teine kolmepoolne kohtumine keskkonnamajandusliku arvepidamise teemal (raportöör Elena Oana Antonescu) toimub teisipäeval, 4. veebruaril Strasbourgis. 3. luoritud kasvuhoonegaasid ENVI/7/11159 ***I 2012/0305(COD) COM(2012)0643 C7-0370/2012 Raportöör: Bas Eickhout (Verts/ALE) Vastutav: ENVI Arvamused: ITRE, IMCO, Hääletamine läbirääkimiste tulemuste üle vastavalt kodukorra artikli 70 lõikele 5 Otsus: komisjoni täiskoosseis hääletas kokkuleppe üle ning kiitis selle heaks 46 poolt- ja 1 vastuhäälega, erapooletuid oli 3. 4. Määruse (EÜ) nr 1760/2000 muutmine veiste elektroonilise identifitseerimise osas ja loomaliha vabatahtlikku märgistamist käsitlevate sätete väljajätmine ENVI/7/06728 ***I 2011/0229(COD) COM(2012)0162 C7-0114/2012 PV\1023353.doc PE528.143v02-00 Ühinenud mitmekesisuses

Raportöör: Sophie Auconie (PPE) Vastutav: ENVI Arvamused: AGRI Otsus menetluse kohta tervikhääletus koos päevakorrapunktiga nr 5 komisjon otsustas 27 poolt- ja 26 vastuhäälega (erapooletuid ei olnud) hääletada läbirääkimiste tulemuste üle vastavalt kodukorra artikli 57 lõikele 2. Hääletus läbirääkimiste tulemuste üle vastavalt kodukorra artikli 57 lõikele 2 komisjoni täiskoosseis hääletas mõlema kokkuleppe (päevakorrapunktid nr 4 ja 5) üle ning kiitis need heaks 29 poolt- ja 26 vastuhäälega, erapooletuid ei olnud. 5. Nõukogu direktiivi 64/432/EMÜ muutmine liikmesriikide järelevalvevõrkude süsteemi kuuluvate elektrooniliste andmebaaside osas ENVI/7/06726 ***I 2011/0228(COD) COM(2011)0524 C7-0229/2011 Raportöör: Sophie Auconie (PPE) Vastutav: ENVI Arvamused: AGRI Otsus menetluse kohta (vt päevakorrapunkti nr 4) Võimalik hääletamine läbirääkimiste tulemuste üle vastavalt kodukorra artikli 57 lõikele 2, vt päevakorrapunkti nr 4 6. Vastavalt kodukorra artikli 88 lõikele 2 esitatud vastuväide: aastatel 2013 2020 enampakkumisel müüdavate kasvuhoonegaaside saastekvootide koguse kindlaksmääramine ENVI/7/14992 2014/2523(RPS) D031326/02 Vastutav: ENVI* Arvamused: ITRE* Resolutsiooni ettepaneku vastuvõtmine Võimalik otsus menetluse kohta (kodukorra artikli 88 lõike 4 punkt d), voliniku taotlus lühendada kontrolliperioodi Otsus: resolutsiooni ettepanek lükati tagasi 14 poolt- ja 41 vastuhäälega, erapooletuid ei olnud. Komisjon otsustas lühendada kontrolliperioodi 43 poolt- ja 13 vastuhäälega, erapooletuid ei olnud. 7. Meretranspordist pärit süsinikdioksiidiheite seire, aruandlus ja kontroll ning määruse (EL) nr 525/2013 muutmine ENVI/7/13206 ***I 2013/0224(COD) COM(2013)0480 C7-0201/2013 Raportöör: Theodoros Skylakakis (ALDE) PR PE522.893v01-00 PE524.761v01-00 Vastutav: ENVI Arvamused: ITRE Marita Ulvskog (S&D) AD PE522.868v03-00 PE524.759v01-00 PE528.143v02-00 2/135 PV\1023353.doc

Brian Simpson (S&D) AD PE519.757v02-00 PE524.692v01-00 Raporti projekti vastuvõtmine Muudatusettepanekute esitamise tähtaeg: 4. detsember 2013 kell 12.00 Otsus: raporti projekt võeti vastu 41 poolt- ja 7 vastuhäälega, erapooletuid oli 9 ning seadusandlik resolutsioon 44 poolt- ja 6 vastuhäälega, erapooletuid oli 5. Komisjon volitas raportööri alustama nõukoguga esimese lugemise läbirääkimisi 44 poolt- ja 10 vastuhäälega, erapooletuid ei olnud (vt hääletustulemusi II lisas). Sõnavõtjad: Kriton Arsenis 8. Direktiivi 2003/87/EÜ (millega luuakse ühenduses kasvuhoonegaaside saastekvootidega kauplemise süsteem, seoses sellise rahvusvahelise kokkuleppe rakendamisega 2020. aastaks, mille alusel kohaldatakse rahvusvahelise lennunduse heitkoguste suhtes ühtset üleilmset turupõhist meedet) muutmine ENVI/7/14381 ***I 2013/0344(COD) COM(2013)0722 C7-0374/2013 Raportöör: Peter Liese (PPE) PR PE522.946v01-00 PE526.175v01-00 Vastutav: ENVI Arvamused: ITRE Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE) AD PE524.643v02-00 PE526.060v01-00 Mathieu Grosch (PPE) AD PE524.529v02-00 PE526.090v01-00 Raporti projekti vastuvõtmine Muudatusettepanekute esitamise tähtaeg: 19. detsember 2013 kell 12.00 Otsus: raporti projekt võeti vastu 40 poolt- ja 8 vastuhäälega, erapooletuid oli 6 ning seadusandlik resolutsioon 41 poolt- ja 7 vastuhäälega, erapooletuid oli 6. Komisjon volitas raportööri alustama nõukoguga esimese lugemise läbirääkimisi 49 poolt- ja 6 vastuhäälega, erapooletuid oli 1 (vt hääletustulemusi III lisas). Sõnavõtjad: Chris Davies, Peter Liese. 9. Invasiivsete võõrliikide sissetoomise ja levimise ennetamine ja ohjamine ENVI/7/13766 ***I 2013/0307(COD) COM(2013)0620 C7-0264/2013 Raportöör: Pavel Poc (S&D) PR PE524.576v01-00 PE526.298v01-00 PE526.237v01-00 PE526.283v01-00 Vastutav: ENVI Arvamused: INTA Catherine Bearder (ALDE) AD PE524.661v02-00 PE526.170v01-00 ITRE otsus: arvamust ei esitata. REGI otsus: arvamust ei esitata. PV\1023353.doc 3/135 PE528.143v02-00

AGRI otsus: arvamust ei esitata. PECH Chris Davies (ALDE) AD PE521.601v03-00 PE523.070v01-00 Raporti projekti vastuvõtmine Muudatusettepanekute esitamise tähtaeg: 8. jaanuar 2014 kell 12.00 Otsus: raporti projekt võeti vastu 50 poolt- ja 1 vastuhäälega, erapooletuid oli 5 ning seadusandlik resolutsioon 49 poolt- ja 4 vastuhäälega, erapooletuid oli 3. Komisjon volitas raportööri alustama nõukoguga esimese lugemise läbirääkimisi 46 poolt- ja 7 vastuhäälega, erapooletuid oli 1 (vt hääletustulemusi IV lisas). 10. Looduslike looma- ja taimeliikide kaitse nendega kauplemise reguleerimise teel (uuesti sõnastatud) ENVI/7/10173 ***I 2012/0196(COD) COM(2012)0403 C7-0197/2012 Raportöör: Matthias Groote (S&D) PR PE516.935v01-00 PE526.238v01-00 Vastutav: ENVI Arvamused: JURI rancesco Enrico Speroni (ED) Raporti projekti vastuvõtmine Muudatusettepanekute esitamise tähtaeg: 7. jaanuar 2014 kell 18.00 Otsus: raporti projekt võeti vastu 49 poolthäälega, vastuhääli ega erapooletuid ei olnud ning seadusandlik resolutsioon 48 poolthäälega, vastuhääli ega erapooletuid ei olnud. Komisjon volitas raportööri alustama nõukoguga esimese lugemise läbirääkimisi 49 poolthäälega, vastuhääli ei olnud ja erapooletuid oli 2 (vt hääletustulemusi V lisas). 11. Uued psühhoaktiivsed ained ENVI/7/13825 ***I 2013/0305(COD) COM(2013)0619 C7-0272/2013 Arvamuse koostaja: Elena Oana Antonescu (PPE) PA PE524.592v01-00 PE526.242v01-00 Vastutav: LIBE Jacek Protasiewicz (PPE) PR PE519.611v01-00 Arvamused: ENVI Arvamuse projekti vastuvõtmine Muudatusettepanekute esitamise tähtaeg: 7. jaanuar 2014 kell 17.00 Otsus: arvamuse projekt võeti vastu 50 poolthäälega, vastuhääli ei olnud ja erapooletuid oli 1 (vt hääletustulemusi VI lisas). 12. Miinimumeeskirjad ebaseadusliku uimastiäri kuriteokoosseisu ja karistuste kohta uimasti määratluse osas ENVI/7/13822 ***I 2013/0304(COD) COM(2013)0618 C7-0271/2013 PE528.143v02-00 4/135 PV\1023353.doc

Arvamuse Bogusław Sonik (PPE) koostaja: Vastutav: LIBE Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio (PPE) Arvamused: ENVI PA PE524.584v01-00 PE526.243v01-00 PR PE519.605v01-00 Arvamuse projekti vastuvõtmine Muudatusettepanekute esitamise tähtaeg: 7. jaanuar 2014 kell 17.00 Otsus: arvamuse projekt võeti vastu muudetud kujul 47 poolthäälega, vastuhääli ei olnud ja erapooletuid oli 3 (vt hääletustulemusi VII lisas). 13. Taimse paljundusmaterjali tootmine ja turul kättesaadavaks tegemine (taimset paljundusmaterjali käsitlev õigus) ENVI/7/12788 ***I 2013/0137(COD) COM(2013)0262 C7-0121/2013 Arvamuse koostaja: Pilar Ayuso (PPE) Vastutav: AGRI* Sergio Paolo rancesco Silvestris (PPE) Arvamused: ENVI* PA PE522.867v01-00 PE526.154v02-00 PE526.081v01-00 PE526.155v02-00 PR PE514.766v01-00 PE526.068v01-00 PE526.066v01-00 PE526.067v01-00 PE514.767v01-00 Arvamuse projekti vastuvõtmine Muudatusettepanekute esitamise tähtaeg: 18. detsember 2013 kell 12.00 Otsus: arvamuse projekt võeti vastu muudetud kujul 49 poolthäälega, vastuhääli ega erapooletuid ei olnud (vt hääletustulemusi VIII lisas). 14. Muud küsimused 15. Järgmine koosolek / järgmised koosolekud 12. veebruar 2014 kell 9.00 12.30 ja 15.00 18.30 (Brüssel) 13. veebruar 2014 kell 9.00 12.30 ja 15.00 18.30 (Brüssel) Kinnine koosolek * * * 16. Koordinaatorite koosolek (vt tulemusi I lisas) * Koosolek katkestati kell 10.42. *** PV\1023353.doc 5/135 PE528.143v02-00

ANNEX I EUROPEAN PARLIENT COMMITTEE ON THE ENVIRONMENT, PUBLIC HEALTH AND OOD SAY CO-ORDINATORS' MEING - not to be treated in full committee - Thursday 30 January 2014, following the votes (from 10:34 to 10:44 a.m.) Room PHS 3C050 Present DRAT AGENDA 30.1.2014 Mr Groote, Chairman Mr Liese, Co-coordinator of the EPP Group Ms McAvan, Coordinator of the S&D Group Mr Davies, Coordinator of the ALDE Group Mr Coordinator of the Greens/EA Group Ms Wils, replacing the Coordinator of the GUE/NGL Group Ms Rosbach, Coordinator of the ECR Group Also present: Mr Gerbrandy, 1st Vice-Chair Apologies: Mr Seeber, Co-coordinator of the EPP Group Ms Liotard, Coordinator of the GUE/NGL Group Mr Cymański, Coordinator of the ED Group Reports A.1. Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the establishment and operation of a market stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas emission trading scheme and amending Directive 2003/87/EC ENVI/7/15076 ***I 2014/0011(COD) COM(2014)0020 C7-0016/2014 Responsible: ENVI Opinions: ECON ITRE JURI PE528.143v02-00 6/135 PV\1023353.doc

Decision: Rapporteur to be nominated by the EPP Group Opinions None Documents received for information None 1.1.1 B. Possible legislative initiatives before the EP elections DG CLIMA 30 January 2014 None DG ENV "Resource efficiency and waste" 1-2nd quarter 2014 Legislative proposal on RoHS scope (May 2014?) Revised proposal on access to justice (May 2014?) Revision of the EU legal framework on environmental inspections at national and EU level (April/May 2014?) Report on the application of the Environmental Liability Directive (May 2014?; note: JURI is the lead committee for environmental liability) WITHDRAWAL of the proposal on access to justice in environmental matters (2014) WITHDRAWAL of the proposal establishing a framework for the protection of soil (2014) DG SANCO 1 "The initiative will build on progress in the implementation of the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe and set out the key building blocks needed to unlock EU economic potential to be more productive whilst using fewer resources and advancing towards a circular economy. It will include conclusions drawn from the development of suitable indicators and targets; and the review of the key targets in EU waste legislation (in line with the review clauses in the Waste ramework Directive, the Landfill Directive and the Packaging Directive) and carry out an ex-post evaluation of waste stream directives, including an assessment of options to enhance coherence between them." PV\1023353.doc 7/135 PE528.143v02-00

Revision of veterinary medicines and medicated feed (to be in March/April, might not be ready before last ENVI meeting on 19-20 March 2014) Revision of Hygiene Package, composite products and meat inspection (to be in April/May; will not be ready before last ENVI meeting on 19-20 March 2014) WITHDRAWAL of the proposal on information to the general public on medicinal products (2014) C. DECISIONS ON OTHER ISSUES C.1. Request from Ms McAvan for discussion on implementation of LIE [TV] Decision: The Coordinators decided to invite representatives from the Court of Auditors and DG Environment to discuss the implementation of LIE.) C.2. Arrangements for the hearing on the European Citizens' Initiative "Right2Water" [EI & TV] The papers for the meeting included: - letter of 29 January from Ms Mazzoni to Mr Groote - letter of 29 January from Mr Groote to Mr Schulz - letters of 29 January from Mr Groote to 3 associated committees (example: DEVE) - letters of 29 January to the 17 other Committee Chairs (example: ACO) - letter of 29 January from Mr Groote to 3 Directors-General (example: Mr alkenberg) - letter of 10 December 2013 from ECI organisers to Mr Schulz and reply from Mr Schulz - follow-up letter of 29 January from Mr Groote (on behalf of the President) to ECI organisers Decision: The Coordinators took note of the state of play (see above); heard the chairman who drew their attention to a letter from Ms Mazzoni with suggestions as to the possible involvement of other persons interested and stakeholders; the chairman also announced that he would meet Ms Mazzoni the following week in Strasbourg; noted that the groups should nominate speakers for the 18 ENVI slots: PE528.143v02-00 8/135 PV\1023353.doc

o 7 coordinators or their representatives; o 11 other speakers - according to the d'hondt method: 5 EPP, 3 S&D, 1 ALDE, 1 Greens/EA, 1 ECR Deadline: 6 ebruary, 13:00 hrs noted that the three associated committees (PI (7 slots, plus chair), DEVE (7), IMCO (7)) had been asked to nominate their speakers by 6 ebruary 13:00 hrs; agreed that should any of the above ENVI or associated committee slots not be filled, the resulting time would be made available to observers from other committees (catch-the-eye procedure, on the spot). C.3. Update on hotel situation in Lima (COP 20) [I] Decision: The Coordinators took note of the difficult situation regarding the availability of suitable hotel rooms in Lima and noted in particular that a decision from the Conference of Presidents was a prerequisite for all reservations; decided to invite the political groups to take a decision on the joint ENVI-ITRE request for an ad hoc delegation at the Conference of Presidents of 20 ebruary 2014 at the latest. D. DOCUMENTS OR INORMATION None PV\1023353.doc 9/135 PE528.143v02-00

ANNEX II Item 7, 30 January 2014 VOTING LIST on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport and ending Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 PR PE.522.893v01-00, PE.524.761v01-00, ITRE AD,522.868V03-00, AD 519.757v02-00 Rapporteur for report : Theodoros Skylakakis Concerned text CONS1 Tabled by Remarks / Comments Theodoros Skylakakis (ALDE), Kriton Arsenis (S&D), Satu Hassi (Greens/EA), Sabine Wils (GUE/NGL) Title 1 Rapporteur ARTICLES If, s 1, 11, 15, 18, 20, 23, 40, 48-52, 63, 68, 97-99a&b, 107, 110, 112-114, 115a, 122, 116, 132a, 133, 166, 190, 191, 193, 195, 197, 207, 235, 246-249, 251, 268, 271, 275, 277, ITRE 10, 12a, 5, 13, 15, 17-18, 20, 22, 24, 32, 37-41, 52 fall 1 20 Rapporteur alls if CONS1 Vote 36/17/0 115a Satu Hassi Identical 113 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast 20 114 Nils Torvalds The except text and the surrender of corresponding emissions allowances alls if CONS1 alls if s 20/115a alls if CONS1 alls if s 20/115a or 113 alls if CONS1 PE528.143v02-00 10/135 PV\1023353.doc

Concerned text Remarks / Tabled by Comments 112 Christofer jellner ITRE 10 ITRE Identical 116 Georgios alls if CONS1 Koumoutsakos alls if s 112/114/ITRE10 117 Sabine Wils - Vote CONS3 115b Satu Hassi Text and the surrender of corresponding emissions allowances Theodoros Skylakakis (ALDE), Kriton Arsenis (S&D), Satu Hassi (Greens/EA), Sabine Wils (GUE/NGL) Article 2 paragraph 1 21 Rapporteur 119 Spyros Danellis If, s 13, 21, 30, 31, 90-92, 118-120, 136-145, 249, ITRE 13, 10, 21, 25 fall alls if CONS3-24/30/0 32/23/0 120 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Judith A. Merkies, Corinne Lepage 21 Identical 118 Christofer jellner alls if CONS3 alls if s 21/119/120 Article 2 paragraph 2 121 Satu Hassi - 22 Rapporteur alls if 121 Article 3 paragraph 1 point a 122 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast alls if CONS1 23 Rapporteur alls if CONS1 PV\1023353.doc 11/135 PE528.143v02-00

Concerned text Tabled by Remarks / Comments alls if 122 Vote Article 3 paragraph 1 point b Article 3 paragraph 1 point e 22 alls if CONS1 alls if s 122 or 23 24 Rapporteur - 18/33/0 123 Nils Torvalds CONS2 Article 3 paragraph 1 point g Theodoros Skylakakis (ALDE), Christofer jellner (EPP), Kriton Arsenis (S&D), Sabine Wils (GUE/NGL) 124 Christofer jellner If, s 12, 25, 39, 42-44, 46, 54a&b, 55, 74-79, 87-89, 124-127, 157, 164-165, 167-170, 172-177, 179-182, 186, 188-189, 198-206, 208, 211, 240, 252, 273-276, 278, ITRE 5, 11, 19, 21-30a, 38, 44, 9, 33a, 36 fall alls if CONS2 ITRE ITRE 11 126 Georgios alls if CONS2 Koumoutsakos alls if 124/ ITRE11 125 Nils Torvalds alls if CONS2 alls if 124/ITRE11 or 126 25 Rapporteur alls if CONS2 43/6/2 127 rançoise Grossetête alls if 124/ITRE11 or 126 or 125 alls if CONS2 alls if 124/ITRE11 Article 3 paragraph 1 point h 128 Christofer jellner Compatible to s 126, 125 & 25 as addition - 19/32/0 PE528.143v02-00 12/135 PV\1023353.doc

Concerned text Article 3 paragraph 1 point j Remarks / Tabled by Vote Comments 26 Rapporteur Article 3 paragraph 1 point k 27 Rapporteur 129 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast Identical Article 3 paragraph 1 point l a 28 Rapporteur Article 3 paragraph 1 point l a 130 Nils Torvalds, Vilja Savisaar- Toomast 23 Identical Article 4 paragraph 1 131 Christofer jellner - 29 Rapporteur alls if 131 Article 4 paragraph 2 ITRE 12a 132a 24 ITRE Christofer jellner alls if CONS1 The whole without the text while the ship is at sea as well at berth alls if CONS1 alls if ITRE12a Identical in substance 133 Georgios Koumoutsakos The whole without the text while the ship is at sea as well at berth alls if CONS1 alls if s ITRE12a or 132a/24 ITRE 12b 132b ITRE Christofer jellner Identical Text while the ship is at sea as well at berth PV\1023353.doc 13/135 PE528.143v02-00

Remarks / Concerned text Tabled by Vote Comments Article 4 paragraph 4 134 Sabine Wils - Article 4 paragraph 6 a CONS4 135 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage Theodoros Skylakakis (ALDE), Christofer jellner (EPP), Kriton Arsenis (S&D),), Martin Callanan (ECR) Article 5 paragraph 1 140b Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Judith A. Merkies, Corinne Lepage Article 5 paragraph 1 140a Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Judith A. Merkies, Corinne Lepage If s 94-96, 140b & 258 fall alls if CONS4 rom (a) flow meters in Annex I. alls if CONS3 rom or the purposes Annex I: 138 Satu Hassi alls if CONS3 alls if 140 30 Rapporteur alls if CONS3 136 Christofer jellner alls if 140 or 138 alls if CONS3 alls if 140 or 138 or 30 137 Nils Torvalds alls if CONS3 alls if 136 139 Georgios Koumoutsakos alls if CONS3 alls if 136 or 137 Article 6 paragraph 1 144 Satu Hassi alls if CONS3 145 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage Identical PE528.143v02-00 14/135 PV\1023353.doc

Concerned text Tabled by Remarks / Comments 25 31 Rapporteur alls if CONS3 ITRE 13 ITRE 141 Christofer jellner alls if s 144/145/25 alls if CONS3 alls if s 144/145/25 Compatible to 31 as addition alls if CONS3 alls if s 144/145/25 or 31 142 Nils Torvalds alls if CONS3 Vote 143 Georgios Koumoutsakos Article 6 paragraph 2 146 Satu Hassi 147 Sabine Wils 148 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage ITRE ITRE 14 26 alls if s 144/145/25 or 31 or 141 alls if CONS3 alls if s 144/145/25 or 31 or 141 or 142 Identical in substance - 25/30/0 Article 6 paragraph 3 introductory part 149 Sabine Wils - Article 6 paragraph 3 point a 150 Nils Torvalds, Vilja Savisaar- Toomast Identical PV\1023353.doc 15/135 PE528.143v02-00

Concerned text Tabled by Remarks / Comments 27 Vote Article 6 paragraph 3 point c Article 6 paragraph 3 point d 32 Rapporteur 33 Rapporteur Article 6 paragraph 3 point h point i 151 Christofer jellner ITRE 15 ITRE Identical - Article 6 paragraph 3 point h subpoint ii 34 Rapporteur 152 Christofer jellner Identical ITRE 16 ITRE Article 6 paragraph 3 point h point iii 153 Christofer jellner ITRE 17 ITRE Identical - Article 6 paragraph 3 point h a 28 Identical 154 Nils Torvalds, Vilja Savisaar- Toomast Article 6 paragraph 3 point j 35 Rapporteur Article 6 paragraph 3 point j a 36 Rapporteur Article 6 paragraph 4 29 Split vote by the Greens/EA irst part: "4. Companies... content of the templates" - 26/29/0 PE528.143v02-00 16/135 PV\1023353.doc

Concerned text Article 7 paragraph 2 introductory part Remarks / Tabled by Comments Second part: "for the monitoring... Regulation 155 Christofer jellner Vote Article 7 paragraph 2 point a 37 Rapporteur Article 8 paragraph 1 156 Christofer jellner 158 Georgios Koumoutsakos 159 Esther de Lange 30a Identical in substance Compatible to 156 as addition alls if s 158/159 - - - 157 Nils Torvalds alls if CONS2 Article 8 paragraph 1 a alls if s 156 or 158/159 or 30a 160 Satu Hassi Compatible to 156, 158/159, 30a & 157 as 161 Kriton Arsenis, addition Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage ITRE ITRE 18 Identical 30b Text 1 January 2016 38 Rapporteur - 26/29/0 Article 9 title 162 Martin Callanan Block vote same principle - Article 9 paragraph 1 subparagraph 1 a Article 9 paragraph 1 introductory part 187 Martin Callanan 31-163 Christofer jellner - PV\1023353.doc 17/135 PE528.143v02-00

Concerned text Tabled by Remarks / Comments Vote Article 9 paragraph 1 point b 165 Martin Callanan alls if CONS2 39 Rapporteur alls if CONS2 164 Christofer jellner ITRE 19 ITRE alls if 165 Identical Article 9 paragraph 1 point c 166 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast alls if CONS1 Article 9 point c a 40 Rapporteur alls if CONS1 alls if 166 Article 9 paragraph 1 point c Article 9 paragraph 1 point d Article 9 paragraph 1 point e 32 167 Christofer jellner ITRE 20 ITRE 170 Georgios Koumoutsakos alls if CONS1 alls if 166 or 40 alls if CONS2 Identical alls if CONS2 168 Christofer jellner 169 Nils Torvalds ITRE 21 33a ITRE Identical of time spent at sea 41 Rapporteur alls if 170/168/169/ ITRE21/33a Article 9 point f 42 Rapporteur alls if CONS2-172 Christofer jellner PE528.143v02-00 18/135 PV\1023353.doc

Concerned text Remarks / Tabled by Comments 173 Nils Torvalds Vote 174 Georgios Koumoutsakos 175 Esther de Lange Identical ITRE 22 34 ITRE Article 9 paragraph 1 point f Article 9 paragraph 1 point f Article 9 point f a 177 Spyros Danellis alls if CONS2 176 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast alls if s 42/172/173/174/ 175/ITRE22/34 alls if CONS2 alls if s 42/172/173/174/ 175/ITRE22/34 or 177 44 Rapporteur alls if CONS2 Article 9 point g 43 Rapporteur alls if CONS2 179 Christofer jellner 180 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast 181 Nils Torvalds Identical Article 9 paragraph 1 point f a 182 Georgios Koumoutsakos ITRE 23 ITRE 178 Spyros Danellis - Article 9 paragraph 1 point g a 183 Christofer jellner Article 9 point g a 45 Rapporteur PV\1023353.doc 19/135 PE528.143v02-00

Concerned text Article 9 paragraph 1 point e a Remarks / Tabled by Comments 171 Georgios alls if 45 Koumoutsakos Vote Article 9 paragraph 1 point g a 184 Nils Torvalds 35 33b 185 Esther de Lange Identical in substance Text date and time lifesaving activities; Article 9 paragraph 1 a Article 9 paragraph 1 a Article 9 subparagraph 2 46 Rapporteur alls if CONS2 36 186 Christofer jellner ITRE 24 ITRE Identical in substance alls if CONS2 alls if 46/36 Identical Article 10 point a 189 Martin Callanan alls if CONS2 188 Christofer jellner 47 Rapporteur ITRE 25 ITRE Article 10 point b 190 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast Article 10 point c 191 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast alls if CONS2 alls if 189 Identical alls if CONS1 Block vote same principle Article 10 paragraph 1 point d Article 10 paragraph 1 point e 193 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast 195 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast PE528.143v02-00 20/135 PV\1023353.doc

Concerned text Article 10 paragraph 1 point f Remarks / Tabled by Comments 197 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast Vote Article 10 paragraph 1 point b Article 10 paragraph 1 point c 48 Rapporteur alls if CONS1 49 Rapporteur Article 10 point d 50 Rapporteur alls if s 190/191/193/195/197 Article 10 point e 51 Rapporteur Block vote same principle Article 10 point f 52 Rapporteur Article 10 point b Article 10 point c Article 10 point d 37 38 39 alls if CONS1 alls if s 190/191/193/195/197 or 48/49/50/51/52 Article 10 point e 40 Block vote same principle Article 10 point f 41 Article 10 paragraph 1 point c Article 10 paragraph 1 point d Article 10 paragraph 1 point e Article 10 paragraph 1 point g Article 10 paragraph 1 point h 192 Sabine Wils Block vote same principle 194 Sabine Wils 196 Sabine Wils 198 Christofer jellner ITRE 26 ITRE 199 Christofer jellner 200 Nils Torvalds Compatible to s 190/191/193/195/197 & 48/49/50/51/52 or 37/38/39/40/41 as addition alls if CONS2 Identical alls if CONS2-201 Georgios Koumoutsakos ITRE 27 ITRE Identical PV\1023353.doc 21/135 PE528.143v02-00

Concerned text Article 10 paragraph 1 point i Remarks / Tabled by Comments 53 Rapporteur alls if s 199/200/201/ITRE27 54a Rapporteur alls if CONS2 202 Christofer jellner 203 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast 204 Nils Torvalds Identical Vote 36/8/0 205 Georgios Koumoutsakos ITRE 28 ITRE 54a concerns the deletion of: (i) total transport work Article 10 point j 55 Rapporteur alls if CONS2 206 Christofer jellner ITRE 29 ITRE Identical Article 10 paragraph 1 point i 54b Rapporteur alls if CONS2 alls if s 55/206/ITRE29 54a concerns the insertion of: (i) energy efficiency as defined in Annex II Article 11 paragraph 1 ITRE 30a ITRE ITRE 30a concerns rom 2017-209 Satu Hassi 210 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage Identical 42 ITRE 30b ITRE alls if CONS1 PE528.143v02-00 22/135 PV\1023353.doc

Concerned text Remarks / Tabled by Comments ITRE 30b concerns the whole except rom 2017 Vote 207 Christofer jellner alls if CONS1 alls if ITRE30b 208 Nils Torvalds alls if CONS2 alls if ITRE30b & 207 Article 11 paragraph 3 point a point iii a 211 Georgios Koumoutsakos 212 Nils Torvalds, Vilja Savisaar- Toomast 43 alls if CONS2 alls if ITRE30b or 207 or 208 Identical CONS5 Article 11 paragraph 3 point a subpoint iv Article 11 paragraph 3 point a point iv a Article 11 paragraph 3 point a point ix Article 11 paragraph 3 point c a Theodoros Skylakakis (ALDE), Christofer jellner (EPP), Kriton Arsenis (S&D), Sabine Wils (GUE/NGL) If s 56, 59-65, 213, 214, 231-239, ITRE 35-37, 50, 52 fall 56 Rapporteur alls if CONS5 213 Christofer jellner Identical 214 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage alls if CONS5 215 Martin Callanan 57 Rapporteur Article 12 paragraph 1 44 - Article 12 paragraph 2 45 Split vote by the Greens/EA irst part: "2. Arrangements... - PV\1023353.doc 23/135 PE528.143v02-00

Concerned text Article 13 paragraph 5 Article 13 paragraph 5 Remarks / Tabled by Comments paragraph 1" 216 Christofer jellner ITRE 31 ITRE Second part: "shall be determined... this Regulation." Identical 217 Nils Torvalds alls if 216/ITRE31 Vote - - - Article 13 paragraph 5 218 Georgios Koumoutsakos alls if 216/ITRE31 & 217 Article 13 paragraph 7 a Article 14 paragraph 2 point h 219 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage 220 Christofer jellner ITRE 32 ITRE Identical 58 Rapporteur alls if 220/ITRE32 31/23/0 - - 27/28/0 Article 15 paragraph 1 Article 15 paragraph 2 a Article 16 paragraph 1 221 Nils Torvalds 28/25/0 222 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Judith A. Merkies, Corinne Lepage - 223 Nils Torvalds - Chapter 3 a 224 Satu Hassi - Article 17 paragraph 4 46 - Article 17 paragraph 5 47 Split vote by the Greens/EA irst part: "5. Arrangements... paragraph 4" - PE528.143v02-00 24/135 PV\1023353.doc

Concerned text Article 18 paragraph 1 Article 19 paragraph 3 a Tabled by Remarks / Comments 225 Satu Hassi 226 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage 227 Sabine Wils ITRE 33 48 ITRE Second part: "shall be determined... this Regulation." Identical Vote 228 Spyros Danellis 31/25/0 - - Article 20 paragraph 1 Article 20 paragraph 1 229 Georgios Koumoutsakos 230 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage ITRE ITRE 34 49 Identical Article 21 231 Nils Torvalds alls if CONS5 33/22/0 - Article 21 paragraph 1 Article 21 paragraph 2 point a 232 Georgios Koumoutsakos 59 Rapporteur alls if CONS5 50 alls if 231/232 alls if CONS5 alls if 231/232 or 59 60 Rapporteur alls if CONS5 alls if 231/232 51 alls if 231/232 or 60 PV\1023353.doc 25/135 PE528.143v02-00

Concerned text Article 21 paragraph 2 point b Article 21 paragraph 2 point c Remarks / Tabled by Comments 61 Rapporteur alls if CONS5 alls if 231/232 233 Martin Callanan alls if CONS5 alls if 231/232 62 Rapporteur alls if s 231/232 or 233 Vote Article 21 paragraph 2 point c a 234 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage alls if CONS5 alls if 231/232 or 233 Article 21 paragraph 2 point d 235 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast Compatible to 62 as addition alls if CONS1 Article 21 paragraph 2 point f Article 21 paragraph 2 point g 63 Rapporteur alls if CONS1 52 236 Christofer jellner alls if 235 alls if CONS1 alls if 235 or 63 alls if CONS5 ITRE ITRE 35 Identical 64 Rapporteur alls if CONS5 237 Christofer jellner alls if 236/ITRE35 alls if CONS5 ITRE ITRE 36 Identical 65 Rapporteur alls if CONS5 alls if 237/ITRE36 PE528.143v02-00 26/135 PV\1023353.doc

Concerned text Tabled by Remarks / Comments Vote 238 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast alls if CONS5 alls if 237/ITRE36 or 65 Article 21 paragraph 2 point h Article 21 paragraph 3 Article 22 paragraph 1 Article 22 paragraph 3 239 Christofer jellner ITRE 37 ITRE 240 Christofer jellner ITRE 38 53 ITRE 39 ITRE alls if CONS5 Identical alls if CONS2 Identical - ITRE - 241 Georgios Koumoutsakos 54 alls if ITRE39 Identical Article 22 paragraph 3 a 66 Rapporteur alls if ITRE39 or 241/54 242 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Judith A. Merkies, Corinne Lepage - COMP6 Theodoros Skylakakis (ALDE), Christofer jellner (EPP), Kriton Arsenis (S&D), Satu Hassi (Greens/EA), Martin Callanan (ECR, Sabine Wils (GUE/NGL) If s 67, 243,244, ITRE 8, 40, 41, 55 fall Article 23 ITRE 40 ITRE alls if COMP6 PV\1023353.doc 27/135 PE528.143v02-00

Concerned text Tabled by Remarks / Comments Vote 55 alls if COMP6 alls if ITRE40 244 Georgios Koumoutsakos alls if COMP6 alls if ITRE40 or 55 67 Rapporteur alls if COMP6 243 Christofer jellner alls if ITRE40 or 55 alls if COMP6 alls if ITRE40 Article 24 Article 24 paragraph 1 Article 24 paragraph 2 ITRE 41 56 ITRE alls if COMP6 alls if ITRE41 245 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage 57 alls if ITRE41 or 56 alls if ITRE41 Article 24 paragraph 4 Article 25 58 ITRE 42 alls if ITRE41 ITRE - Article 26 paragraph 1 point 2 Article 26 paragraph 1 point 2 Article 26 paragraph 1 point 2 Article 26 paragraph 2 246 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast 247 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast 248 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast alls if CONS1 Block vote same principle 68 Rapporteur alls if CONS1 PE528.143v02-00 28/135 PV\1023353.doc

Concerned text Tabled by Remarks / Comments alls if s 246/247/248 Article 26 a 249 Spyros Danellis alls if CONS3 Vote Article 26 paragraph 2 69 Rapporteur Article 27 paragraph 1 250 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage ITRE ITRE 43 Identical - 24/29/0 59 Recital 29 111 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage ANNEXES 19 Block vote with s 250/ ITRE43/59 same principle alls if s 250/ ITRE43/59 or 111 - Annex 1 heading 1 251 Christofer jellner alls if COMP1 Annex 1 heading 1 252 Nils Torvalds alls if COMP2 Annex 1 part A paragraph 7 part B point 1 paragraph 1 Annex 1 part B paragraph 3 point a 253 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage 60 Compatible to 251 as addition - 254 Nils Torvalds - - Annex 1 part B paragraph 3 point a 255 Spyros Danellis Compatible to 254 as addition - Annex 1 part B paragraph 3 point b 256 Nils Torvalds - PV\1023353.doc 29/135 PE528.143v02-00

Concerned text Annex 1 part B paragraph 3 point d a point B paragraph 3 a Annex 1 part B paragraph 3 a Annex 1 part B point 1 paragraph 1 Annex 1 part B point 1 paragraph 2 Annex 1 part B point 1 paragraph 3 Annex 1 part B point 1 paragraph 5 point a a Annex 1 part B point 1 paragraph 5 point a a Annex 1 part B point 2 Remarks / Tabled by Vote Comments 257 Nils Torvalds 70 Rapporteur 258 Satu Hassi alls if CONS4 259 Nils Torvalds - 260 Nils Torvalds - 261 Nils Torvalds 262 Spyros Danellis - 263 Nils Torvalds - 264 Nils Torvalds - Annex 1 part B point 2 paragraph 5 point b a Annex 1 part B point 3 paragraph 2 265 Spyros Danellis alls if 264 266 Nils Torvalds - point B paragraph 3 subpoint 1 paragraph 4 a Annex 1 part B point 3 paragraph 4 point b a 71 Rapporteur 267 Nils Torvalds - Annex 1 part B point 4 paragraph 1 268 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast - 20/32/0 PE528.143v02-00 30/135 PV\1023353.doc

Concerned text Tabled by Remarks / Comments Vote point B paragraph 3 subpoint 4 paragraph 1 72 Rapporteur alls if 268 Annex 1 part B point 4 paragraph 1 Annex 1 part B point 4 paragraph 1 Annex 1 part B point 4 paragraph 2 269 Nils Torvalds alls if 268 or 72 270 Satu Hassi 271 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast - point B paragraph 3 subpoint 4 paragraph 2 Annex 1 part B point 4 a 73 Rapporteur alls if 271 272 Nils Torvalds Annex II 273 Christofer jellner 274 Nils Torvalds alls if CONS2 Annex II point A paragraph 4 Annex II point A paragraph 5 ITRE 44 ITRE Identical 74 Rapporteur alls if CONS2 alls if s 273/274/ITRE44 75 Rapporteur alls if CONS2 alls if s 273/274/ITRE44 Annex II part B paragraph 3 275 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast alls if CONS2 alls if s 273/274/ITRE44 PV\1023353.doc 31/135 PE528.143v02-00

Concerned text Annex II point B paragraph 3 - subparagraph 1 Annex II point B paragraph 3 - subparagraph 3 Annex 2 part B paragraph 5 Remarks / Tabled by Comments 76 Rapporteur alls if CONS2 alls if s 273/274/ITRE44 or 275 77 Rapporteur alls if CONS2 276 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast alls if s 273/274/ITRE44 Vote Annex 2 part B paragraph 6 277 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast Identical alls if CONS1 alls if s 273/274/ITRE44 Annex II point B paragraph 3 - subparagraph 4 Annex II point B paragraph 3 - subparagraph 5 Annex 2 part B paragraph 7 RECITALS 78 Rapporteur alls if CONS2 alls if s 273/274/ITRE44 or 277 79 Rapporteur alls if CONS2 278 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast alls if s 273/274/ITRE44 Identical Recital 1 ITRE 1 Recital 1 a 2 Recital 1 a ITRE 2 ITRE - Rapporteur ITRE Recital 1 b 3 Rapporteur PE528.143v02-00 32/135 PV\1023353.doc

Remarks / Concerned text Tabled by Comments Recital 1 c 4 Rapporteur Vote Recital 1 e 1 Recital 1 d 5 Rapporteur alls if 1 Recital 1 b ITRE 3 ITRE alls if s 1 or 5 Recital 1 b 2 - Recital 1 a 6 Rapporteur Recital 2 ITRE 4 ITRE Recital 3 7 Rapporteur alls if 2-3 alls if 7 COMP7 Theodoros Skylakakis (ALDE), Christofer jellner (EPP), Kriton Arsenis (S&D), Satu Hassi (Greens/EA), Martin Callanan (ECR, Sabine Wils (GUE/NGL) If, s 8, 80a&b, 81,8 4 fall Recital 4 81 Corinne Lepage alls if COMP7 80a Satu Hassi alls if COMP7 alls if 81 rom (4) In order commitment. 4 alls if COMP7 PV\1023353.doc 33/135 PE528.143v02-00

Concerned text Tabled by Remarks / Comments alls if 81 or 80a 8 Rapporteur alls if COMP7 alls if 81 or 80a Vote 82 Georgios Koumoutsakos alls if COMP7 alls if 81 or 80a or 8 80b Satu Hassi alls if COMP7 rom Public access the sector. Recital 6 9 Rapporteur 5 alls if CONS1 alls if 9 Recital 7 83 Christofer jellner 10 Rapporteur alls if 83 6 Compatible to 83 or 10 as addition Recital 8 11 Rapporteur alls if CONS1 85 rançoise Grossetête Compatible to 11 as addition Recital 8 a 7 8 Compatible to 11 or 85 as addition - PE528.143v02-00 34/135 PV\1023353.doc

Concerned text Remarks / Tabled by Comments Vote Recital 10 86 Satu Hassi 30/26/0 Recital 11 87 Christofer jellner ITRE 5 alls if CONS2 Identical 12 Rapporteur alls if CONS2 alls if 87 88 Nils Torvalds alls if CONS2 9 89 Georgios Koumoutsakos alls if s 87 or 12 Identical alls if CONS2 alls if s 87 or 12 or 88/9 Recital 12 13 Rapporteur alls if CONS3 10 92 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Corinne Lepage 90 Christofer jellner Identical in substance alls if CONS3 alls if 13/10 alls if CONS3 alls if s 13/10 or 92 91 Spyros Danellis alls if CONS3 alls if s 13/10 or 92 or 90 Recital 13 14 Rapporteur alls if CONS1 93 Christofer jellner 11 alls if CONS1 alls if 14 alls if CONS1 alls if 14 PV\1023353.doc 35/135 PE528.143v02-00

Concerned text Remarks / Tabled by Comments Recital 14 96 Kriton Arsenis, alls if CONS4 Andrea Zanoni, Judith A. Merkies, Corinne Lepage 95 Spyros Danellis alls if CONS4 Vote alls if 96 94 Satu Hassi alls if CONS4 alls if s 96 or 95 12 - Recital 16 97 Sabine Wils alls if CONS1 98 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast alls if CONS1 alls if 97 99a Satu Hassi alls if CONS1 alls if s 97 or 98 15 Rapporteur alls if CONS1 alls if s 97 or 98 or 99a 13 alls if CONS1 alls if s 97 or 98 or 99a or 15 99b Satu Hassi alls if CONS1 alls if 97 Compatible to s 98 or 99a PE528.143v02-00 36/135 PV\1023353.doc

Concerned text Remarks / Tabled by Comments or 15 as addition Vote rom The incomplete shipping. Recital 16 a 16 Rapporteur Recital 16 a 100 Satu Hassi - Recital 17 17 Rapporteur - 102 Corinne Lepage alls if 17-14 Identical in substance 101 Sabine Wils alls if 17 - Recital 18 103 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Judith A. Merkies, Corinne Lepage Compatible to 102/14 as addition Recital 20 104 Sabine Wils - Recital 23 Recital 24 15 16 alls if CONS1 - Recital 24 a ITRE 6 ITRE Block vote same principle - ITRE 7 ITRE Recital 7 a 84 Kriton Arsenis, Andrea Zanoni, Judith A. Merkies, Corinne Lepage alls if ITRE6/ITRE7 Recital 24 a 106 Satu Hassi alls if ITRE6/ITRE7 or 84 - - PV\1023353.doc 37/135 PE528.143v02-00

Concerned text Tabled by Remarks / Comments Vote Recital 24 105 Georgios Koumoutsakos alls if ITRE6/ITRE7 or 84 or 106 - Recital 25 ITRE 8 ITRE alls if COMP6 18 Rapporteur alls if CONS1 107 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast alls if ITRE8 alls if CONS1 alls if s ITRE8 or 18 17 alls if CONS1 alls if s ITRE8 or 18 or 107 Recital 26 ITRE 9 ITRE - 108 Nils Torvalds alls if ITRE9-109 Georgios Koumoutsakos alls if s ITRE9 or 108 Recital 27 19 Rapporteur 110 Vilja Savisaar- Toomast alls if CONS1 alls if 19 18 alls if CONS1 alls if 19 or 110 PE528.143v02-00 38/135 PV\1023353.doc

inal votes In favour Against Abstention inal vote on the proposal as amended 41 7 9 inal vote on the draft legislative resolution as a whole Decision on negotiating mandate (Rule 70): to open negotiations with the report as mandate with the negotiating team presided over by the Chairman and also consisting of the Rapporteur and the Shadow Rapporteurs 44 6 5 44 10 0 PV\1023353.doc 39/135 PE528.143v02-00

ANNEX III Item 8 30/01/2014 VOTING LIST on establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community, in view of the implementation by 2020 of an international agreement applying a single global market-based measure to international aviation emissions PR 522.946 526.175 AD 1015802 ITRE AD1016115 Rapporteur: Peter Liese Concerned text Tabled by Remarks Vote EP rejects the COM proposal 21 Bas Eickhout If all other s fall - ARTICLES Article 1 point 1 Article 28a CA1 EPP; S&D; ALDE; If the following s fall: 13-15, 17-18, 20, 22-24, ITRE8-11, ITRE13-14, 7, 9-16, 49, 52-58, 60-73, 75-103 33/15/7 point a point a point a 53 Martin Callanan alls if CA1 8 ITRE alls if CA1 54 Holger Krahmer alls if 53 alls if CA1 alls if 53 or ITRE8 PE528.143v02-00 40/135 PV\1023353.doc

point a point a 55 56 rançoise Grossetête, Christine De Veyrac, Dominique Riquet Eija-Riitta Korhola alls if CA1 alls if 53, 54 or ITRE8 alls if CA1 alls if 53, 54, 55 or ITRE8 point a 57 Gilles Pargneaux alls if CA1 alls if 53, 54, 55, 56 or ITRE8 point a 58 Georgios Koumoutsakos alls if CA1 alls if 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 or ITRE8 introductory part point a introductory part Article 1 point 1 Article 28a - paragraph 1 - point ba paragraph 6 Recital 10 a Annex IIc 13 alls if CA1 14 52 CA2 Jolanta Emilia Hibner EPP; S&D; ALDE; Greens, Vote en block 1314 alls if 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, or 58 or ITRE8 alls if CA1 alls if 1314 If the following s fall: 11161921 2526, 48, 59 41/13/0 PV\1023353.doc 41/135 PE528.143v02-00

point a a Recital 10 a 59 48 rançoise Grossetête, Christine De Veyrac, Dominique Riquet, Maurice Ponga rançoise Grossetête, Christine De Veyrac, Dominique Riquet, Maurice Ponga alls if CA2 Vote en block 5948 Recital 10a 11 alls if CA2 point ba subparagraph 2 final point Annex IIc - final paragraph Annex IIc - new rows point b point b 16 19 21 25 26 60 61 rançoise Grossetête, Christine De Veyrac, Dominique Riquet Eija-Riitta Korhola Vote en block 11161921 2526 alls if block 5948 alls if CA1 Identical 60-63, ITRE9 Deemed if any amendment from 53-58 gets PE528.143v02-00 42/135 PV\1023353.doc

point b point b point b point b point b point b point b point b point b 62 63 9 ITRE Holger Krahmer Martin Callanan 15 alls if CA1 66 Gilles Pargneaux alls if 60-63, ITRE9 alls if CA1 alls if 60-63, ITRE9 or 15 9 Rapporteur alls if CA1 64 65 67 Satu Hassi Spyros Danellis Jolanta Emilia Hibner Identical 96465 all if 60-63, ITRE9, 66 or 15 alls if CA1 alls if 60-63, ITRE9 Vote in addition to 66, 96465 PV\1023353.doc 43/135 PE528.143v02-00

point b a point b a Article 28 point b b point c Recital 8 point c 69 68 70 73 43 71 Spyros Danellis Satu Hassi Spyros Danellis rançoise Grossetête rançoise Grossetête Eija-Riitta Korhola alls if CA1 alls if 60-63, ITRE9 alls if CA1 alls if 60-63, ITRE9 or 69 alls if CA1 alls if 60-63, ITRE9 alls if CA1 Vote en block 7343 alls if CA1 alls if block 7343 point c 10 Rapporteur alls if CA1 alls if block 7343 or 71 point c 75 Martin Callanan alls if CA1 alls if block 7343, 71 or 10 point c 72 Jolanta Emilia Hibner alls if CA1 alls if block 7343, 71, 75 or 10 point c 74 Satu Hassi alls if block 7343 Vote in addition to CA1, 71, 72, 75, 10 - PE528.143v02-00 44/135 PV\1023353.doc

point c 17 alls if CA1 alls if 71 or 10 Compatible with the rest point c a point d point d paragraph 1 point d a paragraph 4 subparagraph 2 subparagraph 2 subparagraph 2 76 77 Gilles Pargneaux alls if CA1 Satu Hassi alls if CA1 18 alls if CA1 78 91 79 80 81 Jolanta Emilia Hibner Jolanta Emilia Hibner rançoise Grossetête, Christine De Veyrac, Dominique Riquet Eija-Riitta Korhola Holger Krahmer alls if 77 alls if CA1 Vote en block 7891 alls if CA1 Identical 79-81, ITRE10 Deemed if any amendment from 53-58 gets (p.1) PV\1023353.doc 45/135 PE528.143v02-00

subparagraph 2 subparagraph 2 paragraph 2 subparagraph 1 paragraph 2 subparagraph 1 paragraph 2 subparagraph 2 paragraph 2 subparagraph 2 paragraph 2 subparagraph 2 10 ITRE 82 83 84 11 85 86 Martin Callanan Eija-Riitta Korhola alls if CA1 alls if 79-81, ITRE10 alls if CA1 Technical Do not vote Satu Hassi alls if CA1 Rapporteur alls if CA1 Eija-Riitta Korhola Martin Callanan alls if CA1 Compatible with 11 alls if CA1 alls if 85 Compatible with 11 paragraph 2a paragraph 3 paragraph 3 87 89 88 Jolanta Emilia Hibner alls if CA1 Satu Hassi alls if CA1 Jolanta Emilia Hibner alls if CA1 alls if 89 PE528.143v02-00 46/135 PV\1023353.doc

paragraph 3 subparagraph 1a paragraph 4 paragraph 4 paragraph 4 paragraph 4 paragraph 5 paragraph 5 12 13 90 92 Rapporteur alls if CA1 Rapporteur alls if CA1 Eija-Riitta Korhola 20 Martin Callanan alls if CA1 alls if 13 alls if CA1 Identical 9220 all if 13 Compatible with 90 13 ITRE 93 Eija-Riitta Korhola alls if CA1 alls if ITRE13 paragraph 5 94 Gilles Pargneaux alls if CA1 alls if ITRE13 Compatible with 93 paragraph 6 paragraph 6 95 96 Jolanta Emilia Hibner Martin Callanan alls if CA1 Identical 95-100 ITRE11 PV\1023353.doc 47/135 PE528.143v02-00

paragraph 6 paragraph 6 paragraph 6 paragraph 6 paragraph 6 paragraph 6a (new paragraph 7 paragraph 7 - first subparagraph paragraph 7 subparagraph 2 paragraph 7 subparagraph 2 97 98 99 100 rançoise Grossetête, Christine De Veyrac, Dominique Riquet Satu Hassi Eija-Riitta Korhola 11 ITRE Holger Krahmer 22 alls if CA1 14 Rapporteur alls if CA1 23 alls if CA1 102 101 Satu Hassi Martin Callanan Compatible with 14 alls if CA1 Compatible with 14 alls if CA1 alls if 14 or 102 PE528.143v02-00 48/135 PV\1023353.doc

paragraph 7 subparagraph 2 paragraph 7 - second subparagraph a Article 3c paragraph 2 b Article 3d paragraph 2 103 Gilles Pargneaux alls if CA1 alls if 14, 101 or 102 24 alls if CA1 15 16 alls if 14, 101, 102 or 103 Rapporteur alls if CA1 Rapporteur Recital 11 a 7 Rapporteur alls if CA1 Vote en block 167 alls if 89 p.5) Recital 2a Article 1 paragraph -1a Article 3d paragraph 4 c Article 3d paragraph 4 CA3 17 EPP; S&D; ALDE; Greens, Rapporteur Recital 2a 2 Rapporteur If the following s fall: 612, 2, 17 alls if CA3 Vote en block 172 41/14/0 Recital 4a 6 alls if CA3-1 Article 3d paragraph 4 12 Vote en block 612 alls if block 172 Annex IIc CA4 EPP; S&D; ALDE; Greens If the following s fall: 18-20, 104-111, ITRE1215 43/12/0 PV\1023353.doc 49/135 PE528.143v02-00

1 point 2 1 point 2 1 point 2 1 point 2 Martin Callanan 104 Eija-Riitta 105 Korhola 12 ITRE 106 Holger Krahmer alls if CA4 Identical 105-107ITRE12 Deemed if any amendment from 53-58 gets (p.1) Article 2 paragraph 1 subparagraph 1 107 Martin Callanan alls if CA4 ANNEX Annex Annex IIc Annex Annex IIc Annex Annex IIc Holger Krahmer 108 Martin Callanan 109 15 ITRE alls if CA4 Identical 108-109ITRE15 Deemed if any amendment from 53-58 gets (p.1) Annex Annex IIc paragraph 3 110 Satu Hassi alls if CA4 alls if 108-109ITRE15 Annex Annex II c paragraph 6 Annex Annex II c paragraph 6 20 111 Rapporteur Satu Hassi alls if CA4 Identical 20111 all if 108-109ITRE15 Adopted PE528.143v02-00 50/135 PV\1023353.doc

Annex Annex II c table row 37 18 Rapporteur alls if CA4 alls if 108-109ITRE15 Annex Annex II c table row 147 a 19 Rapporteur alls if CA4 alls if 108-109ITRE15 RECITALS Recital -1 22 Satu Hassi - Recital 1 1 ITRE - Recital 1 23 Holger Krahmer Compatible with ITRE1 - Recital 1 1 alls if ITRE1 - Compatible with 23 Recital 1 a 2 Recital 1 a 24 Georgios Koumoutsakos alls if 2 Recital 2 Eija-Riitta 25 Korhola Recital 2 2 ITRE Identical 25ITRE2 - Recital 2 27 Holger Krahmer alls if 25ITRE2 - Recital 2 26 rançoise Grossetête, Christine De Veyrac, Dominique Riquet alls if 25ITRE2 or 27 - PV\1023353.doc 51/135 PE528.143v02-00

Recital 1b CA6 EPP; S&D; ALDE; ECR, If the following s fall: 3, 28 52/4/0 Recital 2 3 alls if CA6 alls if 25ITRE2, 26 or 27 or Recital 2 28 Georgios Koumoutsakos alls if CA6 alls if 25ITRE2, 26, 27 or 3 Recital 2 1 Rapporteur alls if 25ITRE2, 26, 27, 28 or 3 Recital 2 a 29 Satu Hassi - Recital 3 30 Recital 3 31 Recital 3 32 Recital 3 3 ITRE rançoise Grossetête, Christine De Veyrac, Dominique Riquet Holger Krahmer Eija-Riitta Korhola Identical 30-32 ITRE3 Deemed if any amendment from 53-58 gets (p.1) - Recital 3 4 alls if 30-32 ITRE3 - Recital 3 34 Satu Hassi alls if 30-32 ITRE3 or 4 - Recital 3 3 Rapporteur alls if 30-32 ITRE3, 34 or 4 PE528.143v02-00 52/135 PV\1023353.doc

Recital 3 35 Spyros Danellis alls if 30-32 ITRE3, 34, or 4 - Compatible with 3 Recital 3 33 Jolanta Emilia Hibner alls if 30-32 ITRE3, 34, 3 or 4 Compatible with 35 Recitals 4 4a 12 CA5 EPP; S&D; ALDE; Greens If the following s fall: 5, 4, 8, 50, 51-42/13/0 Recital 4 4 Rapporteur alls if CA5 alls if 53-55 (p.1) Recital 4 5 alls if CA5 Compatible with 4 Recital 12 8 Rapporteur alls if CA5 Recital 12 50 Jolanta Emilia Hibner alls if CA5 Inadmissible No vote Recital 12 51 Satu Hassi alls if CA5 alls if 8 Recital 4b 7 PV\1023353.doc 53/135 PE528.143v02-00

Recital 6 36 Recital 6 37 Recital 6 38 Recital 6 8 rançoise Grossetête, Christine De Veyrac, Dominique Riquet Holger Krahmer Eija-Riitta Korhola Recital 6 4 ITRE Recital 7 39 rançoise Grossetête, Christine De Veyrac, Dominique Riquet Satu Hassi Recital 7 40 Recital 7 Holger Krahmer 41 Recital 7 Eija-Riitta 42 Korhola Recital 7 5 ITRE Identical 36-38, 8, ITRE4 Deemed if any amendment from 53-58 gets (p.1) Identical 39-42, ITRE5 Deemed if any amendment from 53-58 gets (p.1) - - Recital 9 44 Recital 9 45 Recital 9 46 Recital 9 9 Recital 9 6 ITRE rançoise Grossetête, Christine De Veyrac, Dominique Riquet Eija-Riitta Korhola Holger Krahmer Identical 44-46, 9, ITRE6 Deemed if any amendment from 53-58 gets (p.1) - PE528.143v02-00 54/135 PV\1023353.doc

Recital 9 5 Rapporteur alls if 44-46, 9, ITRE6 Recital 10 47 Eija-Riitta Korhola Recital 10 10 Recital 10 7 ITRE Identical 4710ITRE7 - Recital 10 6 Rapporteur alls if 4710ITRE7 Recital 11 49 Satu Hassi - IN AVOUR AGAINST ABST. INAL VOTE ON THE PROPOSAL AS ENDED INAL VOTE ON THE DRAT LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION AS A WHOLE VOTE ON NEGOTIATING MANDATE (RULE 70) 40 8 6 41 7 6 49 6 1 PV\1023353.doc 55/135 PE528.143v02-00

ANNEX IV Item 9 VOTING LIST on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species 2013/0307 (COD), PR PE524.576v01-00 PE526.237v01-00 PE526.298v01-00 PE526.283v01-00 AD PE 521.601v03-00 AD PE 524.661v02-00 Rapporteur: Pavel Poc inal 29/01/2014 Concerned text Tabled by Remarks Vote Art 2 para 1 106 Sommer Art 2 para 2 point b 107 Schlyter Identical 108 Liotard Art 2 para 2 point c Art 2 para 2 point e 14 Rapporteur Withdrawn (identical to 107) W 109 Perelló Rodríguez 34/19/0 110 Gerbrandy, Rapporteur 111 Ayuso, Gutiérrez- Cortines alls if 110 CONSOLIDATED 5 Permits Art 8 Art 19 para 1 point f Recital 17 Art 2 para 2 point e a Art 2 para 2 point g a S&D, EPP, ECR If, 34, 35, 77, 79, 104, 112, 193-217 and INTA 19 fall 112 Torvalds alls if CONS 5 INTA 9 Art 3 point 1 113 Hibner 115 Sommer PE528.143v02-00 56/135 PV\1023353.doc

Art 3 point 1 114 Bonanini, Pirillo Split vote (EPP) Part 1 Text without feral domestic species Compatible with 115 as addition of deliberately or unintentionally 23/31/0 Part 2 feral domestic species 15 Rapporteur alls if 113 Compatible with 114 Part 2 as addition of or developmental stages INTA 10 alls if 114 Part 2 or 15 Art 3 point 2 116 Hibner CONSOLIDATED 6 IAS of Member State concern Art 3 points 3 and 3 a Art 10 117, Rapporteur alls if 116 118 Demesmaeker 119 Sommer S&D, EPP, ALDE, ECR, GUE/NGL If, 16, 36-39, 120-124, 184, 226-233, 292, INTA 11, PECH 6 and PECH 16 fall Art 3 point 3 PECH 6 alls if CONS 6 120, Davies alls if CONS 6 or PECH 6 25/32/0 Art 3 point 3 a 123 Demesmaeker alls if CONS 6 121 Perelló Rodríguez alls if CONS 6 Compatible with 123 as addition of and which therefore... Member State concerned 122 Ayuso, Gutiérrez- alls if CONS 6, 123 or 121 Cortines 124 Bonanini, Pirillo alls if CONS 6, 123 or 122 Compatible with 121 as addition of or part of it 16 Rapporteur all if CONS 6, 123, 121, 122 or 124 INTA 11 Identical PV\1023353.doc 57/135 PE528.143v02-00